Why Democrats Should Focus on Reproductive Rights as the Key Argument for Biden

Why Democrats Should Focus on Reproductive Rights as the Key Argument for Biden

In the re-election campaign for President Joe Biden, Democrats can streamline their focus to one crucial argument: advocating for reproductive rights. Ana Marie Cox highlights the significance of this singular issue among the myriad possible reasons for supporting Biden.

To secure victory in November, President Joe Biden and fellow Democrats need to prioritize abortion rights as their key policy focus. Historically, Democrats have been hesitant to fully defend abortion rights or use their congressional power to protect these rights, leaving room for Republicans to challenge Roe v Wade. This lack of action has turned the struggles of countless individuals seeking abortions into support for reproductive choice at the ballot box. This shift is crucial for Biden’s reelection efforts, especially in a key state like Florida.

Ana Marie Cox

Ana Marie Cox

Ana Marie Cox

This week, the Supreme Court of Florida made two important decisions regarding abortion. They decided to keep the state's six-week abortion ban in place and also approved a state-wide vote in November to make abortion a protected right in the state's constitution. These rulings show how the 2024 election is influenced by both actual policies and political drama.

Republican politicians who were once staunchly against abortion are now facing the consequences of supporting “fetal personhood,” a position held by the GOP for years. The recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling on personhood extended to in vitro fertilization, prompting the state legislature to pass laws protecting the IVF process. However, an Alabama IVF clinic decided to stop offering the procedure despite these efforts.

Former President Donald Trump, known for his strategic use of polls, is delaying addressing the issue of abortion after Florida implemented a six-week ban. Trump's campaign adviser, Brian Hughes, stated that Trump is in favor of “preserving life” but has not taken a stance on the specific policies. Hughes emphasized Trump's support for states' rights, allowing voters to decide for themselves. Additionally, the statement included a common Republican accusation towards Democrats, claiming they support abortion until birth and want taxpayers to fund it.

It would be more accurate to say that Democrats believe women should have the final say on abortion, while Trump and many Republicans want to remove that decision-making power from women and require them to cover the costs.

WASHINGTON DC, UNITED STATES - 2024/03/26: Demonstrators protest and argue outside the U.S. Supreme Court. On Tuesday, the same justices who reversed constitutional protection for abortion two years ago will hear arguments on whether to limit the use of mifepristone, a medication that's used in nearly two-thirds of all abortions nationally. (Photo by Michael Nigro/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images)

WASHINGTON DC, UNITED STATES - 2024/03/26: Demonstrators protest and argue outside the U.S. Supreme Court. On Tuesday, the same justices who reversed constitutional protection for abortion two years ago will hear arguments on whether to limit the use of mifepristone, a medication that's used in nearly two-thirds of all abortions nationally. (Photo by Michael Nigro/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images)

Demonstrators are gathered outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington DC, United States. They are protesting and engaging in arguments related to a significant issue.

The justices of the Supreme Court, who had previously overturned constitutional protection for abortion two years ago, are set to listen to arguments on the potential restrictions on the use of mifepristone. This medication is utilized in almost two-thirds of all abortions across the nation.

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On the ground, the Republican stance on fetal personhood and restrictive abortion access is causing radical outcomes in people's lives. Millions of individuals are now living under anti-abortion laws due to the Dobbs ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. This includes women facing pregnancies from sexual assault, those unable to terminate a pregnancy jeopardizing their health, as well as their loved ones and communities. Additionally, there has been an increase in birth rates in states with abortion bans post-Dobbs, impacting women who have children they would rather not have. There is also a growing concern for those looking to utilize IVF procedures to start families.

Nationally, Democrats are focusing on various arguments such as the "Biden economy" and the threat of "MAGA extremists." However, the most compelling argument they can make is advancing abortion rights. Highlighting the stark contrast with Republicans, who aim to further restrict these rights, will mobilize young voters losing enthusiasm and suburban women who reluctantly supported Trump in the last election.

The Biden team understands the political advantage of GOP abortion restrictions causing harm to many people. Kamala Harris, in a groundbreaking move, visited an abortion clinic in March and openly discussed the physical realities of abortion, such as uteruses, fibroids, and women experiencing miscarriages in difficult situations. These are important topics that have often been overlooked in Democratic discussions, despite being a significant part of women's experiences.

People gather to rally on broad access to the abortion pill outside the U.S. Supreme Court as justices hear oral arguments in a bid by President Joe Biden's administration to preserve broad access to abortion pill in Washington DC, United States on March 26, 2024. Also, anti-abortion protesters and pro-abortion rights protesters argue during a rally.

People gather to rally on broad access to the abortion pill outside the U.S. Supreme Court as justices hear oral arguments in a bid by President Joe Biden's administration to preserve broad access to abortion pill in Washington DC, United States on March 26, 2024. Also, anti-abortion protesters and pro-abortion rights protesters argue during a rally.

People came together outside the U.S. Supreme Court to support easy access to the abortion pill. This happened while the justices were listening to arguments from President Joe Biden's administration on ensuring that access remains broad. The event took place in Washington DC on March 26, 2024. At the same time, there were also protesters against abortion and those advocating for abortion rights engaging in arguments during the rally.

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This bluntness is now more common because it has become necessary. Many people have witnessed the harsh reality of being denied an abortion. For example, Kate Cox had to travel out of state to terminate a life-threatening pregnancy in Texas. The word "abortion" no longer needs to be tiptoed around. Politicians no longer have to dance around the issue, like Biden did in February, trying to show support for choice while distancing themselves from "abortion on demand."

Through voting, Democrats have made it clear that they want a more assertive approach on this issue. However, in some cases, like in Florida, these electoral wins have led to restrictions on abortion rights. Marilyn Lands, who openly shared her personal abortion story and advocated for better access to abortion in Alabama, credits this approach for her election victory in a Republican-leaning district.

Abortion access has been a winning issue in special elections and off-year contests in red states, leading to high voter turnout. This should serve as a clear message to Democrats about the importance of their stance on abortion. In Florida, Democrats have the opportunity to be bold, especially with abortion being a key issue alongside Biden. Governor Ron DeSantis has been successful in energizing his supporters, a strategy that Democrats should learn from (the choice of running Charlie Crist against him was not effective). The implementation of the DeSantis-endorsed six-week ban will have negative consequences, and Democrats should not hesitate to address this issue. It is not insensitive for Democrats to use this as a campaign issue; in fact, it is morally necessary for them to do so. Sign up for our weekly newsletter for more updates.

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Since Roe v. Wade was overturned, voters have consistently supported reproductive rights, and the Biden campaign has finally started openly addressing this important issue. With the Florida Supreme Court making decisions that prioritize access to reproductive healthcare in a crucial swing state, it is essential for Democrats to fully support expansive abortion access without hesitation. Failing to do so may jeopardize their traditional support from female voters and young people, potentially impacting their chances of winning the presidency.

Editor's P/S:

The article highlights the growing importance of abortion rights as a key issue for Democrats in the upcoming election. With the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, the Republican stance on fetal personhood has led to restrictive abortion access laws, impacting millions of individuals across the nation. Democrats have the opportunity to capitalize on this issue by advancing abortion rights and mobilizing voters who are deeply concerned about the harmful effects of these laws.

The article emphasizes the need for Democrats to be bold and assertive in their approach to abortion rights. By highlighting the stark contrast between their stance and the Republican agenda, they can energize their base and attract voters who are seeking a party that fully supports reproductive freedom. The Florida Supreme Court's recent decisions regarding abortion provide a crucial opportunity for Democrats to demonstrate their commitment to this issue and mobilize voters in a key swing state.