Unveiling the Mind-Blowing Connection: How TNG's Riker Orchestrated an Epic Star Trek: Discovery Twist 800 Years in the Making
Riker's groundbreaking role as the pioneer Human Trill host in Star Trek laid the foundation for a future Discovery twist, revealing the extraordinary potential of joining humans and Trills
Commander William T. Riker, a character from Star Trek: The Next Generation, made history by becoming the first human ever to unite with a Trill. This pivotal moment in the series laid the foundation for a captivating storyline that ultimately ties him to the events of Star Trek: Discovery, occurring more than 800 years in the future.
Adira Tal accomplished a groundbreaking feat in the Star Trek: Discovery universe by becoming the first non-Trill host to be successfully joined with a symbiont in an astounding two thousand years. This significant achievement holds immense promise for the Trill culture, which had been grappling with the dire consequences of the Burn leading to a scarcity of compatible hosts.
Commander William T. Riker of Star Trek: The Next Generation introduces a storyline that Star Trek: Discovery continues 800 years into the future. Director Jonathan Frakes, who has worked on multiple episodes of Discovery, including the upcoming finale, has established a strong connection between Riker and Captain Michael Burnham. However, it is an alien species from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine that forms the most significant link between Riker and Discovery.
In Star Trek: Discovery season 3, a character named Adira is introduced. After a tragic accident, Adira undergoes a successful transplant that bonds them with the Tal symbiont, previously hosted by their boyfriend, Gray. As a result, Adira can communicate with Gray's deceased soul due to the unique biology of Trill symbionts. Notably, Adira Tal becomes the first successful non-Trill host in two thousand years. Interestingly, Will Riker from Star Trek had also been bonded with a Trill in the past, but the outcome was nearly fatal.
Star Trek's Riker Was The First Ever Human Trill Host
In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode titled "The Host," Riker selflessly volunteered to join with the Odan symbiont after the previous host, Ambassador Odan, tragically died during an attack. In order to save the symbiont and restore the peace talks, Riker underwent a dangerous procedure to merge with Odan. This transformative experience resulted in a significant change in Riker's personality, allowing Odan to actively participate in the diplomatic process while maintaining his romance with Dr. Beverly Crusher.
Due to the strain of the joining process on the human body, Riker's life was nearly sacrificed in order to achieve peace with the Pelians. Fortunately, the peace talks concluded in time for Odan to be removed from Riker's body and transferred to a new female host. This storyline offers an interesting contrast to the experiences of Adira in Star Trek: Discovery, as they maintain their own personality and interact with the previous host of the Tal symbiont. This difference highlights the expanded understanding of Trill culture introduced by Lt. Jadzia Dax on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, which emphasizes the interdependent nature of both host and symbiont.
Discovery Revealed Humans And Trills Could Be Joined
820 years after Will Riker became the first human to be joined with a Trill in the Star Trek canon, Adira Tal became the second. They accomplished the remarkable feat of successfully bonding with a non-Trill host, a feat that hadn't been achieved in two thousand years. The procedure was performed by medical drones, who likely consulted the notes of Dr. Crusher from Star Trek: The Next Generation, specifically regarding the Odan transplant. Despite their ability to keep Tal alive without endangering their own life, Adira faced numerous challenges, including the profound grief of losing Gray.
In addition to the loss of Gray, Adira had to confront hostility from the Trill community while seeking assistance in recovering Tal's memories. However, the Trill eventually recognized the potential of Adira's successful joining with Tal, which offered a path forward after the devastating loss of numerous viable hosts during the Burn. Through the utilization of Doctor Hugh Culber's Golem technology from Star Trek: Picard, the Tal symbiont was separated and placed in a new body for Gray. This allowed the couple to revive their relationship and potentially foster a more optimistic future for Trill society. Following in the footsteps of Will Riker, Adira Tal emerged as a significant figure in Star Trek history, particularly within the realm of the Trill.