Unveiling the Secrets of the Rotten Crystal Sword in Elden Ring

Unveiling the Secrets of the Rotten Crystal Sword in Elden Ring

Discover the hidden location and power of the Rotten Crystal Sword, a weapon with a unique Scarlet Rot build-up in Elden Ring.

The Power of Scarlet Rot

In the mysterious world of Elden Ring, the power of status effects is undeniable. Among them, Scarlet Rot stands out as a formidable force, capable of turning the tide of battle with its relentless and potent effects. Unlike other status effects, Scarlet Rot requires minimal effort to inflict, making it a force to be reckoned with.

Elden Ring - Rotten Crystal Sword chest location (1)

Elden Ring - Rotten Crystal Sword chest location (1)

The challenge lies in finding a weapon that can effectively harness the power of Scarlet Rot. Many Scarlet Rot weapons are burdened with slow attack speeds, hindering their ability to build up the status effect. However, there exists a legendary weapon that defies this limitation and shines amidst the darkness of Elden Ring—the Rotten Crystal Sword.

Elden Ring - Rotten Crystal Sword chest location (2)

Elden Ring - Rotten Crystal Sword chest location (2)

Unearthing the Rotten Crystal Sword

The Rotten Crystal Sword, a short sword with an innate Scarlet Rot build-up of 50, holds the key to unleashing the full potential of Scarlet Rot. Its quick moveset and the formidable Ash of War: Spinning Slash skill allow players to swiftly inflict Scarlet Rot upon their foes, turning the tide of battle in their favor.

Elden Ring - Rotten Crystal Sword chest location (3)

Elden Ring - Rotten Crystal Sword chest location (3)

To obtain the Rotten Crystal Sword, brave adventurers must embark on a perilous journey to the Elphael Inner Wall site of grace, nestled within the treacherous domain of Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree. Here, amidst the guardians and the echoes of ancient power, lies a solo chest guarded by three Crystallian enemies. It is within this chest that the Rotten Crystal Sword awaits its destined wielder, ready to bestow its Scarlet Rot upon the worthy.

Elden Ring - Rotten Crystal Sword chest location (4)

Elden Ring - Rotten Crystal Sword chest location (4)

The Path to Glory

For those who seek the Rotten Crystal Sword, the journey is fraught with peril and challenges. The path to its location is shrouded in mystery and guarded by powerful foes. Only the most valiant and determined adventurers will claim this legendary weapon as their own, harnessing its Scarlet Rot to carve their legacy in the annals of Elden Ring.