Why Persona 6 Must Revive the Legendary Social Link System from P3 and P4!
Persona 6's potential Social Link system revival could reintroduce the beloved dynamic from Persona 3 and 4, offering players the chance to establish meaningful connections through club activities
Persona 6 should continue the tradition of Social Links, which have been a key element of past Persona games and make the series stand out from others.
Introducing new characters and making effective use of the school setting, Persona 6 could greatly benefit from incorporating Social Links based on school clubs. By exploring previously unexplored club types, the game offers a fresh perspective and exciting opportunities for character development.
Persona 6 has the opportunity to reintroduce the successful Social Link dynamic that previous games have utilized. The franchise has explored various setups for these Social Links, with Persona 5 even introducing Confidants that offer bonuses with each Link. It is highly likely that Persona 6 will continue this tradition by offering a new set of Social Links for the protagonist to form with different members of the game's supporting cast. In creating these Social Links, the developers can draw inspiration from the ones that have worked well in the past.
Social Links are a crucial aspect of the Persona franchise. While turn-based combat, summonable personas, and intricate storylines are common in Shin Megami Tensei games, it is the Social Links that truly distinguish the Persona series. These game mechanics track the protagonist's relationships with various non-playable characters, including their party members. As the Links progress, they guide the player through a story with the respective character, often addressing a significant issue in their lives. Accomplishing a Social Link provides a satisfying conclusion for both the character and the player. To maximize this feature, Persona 6 should consider intertwining Social Links with clubs.
Social Links Based on Clubs Could Come Back in Persona 6
School clubs in Persona 4 and Persona 5, like Kou and Daisuke, are Social Links that players can join. Each club had a corresponding character for the player to form a Social Link with, and attending club meetings would advance the Link. Despite their similar beginnings, the variety of personalities encountered led to diverse stories. The scheduled meeting days also helped players remember when the Links were available.
Though Persona 5 introduced the upgraded Confidant system, school clubs are still a valuable feature for Persona Social Links. One major advantage is how they facilitate the protagonist meeting new friends. By joining a club, they can encounter characters they wouldn't typically come across otherwise. Additionally, using the school as a setting effectively adds to the overall experience. If the protagonist in Persona 6 is also a student, clubs could play a significant role in forming new Social Links.
Another advantage of reintroducing club Social Links in Persona 6 would be the opportunity to explore new territory within the series. Persona 6's Confidants could benefit from the inclusion of fresh concepts. For instance, while Persona 3 and Persona 4 both featured Social Links from athletics clubs, neither game included one from a science club. This could also extend to more niche ideas such as computer and gardening clubs, introducing new character archetypes that Persona has yet to explore. Persona has only scratched the surface when it comes to school-related Social Links, leaving plenty of room for Persona 6 to expand.
With several previous games to draw inspiration from, Persona 6 should be capable of delivering a satisfying range of Social Links. While there are improvements that can be made to Persona 6's Social Links, it is important to retain and build upon the aspects that have proven successful. Starting Social Links through school clubs and similar groups was a natural way to introduce new connections without seeming contrived or coincidental. Additionally, this setup offers a high level of flexibility. In Persona 5, the absence of club-related Social Links was a missed opportunity, but Persona 6 can pick up where its predecessor left off.
Persona 6 is in development.