Wheel of Misfortune: Contestant Celebrates Price Is Right Win, Wife Steps in on the Wheel!

Wheel of Misfortune: Contestant Celebrates Price Is Right Win, Wife Steps in on the Wheel!

A 'The Price Is Right' contestant dislocates his shoulder in a celebratory mishap after winning on stage with host Drew Carey Find out how his wife stepped in to spin the wheel for him

Wheel of Misfortune: Contestant Celebrates Price Is Right Win, Wife Steps in on the Wheel!

Drew Carey Sonja Flemming/CBS

In a video shared on the show's Instagram account on June 17th, a contestant named Henry couldn't contain his excitement after winning a game of Bonkers on a recent episode of The Price Is Right. However, his jubilation soon turned into agony when host Drew Carey disclosed that Henry had injured himself during his exuberant celebratory dance.

Henry injured himself while celebrating and dislocated his shoulder. As a result, he was unable to spin the wheel himself, but his wife Alice stepped in to spin for him. Alice spun a 95, earning Henry a spot in the Showcase Showdown, where he ultimately won a Hawaiian vacation. The show's Instagram captioned the clip of Henry's win, mentioning his trip to the ER but also noting that he has since recovered.

Several fans of the long-running game show applauded Henry's perseverance in the comments of the post. One Instagram user wrote, "What a trooper! He endured the entire game despite obvious pain." Another user commented, "It was astonishing to watch. He must have been in pain, but he never gave up! I'm so glad he won a trip!"

Wheel of Misfortune: Contestant Celebrates Price Is Right Win, Wife Steps in on the Wheel!


In a previous season of the CBS series, another contestant named Judy experienced a similar mishap. While spinning the Big Wheel, she unfortunately fell and injured her ankle. Despite the injury, Judy still displayed determination and proceeded to participate in the Showcase Showdown, albeit on crutches. The show's host, Carey, provided updates on Judy's condition during the episode, mentioning that medical professionals were called in to assess the injury and provide necessary treatment such as taping and icing. At the end of the game, it was mentioned that Judy would be taken to the hospital for further medical attention.

In 2018, a contestant named Fernando made a lasting impression on the Price is Right stage with a somersault entrance. However, luck was not on his side as he ended up falling face-first on the ground after being outperformed by another competitor in the Big Wheel segment, losing his chance to play the Showcase Showdown.

Throughout his career, Carey has experienced multiple injuries while on set. One incident occurred during a 2018 episode when a contestant named Sona accidentally knocked Carey down while enthusiastically hugging him in celebration. Fortunately, the host found the mishap amusing and managed to contain his laughter while introducing the game Sona would participate in.

After Carey's accident in 2007, where he cut his hand while his arm was stuck in the rotating apparatus of the game Grocery Game, he took over as host of The Price Is Right. This incident happened before his first episode even aired in October of that year. Carey replaced the original host, Bob Barker, who retired from the show in June 2007.

In July 2010, Barker, who was 99 at the time, shared his thoughts on Carey's hosting style after three years of him being the host. According to Barker, Carey approached the show differently than he did. Barker aimed to make the show thrilling and exciting, while Carey focused more on playing the games.

Barker went on to join Carey on the show several times over the years, most recently as a guest host on a 2015 April Fool’s Day episode of the series.