Unveiling the Narrator of Invincible Season 2 Episode 3

Unveiling the Narrator of Invincible Season 2 Episode 3

In Invincible Season 2 Episode 3, a mysterious narrator interrupts a pivotal moment between Mark and Amber, leaving viewers questioning his identity and motives Delve into the gripping storyline as this enigmatic character's presence unravels secrets and adds an intriguing twist to the narrative

The introduction of a narrator in Episode 3 of Season 2 of Invincible brings a fresh perspective to the show's storytelling. However, the identity of this narrator remains a mystery. Narration is a widely debated element in movies and TV, with some instances showcasing its brilliance. For instance, can you picture The Shawshank Redemption without the captivating reflections of Morgan Freeman's character Red, or the lively beginning of Goodfellas without Ray Liotta's Henry Hill proclaiming, "As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster."

In certain instances, it may be utterly pointless or downright aggravating. Take, for instance, Harrison Ford's voiceover in one of the numerous versions of Blade Runner that was rightfully discarded.

In the early stages of Episode 3 of Invincible Season 2, the series presents an unexpected narrator who abruptly takes viewers away from a tender moment. So, who exactly is this narrator? Mild spoilers ahead...

Who is the narrator in Invincible Season 2 Episode 3?

Invincible Season 2 Episode 3 is narrated by Paul F. Tompkins.

Interrupting Amber and Mark's intimate moment, a voice enters the scene, suggesting that it might be appropriate to shift focus towards the stars. Consequently, the episode transitions to Allen the Alien.

Tompkins, a highly acclaimed comedian and actor, has gained recognition for his exceptional portrayal of Mr. Peanutbutter in Bojack Horseman, as well as his contributions to Best Week Ever, There Will Be Blood, Rutherford Falls, The Great North, and his appearances on the Comedy Bang Bang podcast.

Robert Kirkman, when asked about his decision to divert the audience's attention away from Amber and Mark, stated that it was intended to create a comedic effect. He mentioned that having the talented Paul F. Tompkins contribute to this effect by urging viewers to look away added to the humorous element.

Kirkman further shared that this choice reflected American sensibilities to some extent. He pointed out that although our society allows for extreme violence to be depicted on television, nudity is often restricted and limited to specific angles and movements to avoid prolonged exposure. Additionally, Kirkman expressed his belief that nudity does not translate well in animated formats.

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Editor's P/S

Invincible Season 2 Episode 3 introduces a mysterious narrator who interrupts a pivotal moment between Mark and Amber, leaving viewers questioning his identity and motives. The narrator is later revealed to be Paul F. Tompkins, a highly acclaimed comedian and actor known for his exceptional portrayal of Mr. Peanutbutter in Bojack Horseman.

The use of a narrator in this episode is an interesting choice that adds an intriguing twist to the narrative. The narrator's voice is authoritative and commanding, and it seems to have a significant impact on the events that unfold. It will be interesting to see how the narrator's role develops in future episodes and whether he will continue to be a disruptive force in the story.