Unveiling the Power of Wildfire: A Game of Thrones Guide

Unveiling the Power of Wildfire: A Game of Thrones Guide

Discover the intriguing world of wildfire in Game of Thrones Uncover the origins and acquisition of this powerful substance as it unleashes its scorching fury


Wildfire in Game of Thrones is a highly flammable and volatile substance that is equivalent to modern weapons of mass destruction.

The Alchemists' Guild is tasked with creating and holding Wildfire, employing it as a means of defense against adversaries in King's Landing.

The Mad King's fixation on Wildfire eventually resulted in his downfall, as this powerful substance has the ability to scorch and annihilate anything that stands in its way.

In Game of Thrones season 2, Tyrion Lannister, acting as Hand, and Bronn, the new Commander of the City Watch, come together to strategize the defense of King's Landing against an impending attack from Stannis Baratheon. Stannis, Joffrey's uncle, is preparing to invade the capital, while an incapable king occupies the Iron Throne. To counter Stannis' threat, Tyrion and Bronn employ Wildfire, a highly flammable substance, in order to destroy a significant portion of his fleet. The sight of the explosive Wildfire leaves Tyrion in awe, while Wisdom Hallyne, the head of the Alchemists' Guild in King's Landing, a Pyromancer, smiles in satisfaction. This pivotal event, known as the "Blackwater" in Game of Thrones season 2, episode 9, marks the first usage of Wildfire in the show and showcases the destructive power of this volatile green substance.

In the medieval fantasy world of Game of Thrones, Wildfire serves as the equivalent of modern weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). The Lannister siblings, Cersei and Tyrion, deliberately employ it against their enemies within the walls of King's Landing. Jaime Lannister, however, narrowly avoids its devastating effects during the Sack of King's Landing. Later, during the Battle of King's Landing, Drogon's fire triggers the remaining caches of Wildfire that were previously hidden throughout the city by Daenerys' father, the Mad King. Once ignited, Wildfire undergoes a catastrophic implosion, obliterating everything in its path. Known as "the substance" in the language of Pyromancers, Wildfire is easily ignited, making it an extremely lethal weapon.

The Creation And Possession Of Wildfire

Unveiling the Power of Wildfire: A Game of Thrones Guide

Wildfire is distinguished by its neon green color when in liquid form and the bright green flames it produces when ignited. In Game of Thrones season 2, Tyrion witnesses a devastating Wildfire explosion at Blackwater Bay, horrified by the destruction and lives it claims. Created and controlled by the Alchemists' Guild, Wildfire is a hazardous substance that is commissioned exclusively by them, rather than the Order of the Maesters. The Alchemists' Guild, an ancient order based in King's Landing, produces Wildfire for various purposes.

In season 2, episode 5 "The Ghost of Harrenhal," Tyrion discovers Cersei's plan to use Wildfire as her defense against Stannis' fleet and army. Lancel Lannister reveals this information to Tyrion, who uncovers the plot and realizes the Guild intends to launch thousands of Wildfire pots from the city walls.

According to Game of Thrones, Wildfire played a significant role in the downfall of Aerys II, the Mad King. Aerys II, the last of the Targaryen kings, amassed a stockpile of Wildfire out of his paranoia, strategically placing caches beneath important locations like the Great Sept of Baelor and the Red Keep. During the Sack of King's Landing led by Tywin, the Mad King commanded Lord Rossart, a member of the Alchemists' Guild, to execute his plan of burning the city to the ground using Wildfire. However, Jaime Lannister intervened, killing both Rossart and the Mad King to prevent the catastrophe.

Wildfire Burns Hot

Unveiling the Power of Wildfire: A Game of Thrones Guide

"I recall encountering an ancient saying of sailors... Tyrion exclaims, upon examining a pot of Wildfire at the Guildhall of the Alchemists in "The Ghost of Harrenhal" episode of Game of Thrones. He learns that this powerful substance has the ability to dissolve wood, stone, steel, and even flesh. Hallyne, the wise leader of the Alchemists' Guild, enlightens Tyrion on how Wildfire became the tangible manifestation of the Targaryens' formidable power following the dragons' demise:

Wildfire is fire made tangible. And we have been refining it since the era of Maegor."

The reason for the creation of Wildfire is that it is used in warfare by flinging jars of it at enemies using catapults. However, there are concerns about this tactic. Firstly, it is dangerous for their own men as they are not trained to handle the hazardous substance. Secondly, there is a risk of the catapult operators missing their targets and causing harm to themselves and the city by setting it ablaze. One member of the order, Hallyne, takes offense at these reservations and mentions that such insults would not have been made during the time of Aerys Targaryen, the late king who had an obsession with Wildfire and burning people. Shockingly, the order has an enormous stockpile of 7811 jars of Wildfire, as revealed in Game of Thrones "The Ghost of Harrenhal."

Jaime Lannister explains in Season 3, Episode 5 "Kissed by Fire" that the Mad King was completely obsessed with Wildfire and enjoyed burning his enemies. He describes the horrific effects that victims suffered, including severe burns, blisters, and their skin melting off. Consuming Wildfire can be deadly, as exemplified by Prince Aerion Targaryen, who believed it would turn him into a dragon and died after drinking it. It is evident from the destruction of Stannis' fleet in Game of Thrones that Wildfire burns are particularly intense and cannot be easily extinguished with water. Only large amounts of sand can put out the flames of Wildfire, making it unmatched in power in the Game of Thrones universe.