Unveiling the Mysteries of Golden Sunflower in Elden Ring

Unveiling the Mysteries of Golden Sunflower in Elden Ring

Embark on a journey to discover the secrets of the radiant Golden Sunflower and harness its holy power to create valuable items in Elden Ring.

The Luminous Golden Sunflower

In the vast realm of Elden Ring, adventurers seek out the elusive Golden Sunflower, a botanical marvel imbued with divine essence. Contrary to its name, this flower's brilliance emanates not from the sun but from the sacred energy infused within its petals.

Elden Ring map

Elden Ring map

Seeking the Golden Sunflower

To acquire the coveted Golden Sunflower, intrepid players have three distinct paths to follow in their quest: purchase from the enigmatic Hermit Merchant, scour the Minor Erdtree region, or claim it as a reward from vanquished foes.

A Merchant's Offerings

The Hermit Merchant, nestled within the quaint Hermit Merchant's Shack in Leyndell, Royal Capital, provides a convenient avenue for acquiring Golden Sunflowers. Adventurers can procure up to 10 of these radiant blooms daily for a price of 300 Runes per flower, though the merchant only conducts business during daylight hours.

Natural Abundance

Explorers who traverse the Altus Plateau and Capital Outskirts are rewarded with sightings of the elusive Golden Sunflower amidst the verdant landscapes of Elden Ring. These botanical treasures are also scattered in the Ashen Capital, albeit in smaller quantities.

Bounty from Battles

Brave warriors can also acquire Golden Sunflowers by defeating the formidable Soldier Wandering Noble. While these flowers are a rare drop, they serve as a valuable boon to those who emerge victorious from the encounter.

Harnessing the Holy Power

The Golden Sunflower's essence holds potent holy energy, allowing players to infuse their weaponry with divine prowess. By combining this radiant flower with other ingredients, adventurers can craft potent items to bolster both offense and defense against holy attacks.