Unveiling the Rise of Strelitzia: Behind the Scenes of Kingdom Hearts 4's Quadratum Adventure

Unveiling the Rise of Strelitzia: Behind the Scenes of Kingdom Hearts 4's Quadratum Adventure

Discover the unexpected rise of Strelitzia in Kingdom Hearts 4 as she transforms from a minor character in Union Cross to a significant role, leaving fans questioning how this intriguing journey unfolded

It has been a year since the announcement of Kingdom Hearts 4, and Square Enix fans have had plenty to keep them occupied during that time. Final Fantasy 16 has just been released, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion came out at the end of 2022, and there are high hopes for the upcoming release of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth in 2024. With these action-RPGs available, Kingdom Hearts fans have something to enjoy while they wait for Kingdom Hearts 4. Although the early announcement of the game is unfortunate, the hope is that the wait won't be as long as it was for KH3.

In the meantime, speculation about Kingdom Hearts 4 based on the reveal trailer continues. After sacrificing himself to save Kairi in Kingdom Hearts 3, Sora, the series protagonist, finds himself in the unfamiliar modern city of Quadratum. This change in setting opens up exciting new possibilities, one of which has surprised fans. Strelitzia, a minor character previously believed to be dead, appears to be alive and playing a significant role in the latest Kingdom Hearts saga. How she ended up there will be revealed in due course, but it is intriguing to learn about her mysterious life story.

Strelitzia's Beginning and Ending Came in Union Cross

Unveiling the Rise of Strelitzia: Behind the Scenes of Kingdom Hearts 4's Quadratum Adventure

In retrospect, the introduction of Strelitzia in Kingdom Hearts Union Cross is rather peculiar. It is revealed in the mobile game that Marluxia, a member of Organization XIII, was actually an ancient Keyblade wielder named Lauriam. He, along with his original self Elrena, are recurring characters in the game, with Lauriam even holding the position of one of the five Union leaders in the virtual Daybreak Town. Players encounter his timid sister, Strelitzia, early on in Union Cross, who is also meant to be a Union leader. Sadly, there isn't much opportunity for interaction with Strelitzia as she falls into a trap set by a Darkness-possessed Ventus.

Although it appears that Strelitzia dies as a result of this event, her presence continues to be felt in the story. Lauriam becomes determined to find his sister and seek vengeance for her death throughout the remainder of Union Cross, often dreaming about her and envisioning her spirit. In one of these dreams, Strelitzia is seen wearing a white hood similar to the reaper Marluxia summons in Chain of Memories. Apart from a few suspicions surrounding a scene where Luxu sends someone dressed in white to the future using an escape pod, fans did not anticipate seeing much more of Strelitzia after that.

Kingdom Hearts 4 Will Give Strelitzia New Relevance

Unveiling the Rise of Strelitzia: Behind the Scenes of Kingdom Hearts 4's Quadratum Adventure

With the release of Kingdom Hearts 4, everything changed. The girl with orange hair featured in the trailer is highly likely to be Strelitzia, given her similar design and appearance alongside Sora, who shares some similarities with her. Both characters died under unusual circumstances, with Strelitzia being killed by an unknown force within a virtual setting. This event may have caused her to lose her memories, making her a potential candidate for the mysterious girl introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3, who was last seen with Luxu. On the other hand, Sora purposely misused the Power of Waking to bring Kairi back to life, resulting in his own gradual disappearance from reality.

Despite not looking any older than before, it is assumed that Strelitzia arrived in Quadratum some time ago and has established a life there for Sora to join. This development does not come as a complete surprise, as Kingdom Hearts 3 hinted that the ancient Keyblade wielders within Organization XIII would regain relevance, which would also involve the return of Lauriam and Elrena. While there is still much for fans to learn about the mechanics of traveling to and from Quadratum, at least some will find comfort in exploring this new world alongside a familiar face.

Kingdom Hearts 4 is currently in development.