Unveiling the Untold Secrets: The Hidden Realities of Stranger Things Season 1

Unveiling the Untold Secrets: The Hidden Realities of Stranger Things Season 1

Discover the eye-opening realities of revisiting Stranger Things Season 1 Uncover the untold stories, hidden flaws, and missed opportunities that may alter your perception of this beloved series Prepare to be intrigued, surprised, and perhaps even disappointed as you delve deeper into the Upside Down


Eleven's character has undergone significant development since season 1, transitioning from a timid and isolated individual to a spunky and cherished persona.

Steve's initial portrayal in season 1 depicted him as a jerk, assuming the role of a typical high school bully. However, as the series progressed, he transformed into an endearing character and a true friend to the rest of the group.

The show initially introduced intriguing storylines, such as the Demogorgon eggs and the deepening mysteries of the Upside Down. However, these plot points remained unexplored in subsequent seasons.

When viewers initially ventured into Hawkins, they found themselves immersed in a world teeming with enigmas that gradually unraveled in subsequent seasons. Particularly in season one's early episodes, the whereabouts of Will and the origin of Eleven's telekinetic abilities remained a puzzling mystery. However, revisiting the show's inception allows for a few startling revelations that may have eluded viewers during their initial watch. Presently, it is impossible to ignore the profound transformations several Stranger Things characters have undergone or the unresolved intricacies that have never resurfaced.

10 Eleven Hasn't Come Into Herself Yet

Unveiling the Untold Secrets: The Hidden Realities of Stranger Things Season 1

Throughout the series, the Duffer Brothers have dedicated numerous moments on screen to explore Eleven's identity, powers, and backstory. However, in the first season, Eleven's character is only just beginning to develop the spunk and captivating personality that audiences have grown to adore. When Mike and the boys stumble upon her, she reveals very little and must spend a majority of her time in hiding. This highlights the remarkable journey she has embarked upon, considering how isolated and timid she appeared in those initial episodes. Furthermore, Eleven has garnered such a devoted following that fans are eagerly hopeful for a satisfactory resolution to her storyline in Stranger Things.

9 Steve Was A Real Dick

Unveiling the Untold Secrets: The Hidden Realities of Stranger Things Season 1

8 Everyone Forgot About The Guy Who Saved Eleven

At its core, Stranger Things has always been a nostalgic tribute to the 80s, paying homage to various forms of media and well-known tropes from that era. From the very beginning of the show, one character, Steve, embodied the classic archetype of the high school bully - the attractive heartbreaker whom the female protagonist, Nancy, finds herself drawn to. However, as the seasons progressed, Steve's character underwent a significant transformation, becoming much more endearing and forming a genuine friendship with Dustin. In the first season, however, Steve's behavior was less than desirable. Upon discovering Jonathan in Nancy's room, he chose to confront her in a derogatory manner, resorting to name-calling rather than seeking the truth. Fortunately, the Duffer brothers made the conscious decision to exclude a problematic scene involving Steve from Stranger Things, allowing his character to evolve and grow in a more positive direction.

Unveiling the Untold Secrets: The Hidden Realities of Stranger Things Season 1

Prior to the encounter with Mike, Lucas, and Dustin, Eleven stumbled into a local diner. At this establishment, a kind-hearted man named Benny took notice of Eleven's solitude and graciously provided her with a meal comprising a burger, fries, and ice cream. In an attempt to offer further assistance, Benny reached out to Social Services. Unfortunately, an unforeseen tragedy unfolded as Dr. Brenner and his agents deceitfully posed as representatives from Social Services and shockingly took Benny's life. The grim discovery of Benny's lifeless body deeply affected Hopper and the investigating police officers, as his untimely demise held personal significance to Hopper himself. Despite this profound impact on their lives, neither Eleven nor Hopper ever broach the topic of Benny again. In memory of Benny, may he rest in peace.

7 Hopper Was In A Bad Place

Unveiling the Untold Secrets: The Hidden Realities of Stranger Things Season 1

Hopper's life took a turn for the worse at the beginning of season 4 when he found himself trapped in a Russian prison. However, it wasn't the first time he had been in a dire situation. In Stranger Things season 1, Hopper was emotionally distressed from the start. The first scene that introduces him to the audience shows him unconscious on the couch, completely alone. When he wakes up, he washes down his pills with a morning beer, revealing his troubled state. Hopper's attitude towards Joyce is dismissive and bitter, highlighting his emotional turmoil. Surprisingly, even towards the end of the season, he betrays Eleven's whereabouts to Brenner in exchange for the opportunity to save Will. This act is ironic considering the later role he takes on as a parental figure for Eleven.

6 That Egg Tease Went Nowhere

Unveiling the Untold Secrets: The Hidden Realities of Stranger Things Season 1

In Stranger Things season 1, an intriguing scene showcased the Demogorgon feeding on a peculiar yellow egg. This event coincided with Eleven establishing a telekinetic connection with the monstrous creature. On their mission to rescue Will in the Upside Down, Joyce and Hopper encountered a cracked open egg on the ground, indicating that it had hatched. This discovery sparked intense speculation among fans between the first and second seasons regarding the nature of the nightmarish creatures that may have emerged from these eggs, and whether the audience would ever catch a glimpse of them. However, the show chose to not revisit the subject of the eggs or offer any further resemblance to them.

5 Yes, You're Old

Unveiling the Untold Secrets: The Hidden Realities of Stranger Things Season 1

It may not feel like it, but Stranger Things is now seven years old. The show was originally released in 2016 and quickly became a pop culture phenomenon in the subsequent years. Audiences have had the unique opportunity of witnessing the child stars grow up right before their very eyes, particularly due to the pandemic-induced delay in releasing new seasons. Despite any attempts to disguise their maturation with awkward haircuts in season 4, the undeniable truth remains that they have all reached adulthood. This realization is likely why season 5 is planning to incorporate some form of time jump. With that in mind, fans have developed their own theories regarding how this time jump in Stranger Things season 5 can serve a greater purpose beyond simply addressing the characters' growth.

4 Will Isn't Really A Character

Unveiling the Untold Secrets: The Hidden Realities of Stranger Things Season 1

While Will plays a crucial role in Stranger Things season 1, his limited screen time is a direct result of being trapped in the Upside Down for most of the season. However, in season 2, viewers get the opportunity to bond with him and witness his personal conflicts, which adds depth to his character. As the show approaches its conclusion, it is hoped that the Duffer Brothers will give Will's character more significance, such as him potentially saving Max in Stranger Things season 5.

3 Barb's Death Is Still A Low Point

Unveiling the Untold Secrets: The Hidden Realities of Stranger Things Season 1

2 The Absence Of More Female Characters Like Max, Erica, and Robin Is Noticeable

Returning to season 1, Barb's demise was a tragic twist of fate. On the fateful night itself, she advises Nancy to head back home before they enter Steve's house. The audience can't help but speculate whether Barb would have survived and thrived in season 4 and beyond had she followed her intuition, or if Nancy had shown a tad more empathy towards her friend's emotions. As she quickly garnered a loyal following, Barb's untimely demise in Stranger Things season 1 sparked controversy at the time and continues to leave a bitter aftertaste even after years.

Unveiling the Untold Secrets: The Hidden Realities of Stranger Things Season 1

The absence of main female characters, apart from Nancy, Joyce, and Eleven, becomes more noticeable, especially after Barb's departure. Nancy finds herself torn between Jonathan and Steve, while Eleven devotes all her time to Mike and his friends. Joyce, on the other hand, remains mostly isolated as she obsessively searches for her son. The introduction of characters like Max, Erica, and Robin in later seasons brings a refreshing change. The friendship that develops between Max and Eleven, as well as the mission between Nancy and Robin, only strengthens this positive shift. Expanding Erica's role in season 4 proves to be a clever decision, given her growing popularity and the opportunity to showcase her vibrant personality.

1 The Kids Have No Idea How Deep This Goes

Unveiling the Untold Secrets: The Hidden Realities of Stranger Things Season 1

It's difficult to watch Stranger Things season 1 and reminisce about the innocence of the young characters. The disappearance of Will and the introduction of Eleven marked a turning point in their lives, as it opened up a world of much bigger and scarier problems. Currently, the kids have no knowledge of the Mind Flayer, Vecna, or the extent of the Upside Down - these threats are so immense that the tone and scale of Stranger Things season 5 may be entirely different. Upon revisiting Stranger Things season 1, it almost makes the audience long for Mike, Will, Lucas, and Dustin to gather for one more lighthearted game of Dungeons & Dragons. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that they will have the opportunity to do so anytime soon.