Unveiling the Mysteries: Everything You Need to Know About Atlas Fallen Before its Epic Release

Unveiling the Mysteries: Everything You Need to Know About Atlas Fallen Before its Epic Release

Atlas Fallen, the highly anticipated release from renowned developer Deck13, surprises fans with its unique blend of accessible combat mechanics and a stunning open world infused with Metroidvania elements


Atlas Fallen, the upcoming game from developer Deck13 Interactive, represents a departure from its previous Soulslike titles.

The combat in Atlas Fallen offers a more streamlined and dynamic experience, reminiscent of popular character action games such as Devil May Cry.

Immerse yourself in a stunning open world teeming with Metroidvania elements, inviting players to venture forth, uncover hidden secrets, and unlock new areas by utilizing acquired abilities.

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As the release of Atlas Fallen approaches, the next game developed by Deck13 Interactive, it becomes evident that the studio is venturing into new territory. Known for their work on popular titles like Lords of the Fallen and The Surge, Deck13 Interactive is surprising fans by deviating from their usual style. While their previous games, including Lords of the Fallen, gained acclaim as early "Soulslikes" following the success of Dark Souls, Atlas Fallen is set to challenge expectations with its fresh and exciting approach.

Deck13's decision to create a game that differs from their usual repertoire, considering their reputation for crafting three successful Soulslike games, is an intriguing move. Although Atlas Fallen boasts a distinct and captivating setting and is a combat-driven experience, early hands-on impressions of the game suggest that it bears more resemblance to Darksiders than Dark Souls. For those anticipating Atlas Fallen to be a natural progression of Deck13's Soulslike expertise demonstrated in the excellent The Surge 2, it is important to familiarize oneself with crucial details about the game before its release.

Combat in Atlas Fallen is Much More Accessible Than in a Soulslike

Unveiling the Mysteries: Everything You Need to Know About Atlas Fallen Before its Epic Release

Soulslikes typically incorporate a combat system inspired by FromSoftware's Dark Souls series. These games involve tactical exchanges of blows and parries with enemies, while carefully managing a depleting stamina gauge. However, initial impressions of Atlas Fallen suggest that its combat model aligns more closely with character action games like Devil May Cry or Darksiders. It offers fast-paced, flashy combat driven by combos, and encounters are less punishing than in previous works by the studio.

The Surge and The Surge 2 were the first sci-fi interpretations of the Soulslike genre, and they introduced distinct concepts to this already populated subgenre. Notably, they were also known for their challenging difficulty. With Atlas Fallen, Deck13 aims to create a game that appeals to a wider audience and has a lower learning curve than their previous works. Players are equipped with a gauntlet capable of generating various weapon types, each tailored for light or heavy attacks. Combat is significantly faster, and the focus is on executing stylish combos.

Atlas Fallen's Beautiful Open World Carries Some Metroidvania Influence

In Atlas Fallen, players accumulate Momentum as they engage in battles with adversaries. This Momentum is conveniently displayed on a bar located in the Heads-Up Display (HUD), just below the health gauge. It serves multiple purposes, allowing players to unleash powerful special attacks that inflict significant damage, while simultaneously increasing the vulnerability to incoming attacks. This introduces a captivating risk/reward dynamic to encounter design. In contrast to traditional Soulslike games, combat in Atlas Fallen grants players enhanced mobility options, such as the ability to traverse vertical environments and engage airborne adversaries, making these maneuvers essential for success.

Unveiling the Mysteries: Everything You Need to Know About Atlas Fallen Before its Epic Release

Upon the initial reveal of Atlas Fallen, its breathtaking open-world situated within an expansive desert ecosystem captivated the attention of many. The world itself is brimming with thrilling platforming and combat trials, and to explore this realm, players must seek out power-ups scattered across the map to enhance their traversal and movement abilities. This design choice draws inspiration from other recent 3D Metroidvania experiences, such as Respawn's Star Wars Jedi series and the Darksiders franchise.

Players will inevitably stumble upon areas in the map that are beyond their reach or currently inaccessible due to their limited abilities. However, as they progress and acquire new upgrades, they can revisit these sections to uncover hidden rewards. Deck13's expertise in the Soulslike subgenre makes their foray into a fully-fledged Metroidvania adventure in an underutilized gaming setting even more thrilling. Atlas Fallen is scheduled for release on August 10 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.