Why Civilization 7 Must Prioritize Revolutionary Changes in Leader Balance

Yongle, a leader in Civilization 6, has a unique and powerful strategy that could set the tone for future leader abilities in the game's next iteration
Yongle, a prominent leader in Civilization 6, has set a high standard for future leaders in Civilization 7 with his unique design strategy. Despite not being included in the base game, his distinctive qualities make him an appealing option. As a debut leader in the series, Yongle's success warrants his return in a future installment to further exemplify his playstyle and inspire other leaders. Among the five potential leaders for China in the game, Yongle stands out with his unparalleled ability, making him a strong candidate for the most powerful Chinese leader.
Yongle is a Strong Leader With a Distinctive Strategy
Yongle's leadership ability in Civilization 6 is centered around the population of the player's cities. His unique ability, Lijia, gives him access to three exclusive Lijia projects that can be implemented in any city under his control. These projects are capable of converting 50% of the city's production into Food or Faith, or 100% of it into gold, depending on the chosen project. Moreover, once a city reaches a population of 10, it is awarded 1 Science and Culture, as well as 2 Gold per population point every turn. This ability transforms any high-population city into a game-changing resource in the later stages, making Yongle a highly adaptable leader.
Lijia is an impressive ability that elevates Yongle to one of the most dominant leaders in Civilization 6, and it is also a testament to his exceptional design. Although the bonuses for larger cities are the most potent aspects of this ability, the Lijia projects allow Yongle to adjust his strategy to different circumstances. If he needs to generate Food, Faith, or Gold quickly, he can utilize one of his Lijia projects, albeit at the expense of production. Many leaders do not possess unique mechanics like this, and Yongle's ability could pave the way for other leaders with similarly intriguing mechanics.
Yongle's powerful ability serves as a blueprint for how future leaders in Civilization 7 can be balanced, with the potential for more unique choice-driven mechanics and special resources. While simple bonuses to specific yields or traits can be underwhelming, leaders who can shift resources and provide power spikes can add excitement and variety to the game. By introducing more leaders with quirkier abilities, players will have more to strategize around and look out for, ultimately adding an extra layer of tactics to the already strategic game. The philosophy behind Yongle's design could lead to more interestingly-designed civs in Civilization 7 and beyond, making for a more diverse and engaging gameplay experience.
Civilization 6 is available now for Mobile, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.