Why Elden Ring's Next DLC Must Pay Tribute to This Spectacular Landmark

Why Elden Ring's Next DLC Must Pay Tribute to This Spectacular Landmark

Elden Ring's upcoming DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree, has the potential to build upon the game's already impressive elements However, to truly captivate players, it should draw inspiration from the enchanting and immersive experience of Leyndell, the Royal Capital, which remains the game's best dungeon

Fans eagerly await more details about Elden Ring's upcoming DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree. Expected to follow in the footsteps of past FromSoftware expansions like Artorias of the Abyss and The Old Hunters, the DLC promises to offer hours of new content for players to explore. With Elden Ring's vast open world and the extensive development time for this DLC, many fans anticipate a significant addition to an already massive game.

As FromSoftware has already established trust in their combat and level design, speculation now centers around the DLC's release date and its contents. Many believe it will arrive after Armored Core 6, and the lone teaser image hints at the introduction of the much-anticipated demigod Miquella. Regardless of what Shadow of the Erdtree ultimately includes, it would be wise for FromSoftware to build upon the elements that made Elden Ring such a success. While opinions differ on what that means for enemies and equipment, there is a clear consensus on the game's standout areas.

Leyndell, Royal Capital Is Elden Ring's Best Dungeon

Why Elden Ring's Next DLC Must Pay Tribute to This Spectacular Landmark

Leyndell, the Royal Capital, is the ultimate representation of Elden Ring's Legacy Dungeon format. Situated at the base of the Erdtree, this heavily fortified city marks the conclusion of the game's second act. Despite being a daunting challenge to enter, with Margit, the Fell Omen, and Draconic Tree Sentinels guarding the main entrances, there are multiple ways to gain access by completing major side quests. Upon entering Leyndell, players will be awestruck by its enormity, with its streets, rooftops, and sewers, all teeming with high enemy counts and diverse bosses. FromSoftware has surpassed themselves in implementing a full city into gameplay, with the player being motivated to explore shortcuts and side paths to make their way to the fight with Morgott at the Elden Throne.

Shadow of the Erdtree Should Carry On What Made Leyndell Special

Why Elden Ring's Next DLC Must Pay Tribute to This Spectacular Landmark

Leyndell stands out as one of FromSoftware's most intricate creations, partly due to its authentic city feel but mostly due to the design that accommodates Elden Ring's movement mechanics. With the ability to jump, the level design becomes more open and vertical, making Leyndell an area that players can explore for hours. This is the type of experience that Shadow of the Erdtree should aim to replicate. By embracing the level of detail found in real-world locations and enabling players to explore the centerpiece Legacy Dungeon freely, Shadow of the Erdtree could create another exceptional region that follows Leyndell's principles. Balconies that showcase the scale of the area can further enhance this experience, making Shadow of the Erdtree a must-visit location in Elden Ring.

Elden Ring is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.