Why Jusant Could Be the Next Big Thing in Exploration Gaming for Team Ico Fans

Why Jusant Could Be the Next Big Thing in Exploration Gaming for Team Ico Fans

Jusant, an upcoming exploration game by Don't Nod, is set to captivate fans with its enigmatic world, intriguing characters, and captivating story With its stunning visuals and a focus on companionship, it's a must-see for fans of Team Ico's Shadow of the Colossus and The Last Guardian

Don't Nod, a well-known developer, made an appearance at the 2023 Xbox Games Showcase and debuted its latest game, Jusant. Upon viewing the trailer, many fans noted similarities to Team Ico's games, particularly in the protagonist and their otherworldly animal companion, as well as the game's style and environments. While Don't Nod is known for its player-driven storylines, Jusant seems to be attempting something different, potentially filling the void left by Team Ico's departure. Comparisons have also been made to The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom due to shared exploration and climbing gameplay. With only a glimpse provided in the trailer, Don't Nod may offer a viable alternative for fans of Team Ico's mysterious and fantastical worlds.

Jusant's World Reflects Shadow of the Colossus and The Last Guardian

Why Jusant Could Be the Next Big Thing in Exploration Gaming for Team Ico Fans

The design and scale of Jusant's environments seem to draw inspiration from Team Ico's later games, Shadow of the Colossus and The Last Guardian, as seen in the cinematography and panoramic landscapes of its reveal trailer. Jusant shares a focus on exploration and climbing with Shadow of the Colossus, and aims to match its sense of vast size with towering cliffs and building-like structures. Similarly, Jusant takes influence from The Last Guardian in creating an empty and enigmatic world, as shown through the protagonist and their companion being the only characters present in the trailer and the abandoned settlements adding to the game's feeling of isolation and loneliness. Don't Nod has successfully created an ethereal yet disquieting atmosphere in Jusant, much like Team Ico's games.

Jusant's Characters Embraces Companionship Like Ico and The Last Guardian

Why Jusant Could Be the Next Big Thing in Exploration Gaming for Team Ico Fans

Jusant's character dynamics draw a strong comparison to The Last Guardian, but Team Ico's cooperative gameplay in Ico may also have influenced the upcoming game. Jusant's narrative approach focuses on a single-player experience, utilizing the protagonist and their companion as a single unit to solve puzzles and traverse the world. The influence of Team Ico can be seen in the way The Last Guardian blended their previous games into a unified experience, and Jusant may follow in those footsteps, with the relationship between the climber and the odd creature being a crucial element of its story. The theme of mutual companionship, despite facing darkness, could be a central part of Jusant's story, just as it was in The Last Guardian.

Jusant is set to be released in Fall 2023 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.