Unveiling The Secrets: Master the Clock Tower Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy

Unveiling The Secrets: Master the Clock Tower Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy

Unravel the mysteries of Hogwarts Legacy as you conquer the Clock Tower puzzle, a vital feat in completing secret challenges at Hogwarts School Discover how to unlock and solve the enigmatic Clock Tower with our comprehensive guide

Within the magical realm of Hogwarts Legacy, there lie countless enigmas and undisclosed truths waiting to be unraveled. Among these mysteries are the concealed secrets nestled within the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Notable examples include the perplexing Clock Tower puzzle, the mystifying Bell Tower Puzzle, and the enigmatic Viaduct Courtyard Bridge puzzle.

Situated within the Crossed Wand Dueling Club, the Clock Tower awaits discovery after successfully accomplishing Gladwin Moon's quest. Solving this intricate puzzle bestows upon players generous rewards, such as a sought-after Wand Handle, captivating Decoration Items, and even a legendary piece of gear exclusive to Hogwarts Legacy.

How To Solve The Clock Tower Puzzle In Hogwarts Legacy

Players who successfully solve the enigma of the Clock Tower in Hogwarts Legacy will be generously rewarded, including the acquisition of a prestigious Legendary item. Once players reach the vicinity of the Crossed Wand Dueling Club, situated near the Clock Tower, they will encounter a perplexing puzzle that must be deciphered in order to claim their well-deserved prizes. To assist players in unraveling the secrets of the Clock Tower Puzzle, we have updated the following guide with a comprehensive video tutorial.

Instruction: MUST INCLUDE:

How To Solve The Clock Tower Puzzle In Hogwarts Legacy

at same position as the given fragment. Do not remove

How To Solve The Clock Tower Puzzle In Hogwarts Legacy

. The placeholder must be kept and included in the output.

Unveiling The Secrets: Master the Clock Tower Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy

To successfully complete the Clock Tower puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy, players will need to unfreeze the Clock's Pendulum at the right symbol on each of the four locked doors. The Pendulum oscillates between four symbols that correspond to the doors in the Clock Tower. These symbols are as follows:

Unveiling The Secrets: Master the Clock Tower Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy

Unicorn Symbol: First-floor door.

Owl Symbol: Second-floor door.

Two Dragons Symbol: Third-floor door.

Scarab Symbol: Fourth-floor door

Each door offers the following rewards:

Unicorn door: Decoration Chest.

Owl door: Chest with eyes in Hogwarts Legacy.

Two Dragons door: Decoration Chest and Wand Handle Chest.

Scarab door: Legendary Gear Chest.

Mastering the Glacius or Arresto Momentum Spell is crucial for immobilizing the Clock's Pendulum. In addition, the Alohomora Spell is pivotal for accessing the locked door of the Clock Tower in the Crossed Wand Dueling Club. To obtain these Spells, players must successfully complete the following quests at Hogwarts Legacy:

- Completing Madam Kogawa's assignment 1 unlocks the Glacius Spell.

Madam Kogawa's assignment 2 (Arresto Momentum Spell).

The Caretaker's Lunar Lament (Alohomora Spell).

How To Unlock The Clock Tower

Upon completing Madam Kogawa's assignments, the protagonist is generously rewarded with the first two Spells. The third Spell, on the other hand, is taught by the esteemed Gladwin Moon. To enhance the power of the Alohomora Spell, players must gather Demiguise statues and deliver them back to Gladwin Moon, allowing for two upgrades.

Unveiling The Secrets: Master the Clock Tower Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy

In order to gain access to the Clock Tower in Hogwarts Legacy, players will need to successfully complete The Caretaker's Lunar Lament quest. This particular quest is initiated by engaging in a conversation with Gladwin Moon, who has discovered numerous Demiguise statues scattered throughout Hogwarts. The caretaker, overwhelmed with fear, believes that mischievous students are playing a prank on him.

Unveiling The Secrets: Master the Clock Tower Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy

Subsequently, Gladwin Moon imparts his knowledge of the Alohomora Spell to players, enabling them to gain entry to the Hospital Wing. By locating the Demiguise statues and returning them to the caretaker, players successfully conclude the initial phase of the quest and are granted access to the Clock Tower. As an alternative option, players can employ the Alohomora Spell in Hogwarts Legacy to unlock the Crossed Wand Dueling Club's sealed doors, thus attaining entry to the Tower.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PS5, Xbox Series S|X, and PC. PS4, Xbox One, and Switch versions are currently in development.