Unveiling the Revolutionary Approach of Hades 2: Redefining Greek Mythology's Iconic Heroes

Unveiling the Revolutionary Approach of Hades 2: Redefining Greek Mythology's Iconic Heroes

Hades 2: A Fresh Take on Greek Heroes Delve into the lives of living Greek heroes like never before, as the highly anticipated sequel offers a unique perspective on their legendary journeys

The announcement of Hades 2 has sparked curiosity regarding the inclusion of Greek mythological figures in the highly anticipated sequel. While the original game boasted an impressive roster of gods, with well-developed personalities, the focus primarily revolved around the Olympian pantheon, leaving out some notable individuals. Additionally, only a handful of renowned heroes, such as Achilles and Theseus, made an appearance in the game.

One could argue for the inclusion of absent heroes like Heracles in Hades 2. However, there is an even more intriguing possibility to explore. Supergiant Games has already demonstrated their extensive knowledge of Greek mythos by featuring lesser-known gods as the protagonists in both games, which subsequently thrust them into popularity. It would be fascinating to further showcase this knowledge by incorporating heroes who would still be alive during the events of the game.

Hades 2 Should Show Some Living Greek Heroes

Unveiling the Revolutionary Approach of Hades 2: Redefining Greek Mythology's Iconic Heroes

One notable difference between Hades and its sequel is the contrasting paths taken by the protagonists. In the original game, Zagreus aims to escape the underworld and reside on the surface, whereas in Hades 2, Melinoe ventures deeper into the realms of the underworld to rescue her father. As a result, players may have the opportunity to leisurely explore the surface in the initial stages of the game.

Even if this exploration is limited to the hub where Melinoe returns after each death, it would provide valuable insights into the state of the living world during the events of the game. The exact timeframe of the first game is never explicitly stated, but the presence of Achilles, Patroclus, and the continuous influx of new arrivals in the underworld suggests that it is set during or possibly after the Trojan War.

Taking into account the connections to characters in the Iliad, it would be justifiable for Hades 2 to not only draw comparisons to the Odyssey but also potentially involve other characters who would have been alive during or shortly after its events. Depending on the timeframe since the first game, it is possible that Odysseus could still be on his 20-year voyage, allowing for a hypothetical encounter between him and Melinoe. Given that Hecate serves as a mentor to Melinoe, it wouldn't be unlikely for Odysseus and Circe, who spent some of that time with Hecate's mother, to appear together in the game's central hub.

Another possibility for inclusion in Hades 2 is Jason, the leader of the Argonauts. However, this depends on the length of time he lived after his legendary voyage. While it could be intriguing to have one of the most renowned Greek heroes appear in the game as a living character, his adventures occurred prior to the Trojan War, as evidenced by the presence of a younger Peleus, who fathered Achilles after the events of Jason's myth. Additionally, Jason's story concludes tragically, as he spends his final years in isolation after falling out of favor with Hera.

Taking on a more serious tone, Hades 2 could consider showcasing an aging Jason towards the end of his life. This would align with the game's dark undertones. However, it is essential to maintain the essence of the first game by allowing players to connect with the characters. Therefore, incorporating a subplot about a hero learning to forgive himself for past mistakes would effectively balance the darker aspects of including Jason after his journey.

One challenge of including living heroes in Hades 2 is that, based on the events of the first game, most of them had already perished or were nearing their demise. While the game will undoubtedly introduce new heroes as it delves deeper into the underworld, it would be intriguing to explore a scenario where the heroes are on the brink of their final moments, contemplating the implications that come with age.

Hades 2 is in development.