The Game-Changing Lessons Sora and Riku Must Learn from Final Fantasy 16’s Clive and Joshua in Kingdom Hearts 4
Sora and Riku can find valuable lessons in the journey of Final Fantasy 16's Clive and Joshua As Square Enix protagonists embark on their own paths, the cautionary tale of time's impact awaits, offering a unique opportunity for growth in Kingdom Hearts 4
Introducing new characters from Final Fantasy 16 into Kingdom Hearts 4 would undoubtedly be a logical move, offering valuable lessons for Sora and Riku to absorb.In Kingdom Hearts 4, both Sora and Riku will assume significant duties, just like Clive and Joshua, who find themselves detached from their beloved ones.
The 18-year gap between Clive and Joshua in Final Fantasy 16 could serve as a cautionary tale for Sora and Riku in Kingdom Hearts 4, emphasizing the importance of their bonds and the need to face challenges together.
Building on the success of Final Fantasy 16, integrating new characters from the franchise into Kingdom Hearts 4 would be a natural progression for both Square Enix series as they embark on new eras. Introducing Clive into Kingdom Hearts 4 not only makes logical sense, but the themes of Final Fantasy 16 and the significant time gap between its protagonists also hold valuable lessons for Sora and Riku.
Square Enix Protagonists Setting Out on Their Own
Following Sora's disappearance in the previous numbered title of Kingdom Hearts 4 and Riku's journey to locate him in Melody of Memory, the relationship between these two protagonists is being tested in unprecedented ways. Much like the bond between Clive and his brother Joshua, who experienced a similar period of separation, both pairs of heroes consistently shoulder an immense amount of responsibility, regardless of how it distances them from what truly matters.
The four main characters of these two series display a common trait: their unwavering determination to not only rescue the world but also protect their loved ones. In Final Fantasy 16, this is exemplified through Joshua's decision to live a secretive life, allowing Clive to believe he had been deceased for a staggering 13 years. Additionally, Joshua willingly takes on the burden of harboring one of the Omegas, despite the detrimental effects it has on his own well-being. Similarly, in the Kingdom Hearts series, this pattern continues with Riku embarking on a solitary journey in the second installment, assisting from the shadows. Sora, in the third game, selflessly sacrifices himself during the events of Re:Mind to ensure Kairi's safety.
There is Still Time for Sora and Riku
There is a recurring pattern in the stories of Sora and Riku, which spans approximately a year and some additional time, whereas for Clive and Joshua, it extends throughout the entirety of their lives. At any given moment throughout each series, the main characters had the opportunity to relinquish their inclination to keep their distance for the purpose of protection, and instead, devote quality time to one another. Ultimately, their utmost desire is to be in the company of those who hold the greatest significance in their lives. However, in both Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy 16, it is the protagonists' insistence on handling everything independently that initially sets them apart from their friends and family.
In Final Fantasy 16, Joshua and Clive come together after a gap of eighteen years, becoming stronger in the process. Although this means that Clive and Joshua have to spend more than a third of the game reuniting and rebuilding their bond that was broken at Phoenix Gate, more than half of their lives have been spent apart. However, the same cannot be said for Sora and Riku, who have only aged a few years throughout the various games they have appeared in over the course of two decades of storytelling.
Introducing Clive and Joshua as characters from Final Fantasy in Kingdom Hearts 4 could prompt Sora and Riku to reconsider their decision to embark on their own journeys. The significant age difference between Clive and Joshua, spanning 18 years, serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of keeping loved ones close and reveals that separation does not guarantee protection. However, this does not imply that Sora and Riku must abandon their own quests and remain with Kairi on Destiny Island. Instead, the trio should confront each new obstacle unitedly. Considering that the concept of the "power of friendship" holds great significance in both stories, it wouldn't be implausible for the encounter with Clive and Joshua to reinforce this lesson. Currently, Kingdom Hearts 4 is in the process of being developed.