Unveiling the Ultimate Starfield Experience: Master Player Conquers Every Celestial Body in the Game

Unveiling the Ultimate Starfield Experience: Master Player Conquers Every Celestial Body in the Game

A dedicated Starfield player meticulously explores and surveys each and every planet available in Bethesda's latest game, revealing intriguing details and sharing their remarkable findings on social media


One Starfield player accomplished the remarkable feat of surveying every planet available in the game, showcasing their discoveries and receiving praise from fellow players.

Despite Bethesda's assertion that Starfield is designed for long-term play, players have been rigorously exploring the game to determine the validity of this claim.

One committed player has invested a staggering 180 out of their total 200 hours of gameplay in meticulously cataloging and surveying a whopping 1,695 planets. However, they did encounter some glitches along the way that hindered their ability to completely finish three planets.

A Starfield player exhibited an impressive achievement by exploring all of Bethesda's latest game's planets and shared their findings with fellow players on social media. Many other Starfield players praised the player's efforts and inquired about the methods used to document each planet, as well as any encountered bugs.

Despite Bethesda's claim that Starfield is designed for long-term play, players have still pushed the game's boundaries. With its intricate storyline and abundant variety of planets, flora, fauna, and creatures to explore, the dedication of players has given weight to Bethesda's assertion, as they determine the time it takes to reach their objectives. Nevertheless, one Starfield player went above and beyond by meticulously cataloging and exploring every conceivable planet.

DoomZero, a Starfield player on Reddit, achieved the impressive feat of surveying all currently available planets and documenting every piece of flora and fauna, with only a few exceptions. The OP shared their remarkable accomplishment on the r/Starfield subreddit by sharing a screenshot from the PC version of the game. Through their extensive exploration, DoomZero visited 12 systems, scanned 1,695 planets, and successfully surveyed nearly all of them. Their meticulous efforts involved fully scanning approximately 800 flora and fauna on each planet they visited, successfully landing on 1,441 of them. This exhaustive task consumed over 180 hours of their total 200 hours of playtime. To enhance their abilities, DoomZero strategically utilized Starfield's Boost Pack Training, Fitness, and invested points into skills like Astrophysics, Botany, Scanning, Surveying, and Zoology.

However, due to some bugs within the game, DoomZero encountered difficulties in fully scanning three planets: Masada 3, Beta Marae 1, and Charybdis 2. These planets contained certain flora and fauna that would not generate as intended. To work around this issue, the OP resorted to quicksaving and quickloading their file specifically for Charybdis 2. Other Starfield players not only praised DoomZero for their exceptional work but were also curious about their motivations for undertaking such a remarkable mission.

Starfield offers a range of planets for exploration, with varying degrees of appeal. The abundance of discoveries available showcases Bethesda's efforts and the perseverance of Starfield's players. Whether the developers will address the issues on the mentioned planets remains uncertain. Starfield can now be enjoyed on PC and Xbox Series X/S platforms.