What's Next After Star Trek in 2023?

What's Next After Star Trek in 2023?

2023: A groundbreaking year for Star Trek with three incredible series delivering unforgettable moments Excitingly, Star Trek: Prodigy Season 1 premieres on Netflix, followed by a highly anticipated Season 2 in 2024 Brace yourself for the future as three new Star Trek series are confirmed for 2024!

Article Overview

2023 was a mixed year for Star Trek, with great episodes but also uncertainty due to strikes and production disruptions.

The year concludes with the season 4 finale of Star Trek: Lower Decks, signaling the end of new episodes. However, there are still thrilling prospects in store for Star Trek in 2024, as three series have been officially confirmed, with the possibility of additional ones.

Star Trek fans bid farewell to new episodes in 2023 with the conclusion of the season 4 finale of Star Trek: Lower Decks. The year was a mixed bag for the beloved franchise, showcasing both highs and uncertainties. Paramount+ successfully streamed a staggering 30 new episodes, adding to the extensive collection of over 900 episodes. These episodes brought forth a wave of innovation and moments of pure delight for Trekkers worldwide. However, the year was not without its challenges.

The industry-wide strikes led by the Writer's Guild of America and SAG-AFTRA disrupted the television and film production landscape, directly impacting Star Trek. Even before these strikes took place in May and July respectively, Paramount+ had already altered their original plans for Star Trek. In March, it was announced that the upcoming season 5 of Star Trek: Discovery would be its final, featuring Sonequa Martin-Green in the leading role as Captain Michael Burnham. Following this news, the month of April saw the release of exciting announcements regarding new films specifically designed for streaming. These included Star Trek: Section 31, starring the esteemed Academy Award-winner Michelle Yeoh, and Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, a series catered to young adult audiences. However, in an unexpected turn of events, Paramount+ announced the cancellation of Star Trek: Prodigy in June, leaving fans wondering about the future of the franchise.

Despite the uncertainties, there is hope on the horizon as Star Trek journeys into the upcoming year.

The WGA strike is now resolved, but with the actors still on strike after this writing, Star Trek is still going into 2024 without key details of next year's plans in place.

Lower Decks Is The End Of New Star Trek In 2023

3 Star Trek series delivered incredible moments.

The final episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4 marks the end of new Star Trek content for 2023. In a truly impressive run, the franchise delivered its strongest and most daring episodes since the beloved Star Trek's heyday in the 1990s. While Star Trek: Picard season 3 paid homage to the past and paved the way for the future, bringing the story of Star Trek: The Next Generation to a powerful and emotionally charged conclusion, its finale even had the privilege of being shown in IMAX theaters. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds took bold risks that paid off, with standout episodes like its hilarious crossover with Lower Decks and the groundbreaking inclusion of Star Trek's first-ever musical. Lower Decks, on the other hand, further explored and solidified its connections with TNG, with the theatrical release of its season 4 premiere adding to its growing success.

In addition to that, StarTrek.com released 5 episodes of Star Trek: Very Short Treks featuring Connor Trinneer reprising his role as Commander Trip Tucker from Star Trek: Enterprise. Despite the greatness of those 30 new Star Trek episodes, it was significantly fewer compared to the impressive lineup of 2022. For the entirety of 2022, all 5 Star Trek series on Paramount+ regularly offered a new episode every Thursday. Unfortunately, due to various factors such as the cancellation of Star Trek: Discovery season 5 and Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 by the streamer, the original plan to promote Discovery's final season through a series of media events was disrupted by the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes. As a result, fans received a reduced amount of Star Trek content in 2023 compared to what was initially planned.

Star Trek: Prodigy Season 1 Will Premiere On Netflix In 2023

Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 will arrive in 2024.

Star Trek will continue beyond 2023 with the premiere of Star Trek: Prodigy season 1 on Netflix. Although these episodes have already been streamed on Paramount+ in 2021 and 2022, they will be a new experience for the vast Netflix audience. All 20 episodes of Prodigy season 1 are expected to be available on Netflix before the release of Prodigy season 2 in 2024.

The dedicated fan base of Star Trek: Prodigy played a crucial role in saving the beloved all-ages series from being canceled. Through an online petition and a bold plan to fly a #SaveStarTrekProdigy banner over Los Angeles, including Netflix headquarters, fans made their voices heard. Additionally, the executive producers of Prodigy unveiled the first 4 minutes of season 2 at the STLV: 57 Year Mission fan convention in Las Vegas. This exclusive footage revealed exciting surprises such as the appearance of The Doctor (Robert Picardo) from Star Trek: Voyager and the introduction of the new Lamarr Class USS Voyager-A. Set to be a standout in 2024, Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 has the potential to become the most successful series yet if it achieves global success on Netflix.

What Does Star Trek Look Like In 2024?

3 Star Trek series are confirmed for 2024.

In 2024, three new Star Trek series are confirmed for release: Star Trek: Discovery season 5, Star Trek: Lower Decks season 5, and Star Trek: Prodigy season 2. Paramount+ is waiting to announce the release date for Star Trek: Discovery season 5 until the SAG-AFTRA strike is resolved. Scripts for Star Trek: Lower Decks season 5 are complete, and production is underway for its usual late summer/early fall release timeframe. The release date and release format for Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 on Netflix are currently unknown.

Due to the actors' strike, the release of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 is delayed. If filming begins in 2024, the episodes are likely to be available on Paramount+ in 2025. Star Trek: Section 31 was scheduled to start filming in fall 2023, but production is on hold until the strike is resolved. It may still be possible for the series to meet a potential release date in fall 2024. As for Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, scripts are being written, but filming will not occur until after the strike ends, possibly after the streaming of Star Trek: Discovery season 5 concludes.

Paramount+ has no plans to produce the Star Trek: Legacy series despite high fan demand. Patrick Stewart's proposed Picard movie, mentioned in his autobiography, is also unlikely to move forward. While the Star Trek movie franchise remains inactive, the end of the writer's strike has made the next J.J. Abrams-produced film a priority for Paramount Pictures. Although there are hopeful prospects for Star Trek in 2024, the ever-changing entertainment industry makes it difficult to predict the future of the franchise in 2025. All Star Trek TV series and movies can be streamed on Paramount+ except for Star Trek: Prodigy, which will be available on Netflix.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I have mixed feelings about the future of Star Trek. On the one hand, I'm excited about the upcoming new series, especially Star Trek: Section 31 and Star Trek: Starfleet Academy. I think these shows have the potential to bring new audiences to the franchise and explore new stories and characters. On the other hand, I'm worried about the impact of the recent strikes on the production of Star Trek. The strikes have already caused delays in the production of Star Trek: Discovery season 5 and Star Trek: Prodigy season 2, and I'm concerned that they could lead to further delays or even cancellations. I hope that the strikes can be resolved soon so that Star Trek can continue to thrive.

I'm also concerned about the lack of diversity in the Star Trek franchise. The franchise has made great strides in recent years in terms of representation, but there is still more work to be done. I would like to see more Star Trek shows and movies that feature characters from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. I think this would make the franchise more inclusive and appealing to a wider audience.