Unlocking the Power: Civilization 7 and the Evolution of Secret Societies

Unlocking the Power: Civilization 7 and the Evolution of Secret Societies

Civilization 7: Unlocking the Hidden Power of Secret Societies - Sid Meier's Civilization 6 laid the groundwork, but Civ 7 is set to revolutionize the concept, taking each secret society to new heights of intrigue, strategy, and endless possibilities

Sid Meier's Civilization 7 is currently in development, generating excitement among fans eagerly anticipating the studio's next installment. The official details are yet to be revealed, but a tweet in February confirmed its existence and sparked a flurry of community suggestions. While improvements to combat and diplomacy are expected, it is crucial for Firaxis to also consider expanding upon one of Sid Meier's Civilization 6's most unique features.

In line with previous Civilization games, Sid Meier's Civilization 6 received substantial post-launch content that greatly enhanced the gameplay. One of the DLC packs introduced a captivating optional mode that brought secret societies into the world, each offering unique experiences and significantly altering the core gameplay. As the series continuously reinvents itself with each new release, it is hoped that Sid Meier's Civilization 7 will further build upon this concept, allowing its full potential to be realized.

Each Civ 6 Secret Society Has a Ton of Potential

Unlocking the Power: Civilization 7 and the Evolution of Secret Societies

In Sid Meier's Civilization 6, players will likely encounter the Voidsingers as the first society, which becomes available once players find their first Tribal Village. Joining the Voidsingers grants players the ability to replace their Monuments with Old God Obelisks and provides them with the Cultist unit. While these bonuses are advantageous for religious victories in Civ 6, the current description primarily serves as flavor text. To enhance this society further, it could incorporate a Void-themed aesthetic, introduce a cult management system, allow Cultists to recruit barbarians and incite governmental upheaval for increased chaos, and offer additional Faith bonuses based on the extent of chaos inflicted.

The Hermetic Order offers players the opportunity to tap into the Ley Line resource, granting them increased Great Person points, Production, and Gold output. While it is a versatile order, there is room for expansion. The inclusion of more supernatural resources from the Ley Lines, enhanced Science bonuses from the society, the addition of an Alchemist specialty support unit, and a supernatural aesthetic for the nation would further enhance the experience for players.

The Sanguine Pact, the final society that players encounter after clearing out a barbarian encampment, offers unique advantages for militaristic civilizations. They grant access to the indestructible Vampire unit and defensive bonuses from Vampire Castles. However, the society could be further enhanced by introducing various types of Vampire units, allowing players to infiltrate enemy cities, empowering them during nighttime, providing additional bonuses to military units, and creating a gothic aesthetic for the cities.

Sid Meier's Civilization 7 is currently in development.