Unveiling the Long-Awaited Secret: The Real Reason Behind Giles' Watcher Role in Sunnydale After 26 Years

Unveiling the Long-Awaited Secret: The Real Reason Behind Giles' Watcher Role in Sunnydale After 26 Years

Unlocking the Mystery Behind Giles, Buffy's Watcher: Delve into Giles' pivotal role as Buffy's mentor and discover how his rebellious nature played a crucial part in shaping the destiny of the Sunnydale Slayer

Article Overview

The new Buffyverse podcast reveals that the Watcher's Council considered Giles expendable and didn't mind if he died because they viewed him as lesser than other Watchers.

Giles's rebellious nature qualifies him as the ideal Watcher for Buffy since a conventional Watcher would struggle to cope with her unique and adolescent approach to demon hunting. It is Giles's comprehension of Buffy's youthful and stubborn demeanor that fosters trust between them, facilitating the development of her demon-slaying skills in the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

After more than 25 years since the debut of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the Buffyverse has finally provided an explanation for Rupert Giles's role as the Watcher of Sunnydale. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a beloved urban fantasy series from the 90s that revolves around a teenager named Buffy Summers, who discovers she is the chosen Slayer destined to combat vampires and demons. Over the years, this series has gained a dedicated following and has been revisited by fans countless times. Despite its popularity, there were many unanswered questions about the show's main characters, including the reasons behind Giles being selected as Buffy's Watcher.

Throughout Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Giles's position as the Watcher of Sunnydale seemed puzzling. In his younger years, he exhibited reckless behavior, dabbling in dark magic and engaging in activities like summoning demons and stealing cars for amusement. As a result, he acquired the moniker "Ripper," a persona he occasionally adopts in moments of frustration within the series. All of these aspects of his past raise the question of why the Watcher's Council would entrust Giles with such an important role.

Giles Was The Most Expendable Watcher

Unveiling the Long-Awaited Secret: The Real Reason Behind Giles' Watcher Role in Sunnydale After 26 Years

Although the mystery persisted for a staggering 26 years, Slayer: A Buffyverse Story, an exciting Audible Original podcast written by Christopher Golden and Amber Benson, finally unravels the enigma surrounding the Watcher's Council's decision to assign Giles to the Sunnydale Watcher position. Within the podcast, Indira, a fervent aficionado and a newly anointed Slayer, expresses her bewilderment at Giles being chosen, given his rebellious past. Indira meticulously dissects all the reasons why he shouldn't have obtained the job and proposes that the Council possibly deemed Giles to be expendable. In their eyes, he held a lower standing compared to the other Watchers, making it inconsequential if he met an untimely demise.

Giles' Rebellious Nature Proved The Key To Buffy

Unveiling the Long-Awaited Secret: The Real Reason Behind Giles' Watcher Role in Sunnydale After 26 Years

Giles, despite being viewed as expendable by the Watcher's Council in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, is the perfect fit for the job. The eponymous teenager takes a rather unconventional approach in her role as a slayer. Despite her responsibilities of fighting demons, she insists on maintaining a normal teenage life. She finds herself drawn to individuals who are considered "wrong," such as vampires Angel and Spike. Furthermore, her teenage mindset often leads her astray on numerous occasions.

Buffy's rebellious nature would have clashed with a traditional Watcher who strictly adheres to rules. Learning from a Watcher who follows a set book of guidelines would quickly test Buffy's patience. Conversely, the Watcher would become frustrated with Buffy's defiance and eventually abandon his teaching role. In contrast, Buffy develops a profound trust in Giles because he comprehends and empathizes with her youthful and obstinate demeanor. Their relationship in Buffy the Vampire Slayer bolsters Buffy's proficiency in hunting demons.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I grew up watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and have always been fascinated by the character of Giles. His role as Buffy's Watcher has always been a bit of a mystery, as he doesn't seem to fit the traditional mold of a Watcher. He's younger than most Watchers, he's more rebellious, and he's not always the most responsible. However, the new Buffyverse podcast reveals that Giles's rebellious nature is actually what makes him the perfect Watcher for Buffy.

I think this is a really interesting take on Giles's character, and it makes a lot of sense. Buffy is a very unconventional Slayer, and she needs a Watcher who is willing to break the rules and think outside the box. Giles is that Watcher. He's not afraid to let Buffy make mistakes, and he's always there to support her when she needs him. I think Giles is a great role model for young people, and I'm glad that the podcast has shed some light on his character.