In a comical mishap within Marvel's Spider-Man, Peter Parker appears to utilize the web wings from its upcoming sequel. Marvel's Spider-Man 2, set to be released on PlayStation 5 in just a few months, serves as a complete continuation of the 2018 original game.
Both Peter and Miles assume playable roles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2, each possessing their own distinctive abilities and powers. Revealed in the recent gameplay demonstration at the PlayStation Showcase event, the addition of a wingsuit in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 grants players additional traversal options for exploration and thrilling sequences. Interestingly enough, a humorous bug in the original Marvel's Spider-Man creates the illusion that the wingsuit was present all along.
A Reddit user named Complex-Grade7020 has posted a video showcasing a bug in Marvel's Spider-Man. The video begins with Spider-Man running across a building, but as Complex-Grade7020 approaches the edge, Peter is launched at an incredibly fast speed across the open world. As a result, the player experiences glitches in the game and ends up in a different location before falling through the ground. It seems that Complex-Grade7020 was switching gadgets in the game near the edge, which may have contributed to the glitch.
In the post, Complex-Grade7020 refers to this as the "Marvel's Spider-Man 2 wingsuit experience," prompting other users to share their thoughts in the comments section. Some gamers mention that Spider-Man ended up in Queens in the clip, which is an area expected to appear in the sequel. One fan jokingly attributes the incident to the power of the PS5's SSD. Additionally, a player points out the perfect alignment of the music with the glitch, while another fan humorously suggests that Complex-Grade7020 landed in Spider-Man 2 on the Nintendo GameCube.
While the comments section is mainly filled with jokes, one gamer raises a valid question regarding the inclusion of web wings in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Their concern lies in the potential impact on the game's core swinging mechanics, which they perceive as a vital part of the overall experience. On the other hand, some users argue that the web wings may only be necessary in chase sequences, allowing players the freedom to choose their preferred method of exploration.
Nevertheless, it is anticipated that Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will introduce multiple new gameplay systems and mechanics, including the introduction of the wingsuit. It will be intriguing to observe how Insomniac Games encourages players to utilize all the available gadgets in the sequel.
Marvel’s Spider-Man is available now on PC, PS4, and PS5.