Unleash This Clever Trick to Easily Beat Elden Ring's Night's Cavalry

Master the Night's Cavalry Boss in Elden Ring with a Clever Trick - A fan reveals an ingenious strategy that simplifies the fight Take on multiple bosses and mini-bosses in the game, but don't underestimate the regular enemies, as they can be deadly too
Gamers will encounter numerous bosses and mini-bosses during their journey in Elden Ring, and even the standard enemies in the game can be fatal. One particular challenge comes in the form of Night's Cavalry bosses, who only emerge at nighttime in the game. While they may not be as formidable as the major bosses, players can still struggle to defeat them, particularly if they encounter them early on. Luckily, a clever trick has been discovered by a fan which may aid some gamers in their battles against these Night's Cavalry bosses.
A clip from Elden Ring shared by Reddit user IronArtorias showcases an encounter with a Night's Cavalry in the region of Caelid. The video depicts the player on horseback maneuvering on a narrow strip of land on the side of a bridge. The enemy is quickly drawn to the player after a single attack. The boss attempts to strike the player multiple times, but to no avail. Eventually, it tries to move closer to IronArtorias, but overshoots the jump and plummets to the area below. IronArtorias waits patiently for confirmation of the boss's defeat.
Unfortunately, the player encounters an issue as the Night's Cavalry reappears on the bridge as if nothing had happened. IronArtorias uses a similar tactic to draw the boss's attention, and it once again jumps off the bridge to its demise. The video demonstrates that the Night's Cavalry boss can be fooled twice if players are unsuccessful in defeating it during their initial attempt. For their efforts, IronArtorias is rewarded with the Bloodhound's Step skill in Elden Ring.
In the comments section, several users are discussing the behavior of the Night's Cavalry boss in Elden Ring. They noted that the boss jumped off the bridge without hesitation the second time around, instead of attacking the player. Some gamers also shared their experiences of tricking the Night's Cavalry twice with the same tactic. However, some players believe that this strategy may have already been patched in a recent update.
For those struggling against the Night's Cavalry boss, it may be worth trying out this trick to defeat it. Additionally, players can also use the same tactic to push other enemies off cliffs and eliminate them. It's worth noting that one user even managed to parry a Crucible Knight off a cliff in Elden Ring, proving that no enemy or player is immune to this strategy.
Elden Ring is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.