Unveiling the Unsettling Real-Life Inspirations Behind The Last of Us 2's Terrifying Rat King

The Last of Us 2's chilling boss, the Rat King, not only left players haunted but was also inspired by real-life events Discover the spine-chilling phenomenon behind the Rat King and its terrifying connections to the game's gripping narrative
The Last of Us franchise is inspired by real-world phenomena such as the Cordyceps virus that infects insects, and the Rat King phenomenon where rats' tails become entangled.
The grotesque enemy known as the Rat King in The Last of Us 2 represents the ultimate stage of Cordyceps infection. Its boss battle leaves a lasting and disturbing impact on players.
Drawing inspiration from the real-world Rat King phenomenon, Naughty Dog crafted this monstrosity. In this phenomenon, rats' tails become entangled, and the studio aimed to showcase the horrifying outcome of infected beings being fused together.
The Last of Us franchise, though fictional, draws inspiration from real-world sources that may astonish some fans. The fungus that spreads throughout the game is derived from a genuine virus called Cordyceps, which infects insects and turns them into mindless carriers of the disease. While the likelihood of this virus affecting humans is extremely low, the mere existence of it is enough to send shivers down one's spine.
In the sequel, The Last of Us 2, this real-world inspiration continues with the introduction of a horrifying new enemy. Among the various grotesque creatures encountered by Joel, Ellie, and their companions, the Rat King reigns supreme as perhaps the most nightmarish of them all. Adding to the horror is the fact that, once again, this terrifying entity is based on real-world facts and science.
Rat King in The Last of Us 2
During the latter half of The Last of Us 2, players encountered a boss battle known as the Rat King. This terrifying creature is encountered by Abby while she searches for supplies in the lower levels of a destroyed hospital. It is a massive amalgamation of fused undead beings, the ultimate manifestation of the Cordyceps infection.
The battle against the Rat King is an intense and lengthy encounter, requiring players to use up a significant portion of their ammunition to defeat the monster. This memorable moment remains ingrained in the minds of players long after completing the game. Interestingly, Naughty Dog drew inspiration from a real-life phenomenon involving rats in the wild, making the concept even more chilling.
Rat King Phenomenon Explained
The term "Rat King" denotes a real-life occurrence where a group of rats become entangled and unable to separate due to their intertwined tails. This entanglement can occur when objects like gum or string get intertwined with their tails, or when the rats deliberately tangle them together. The first recorded instance of this phenomenon dates back to 1564, and there have been several other instances throughout history.
The scientific community remains divided on the exact cause of Rat Kings. Some scientists argue that it is a natural phenomenon that occurs when rats huddle together for warmth and accidentally become entangled. On the other hand, there are those who believe that Rat Kings are a hoax, purposefully created by people. Regardless of the true cause, the prevailing theory is that Rat Kings occur when multiple rats' tails become intertwined and they are unable to free themselves.
Considering the explanation, it's clear why Naughty Dog chose to use the actual name "Rat King" for the boss battle in their game. By portraying the scenario in which multiple infected beings fuse together over a long period of time, the studio effectively captures the unsettling real-life implications and horrifying outcome. The Last of Us 2 successfully transforms a real-world concept into a nightmarish depiction of a potential event. Available on PS4, players can experience this terrifying hellscape firsthand.