US Engaging in High-Level Communication with Israel on Gaza Civilian Protection Amidst War Expansion Silence

US Engaging in High-Level Communication with Israel on Gaza Civilian Protection Amidst War Expansion Silence

US urges Israel to prioritize protecting Gaza civilians while maintaining open lines of communication, although refraining from endorsing their approach to the conflict

The US is emphasizing the significance of safeguarding civilian lives in Gaza to the Israeli government at the highest levels, according to the top US national security adviser. However, he refrained from expressing an opinion on whether Israel's approach to the conflict is appropriate. During an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union," Jake Sullivan revealed that President Joe Biden would discuss this matter with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu later on Sunday, stressing the need for Israel to differentiate between terrorists and civilians while carrying out its mission.

The Gaza assault has resulted in the deaths of numerous Palestinian civilians and has further exacerbated the humanitarian crisis in the area. The arrival of aid has been delayed, and civilians, including hundreds of Americans, have been trapped without the ability to leave. Although some aid has reached Gaza, humanitarian workers assert that it is woefully insufficient for the 2.2 million people living under the blockade enforced by Israel and Egypt.

Additionally, officials report that over 200 hostages are still being held by Hamas in the strip, and their release may be complicated by the intensification of the operation.

Sullivan stated that Israel bears exclusive responsibility for its military operations. He clarified, "They are the ones making decisions and conducting the operations," and refrained from openly criticizing any aspect of the new military endeavor.

"I won't respond to every strike or move they make," he added.

However, Sullivan did mention that there were more intense discussions taking place privately between high-ranking officials from the US and Israel, including Biden and Netanyahu, regarding the extent and purpose of Israel's entrance into Gaza.

"We have engaged in numerous conversations - involving the prime minister, the president, as well as military leaders and their counterparts - regarding the Israeli military goals and the measures they have taken and plan to take in order to achieve these goals," he stated.

We have posed challenging questions to them, the same challenging questions that we would ask ourselves if we were planning to carry out a mission to eliminate a terrorist threat. We have inquired about their objectives and the alignment between their resources and goals, regarding both the tactical and strategic aspects of this operation.

According to Sullivan, Hamas is causing significant hardships for Israel by using civilians as shields and locating their rocket infrastructure in areas populated by civilians.

Israel is burdened by this situation, but it does not absolve Israel of its obligation to uphold international humanitarian law, which entails distinguishing between terrorists and civilians and safeguarding innocent lives, according to him.

Sullivan stated that the US maintains constant communication with regional partners in an attempt to secure the release of hostages. CNN has previously covered the escalating efforts facilitated by Qatar's government to secure the release of numerous hostages being held by Hamas.

Sullivan said that the Hamas terrorists have not been transparent about releasing the hostages. However, there is still hope for finding a way to secure their release, and we will make relentless efforts to achieve that. Despite Israel's recent actions, our stance remains unchanged - ensuring the freedom of these hostages is of utmost importance and we will continue our dedicated work.

Sullivan held Hamas responsible for preventing Americans trapped in Gaza from leaving via the Rafah crossing into Egypt. He mentioned that the Egyptians were ready to permit entry for Americans and other foreigners.

"Hamas had impeded their departure and imposed a series of undisclosed requirements. I cannot disclose those demands publicly. However, these demands are currently being deliberated upon during the ongoing negotiations," he stated.

Sullivan further reiterated the plea, initially made by Biden during a press conference on Wednesday, for Israeli settlers in the West Bank to halt their acts of aggression towards Palestinians.

"We expect the Israeli government to take action and hold Prime Minister Netanyahu accountable for curbing the activities of the radical settlers in the West Bank. As President Biden recently emphasized, these settlers are exacerbating tensions and worsening the situation. It is imperative that the Israeli government demonstrates its commitment to address this issue effectively."