Why Overwatch 2's Season 5 Widowmaker Update is Dividing Fans

Overwatch 2's Widowmaker Nerf: Balancing or Breaking the Game?
Blizzard has faced criticism for some of its decisions regarding Overwatch 2, particularly the removal of Hero Mode and its talent trees. However, the company has also made efforts to eliminate elements from the original game that players did not enjoy. For instance, Mei's weapon no longer has a freeze effect, Cassidy's flashbang no longer stuns, and Roadhog can no longer take out enemies with a single shot. In the upcoming Season 5, Widowmaker will also be losing her ability to one-shot 250-health characters, and will only be able to do so for 200-health heroes within 50 meters or less. This may make her less reliable as a sniper, and could potentially lead players to choose Ashe instead. While the change may be beneficial for high-level players, it may also make Widowmaker less relevant in the game.
Widowmaker’s Big Change Means She Could Need a Rework
While Widowmaker's close range SMG and proximity mine serve only as self-defense and are not effective in big team fights, her sniper is the reason to use her as she excels at taking up vantage points and keeping her distance. Although high-skill players may be able to use her at medium range, it is not a logical choice when there are better characters for mid-range fights, such as Ashe. Moreover, being up close puts Widowmaker in danger due to her low health of just 175. Therefore, the recent nerf may make her a hero to avoid. However, Widowmaker could end up like Roadhog, whose pick rate drastically declined after the removal of his one-shot hook kills, which were his defining mechanic. Unfortunately, Roadhog's major rework will not be implemented until Season 7, which means his mains will have to wait until around 2024 to succeed with their favorite hero. These changes may indicate that Widowmaker may also require a rework, but hopefully, it will not take as long as Roadhog's.
One potential solution to making Widowmaker viable without relying on one-shot kills could be implementing a poison damage effect for her critical shots. This would allow her to deal significant damage to heroes while also giving the enemy team time to react and heal their allies. For instance, a headshot could take out 80% of a 200 HP hero's health, with the remaining 20% dealt as poison damage. This change would incentivize Widow users to strike when the opposing team's Supports are out of the fight and allow for more dynamic gameplay. Another option would be to make Widowmaker's Ultimate more powerful, providing an increased damage boost when Infra-Sight is active. This change would address the long-standing community request for a Widowmaker Ultimate buff, making it a formidable tool to be feared rather than an afterthought.
Blizzard could also consider enhancing Widowmaker's mid-range gameplay loop by significantly boosting her SMG and health, which would encourage players to engage in team fights more frequently. However, regardless of the changes implemented, it is important that Widowmaker fans do not have to wait for multiple seasons. The damage falloff reduction from 30% to 50% and effective range reduction from 70-100 meters to 40-60 meters are detrimental to Widowmaker's gameplay. While a change was necessary, a rework should have been done in tandem to ensure that she remains a viable character to play. As it stands, it seems that Widowmaker will be outclassed by her fellow damage dealers in Season 5. Overwatch 2 is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.
Source: Blizzard