Unveiling the Power of Whis: Is He the Mightiest Angel in Dragon Ball Super?

Unveiling the Power of Whis: Is He the Mightiest Angel in Dragon Ball Super?

Discover the unrivaled power of Angels in Dragon Ball Super! As the series evolves, numerous captivating characters have been introduced, leaving fans to ponder: who truly reigns as the mightiest Angel? Unveil the ultimate answer now!

Dragon Ball Super has been releasing new content for several years, introducing a wide range of new characters to fans. In the expansive multiverse of the Dragon Ball series, there are many characters representing different races. One particular group within the series is known as Angels.

Angels are immensely powerful beings within the multiverse and hold a crucial role. Their primary duty is to serve the Gods of Destruction and assist them in refining their destructive capabilities. The Grand Priest, the most significant Angel, is assigned to serve Zeno, the most formidable being in the entire multiverse.

Who is the strongest Angel in the Dragon Ball Super series?

Whis is a beloved Angel from the Universe in Dragon Ball Super, and many fans are curious about his power. One question that frequently arises is whether Whis is the most powerful Angel in the series. However, the answer to that question is no, as Whis is not the most powerful Angel in Dragon Ball Super.

Unveiling the Power of Whis: Is He the Mightiest Angel in Dragon Ball Super?

The Grand Priest, as seen alongside Zeno in the Dragon Ball Super series, is considered to be one of the strongest Angels in the series. If Whis is not the strongest, then the role falls to the Grand Priest, also known as the High Priest. The Grand Priest's primary responsibilities include serving and guiding Zeno, as well as enforcing the Divine Decrees issued by the omni-king. Visitors to Zeno's palace are typically welcomed by the Grand Priest.

The Grand Priest is one of the strongest warriors in the entire multiverse, as Whis admitted to being inferior to him in the Dragon Ball Super series. He was even able to stop incoming punches from two Gods of Destruction (Beerus and Quitela) with just two fingers. The reason why Whis is not the strongest Angel lies in his acknowledgment of the Grand Priest's superior strength.

The Grand Priest in Dragon Ball Super is known for always being in a state of Perfect Ultra Instinct, allowing them to react to attacks without needing to acknowledge them. Even Whis acknowledges that the Grand Priest's Ultra Instinct is more accurate than his own.

As the strongest Angel in the series, the Grand Priest wields impressive powers, including the ability to completely erase a being's existence. This power is used to enforce the Angel Law, which prohibits Angels from interfering in mortal affairs. Additionally, like other Angels, the Grand Priest has the ability to resurrect beings.

The Grand Priest possesses the ability to Warp, enabling them to instantly transport to distant locations. While it takes Whis two days to Warp between Earth and Zeno’s palace, the Grand Priest can accomplish the same task in a significantly shorter time.

Hence, it is evident that the Grand Priest surpasses Whis in every conceivable manner. This fact has been confirmed in the animanga series and is beyond dispute. Fans can look forward to witnessing the Grand Priest unleash his full power in a future battle, providing a glimpse of his incredible strength.

Keep an eye out for additional anime and manga updates as 2023 unfolds.

Editor's P/S

As an enthusiastic fan of Dragon Ball Super, I am thrilled to delve into the captivating world of Angels and their unparalleled power. The series has introduced a plethora of intriguing characters, but none have captivated my imagination quite like Whis, the enigmatic Angel from Universe 7. His graceful demeanor, exceptional combat prowess, and mastery of Ultra Instinct have solidified his position as one of the most beloved characters in the franchise.

However, the recent revelation that Whis may not be the mightiest Angel in Dragon Ball Super has sparked a whirlwind of emotions within me. The Grand Priest, a figure shrouded in mystery and immense power, emerges as a formidable contender for the title of the strongest Angel. His ability to effortlessly thwart the combined might of two Gods of Destruction with a mere flick of his fingers is a testament to his unparalleled strength. Whis's own admission of the Grand Priest's superiority further cements the latter's position as the pinnacle of Angelic power.