Update on 'Young and the Restless' Actor Eric Braeden's Health Status After Overcoming Cancer

Update on 'Young and the Restless' Actor Eric Braeden's Health Status After Overcoming Cancer

Eric Braeden, known for his role in 'Young and the Restless,' updates fans on his health journey, sharing that his cancer diagnosis is currently 'on hold' following his announcement of being cancer-free last year.

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Young and the Restless Star Eric Braeden Gives Health Update After Announcing He Was Cancer Free 578

Eric Braeden. Faye's Vision/Cover Images

Eric Braeden, star of The Young and the Restless, recently shared that he is doing well health-wise. Last year, he revealed that he was cancer-free and he is grateful for his good health.

In a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight on April 10, Braeden, who is 83 years old, mentioned that his cancer diagnosis is currently on hold. He expressed his gratitude towards his doctors and the advancements in modern cancer treatment.

The actor also mentioned that he hopes people will keep up with their yearly health check-ups. He emphasized the importance of not being afraid and encouraged everyone to schedule their cystoscopy, colonoscopy, and heart check-up on time.

In April 2023, Braeden shared his cancer diagnosis publicly. He had been dealing with prostate issues following knee replacement surgery. After consulting with a urologist and undergoing a UroLift procedure, which helps with urethra pressure, he received the news that he had both low-grade and high-grade cancer cells.

Despite undergoing immunotherapy treatments, Braeden continued to work on the soap opera. In a video posted on Facebook in April, he mentioned how his cancer diagnosis made him realize the importance of slowing down and paying attention to his body.

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Young and the Restless Star Eric Braeden Gives Health Update After Announcing He Was Cancer Free 579


"I haven't been feeling my best lately, but I'm determined to beat this," he said in the video. "I'm not letting this illness win - I'll come out stronger in the end."

After almost four months, Braeden happily declared that he was cancer-free.

I wanted to talk to you tonight to express my gratitude for all the good thoughts and prayers you've sent my way. Your support has meant a lot to me, and I truly believe it has made a difference. Just two days ago, I had my last cystoscopy, where they insert a camera into your bladder, and I received the wonderful news that I am cancer-free. The doctors couldn't find anything wrong, which is such a relief.

Even though I am now cancer-free, my treatment is not quite over yet. I still need to undergo an MRI to check if the cancer has spread, and I will also need to have three prophylactic infusions with a treatment that is supposed to kill any remaining cancer cells.

“And then I should be free for a while,” Braeden added. “Every so often, every few months, I’ll have another cystoscopy. All to find the damn thing early and to fight it. To hell with it.”

Editor's P/S:

Eric Braeden's recent disclosure of his current health status serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of regular health screenings and the power of modern medicine. His diagnosis and subsequent treatment journey highlight the crucial role that early detection and advancements in cancer care play in the fight against this disease. Braeden's resilience and determination to continue working despite his diagnosis are a testament to his unwavering spirit and the transformative impact that a positive mindset can have on the healing process.

Furthermore, Braeden's emphasis on the significance of yearly check-ups and the need to address health concerns promptly underscores the value of proactive healthcare. By adhering to regular screenings, individuals can increase their chances of early detection, which is essential for effective treatment and improved outcomes. Braeden's experience serves as a call to action, encouraging everyone to prioritize their health and seek medical attention when necessary, regardless of their age or perceived well-being.