Unveiling the Secrets: Mastering the Lantern in Layers of Fear (2023)

Unveiling the Secrets: Mastering the Lantern in Layers of Fear (2023)

In Layers of Fear (2023), players can obtain the lantern during the climactic finale of the Painter's Story This invaluable tool illuminates the darkness, aiding the protagonist in their haunting journey through the surreal and nightmarish world

As players delve deeper into the narrative of Layers of Fear (2023), they will find themselves immersed in a world characterized by its minimalist design. However, this design choice limits the level of interaction available to players, as they primarily engage in activities such as reading, exploring, and occasionally fleeing from danger. In the initial chapter, players will have the opportunity to obtain a lantern, which serves as both a source of illumination in the dimly lit hallways of the house and a means of warding off the haunting echoes that relentlessly pursue the Painter.

Getting the Lantern in Layers of Fear

Towards the conclusion of the initial chapter in Layers of Fear (2023), while embodying the role of the Painter, players will gradually uncover narrative letters and environmental objects that provide hints about the wife's injury and subsequent recovery. These include a journal entry from the wife, where she mentions her inability to hold a pen for the past six months. Subsequently, players will enter a dimly lit hallway, where they will encounter an intersection leading to three new doors. This particular hallway can be identified by the presence of a wheelchair at the intersection, and as players proceed down the hall, a painting will eerily detach from the wall. Opting to go left, players will find themselves traversing through the wheelchair-adorned hallway, eventually stumbling upon a dark room on the verge of being consumed by flames. Visible through the door on the opposite side of the room, the flickering flames intensify the sense of imminent danger. To the left of the room, players can retrieve a family memento from the table and proceed to interact with the flaming door. Although initially locked, as soon as players touch the handle, a burst of flames will unexpectedly erupt from behind, unveiling a hidden staircase leading to the attic.

Unveiling the Secrets: Mastering the Lantern in Layers of Fear (2023)

Unveiling the Secrets: Mastering the Lantern in Layers of Fear (2023)

In the attic, players must thoroughly search the room to locate two candles. These candles need to be placed on the holders adjacent to the painting on the wall, away from any potential fire hazards. Once the candles are properly positioned, players will be able to proceed further in the game. Additionally, there is a whisper item available on the crates positioned to the right of the top of the stairs. However, if players are aiming for the Family ending, it is recommended to leave this item behind.

Players can locate the first candle on the attic floor, positioned directly beside the painting against the back wall. As for the second candle, they will need to show bravery by navigating through the flames and searching the boxes in the far corner of the attic. These boxes can be found towards the front and to the left when ascending the stairs. Once both candles are obtained, they should be placed on the holders to set the painting ablaze and uncover a pathway ahead. Moving into the subsequent hallway, players will notice a table on their right where the lantern awaits.

Unveiling the Secrets: Mastering the Lantern in Layers of Fear (2023)

Once players acquire the lantern, it becomes a valuable tool to illuminate the dimly lit areas of the game. However, it is important to note that the lantern has a limited usage time before it requires a cooldown period. Additionally, the lantern possesses the unique ability to interact with ethereal echoes within the game environment. These echoes are objects that appear to constantly shift in and out of reality, and the lantern allows players to engage with them in meaningful ways.

Players will have the chance to immediately put the acquired lantern to use by practicing a mechanic that involves focusing the lantern light to banish an echo of a toy doll perched on a chest. It's worth noting that some echoes encountered throughout the story may unveil hidden collectibles or pathways, so players should remain vigilant and observant.

In addition to banishing the scattered echoes found in the environment, players can also utilize the lantern to dispel the haunting echoes that pursue the Painter at specific moments in the narrative. By directing the light towards these echoes, their movement will be slowed, and with sustained exposure to the intense light, the echo will eventually burst and vanish temporarily. This presents players with the opportunity to explore the surrounding area or make an attempt to escape.

Players will need to act swiftly to make the most of the brief respite, as the chasing echo will resume its pursuit after just a short pause. It is crucial for players to monitor the lantern meter displayed at the bottom of the HUD while banishing the chasing echoes. Overheating the lantern could provide the echo with an opportunity to catch up, resulting in failure. Layers of Fear (2023) can now be played on PC, Playstation 4 and 5, as well as Xbox One and Series S|X.