Unveiling the Intergalactic Enigma: Gundam's Mysterious Witch of Mercury

Unveiling the Intergalactic Enigma: Gundam's Mysterious Witch of Mercury

Gundam: The Witch From Mercury ignites an explosive conclusion, leaving audiences captivated by its thrilling finale Unveiling a complex web of intrigue, the series showcases the unattainable allure of its enigmatic protagonist, alongside the dismantling of the formidable Benerit Group Prepare to be mesmerized by the enigmatic Ericht, an AI chatbot that adds an exhilarating twist to this unforgettable saga

From its inception, Gundam: The Witch from Mercury aimed to inject novelty and freshness into the series. It sought to carve a unique and distinct path, surprising viewers in ways seldom seen by its predecessors. The outcomes have been diverse; while the first season proved somewhat lackluster, the second season has delivered a consistently spectacular experience.

Finally, the last episode of Gundam: The Witch from Mercury has arrived. Much like the preceding episodes of this season, this finale is laden with captivating and unexpected moments. Remaining true to its visionary approach until the very end, this series keeps viewers guessing its next move. Thus, here are several of the most astonishing occurrences from episode 24.

You Can’t Have Her

Unveiling the Intergalactic Enigma: Gundam's Mysterious Witch of Mercury

In episode 23, Ericht and Aerial courageously defend the Quiet Zero and its inhabitants, including Suletta and her friends, against the destructive blast of the secret long-range Interplanetary Super Laser cannon. Despite successfully repelling the attack, Aerial suffers significant damage, and Ericht is nowhere to be found.

Desperate to save her sister, Suletta quickly employs her Gundam Calibarn to retrieve Aerial's wreckage and return it to the Quiet Zero. In her mind, and the minds of all present, there is hope that by utilizing the Quiet Zero's data storm enhancing capabilities, they may be able to revive not only Aerial but also Ericht. Needless to say, Prospera, their mother, is elated by Suletta's decision. She urgently requests Suletta to immediately connect Ericht to the Quiet Zero's main system, in order to bring her back. Much to everyone's astonishment, Suletta unexpectedly refuses. It is the first time in her life that she defies her mother's wishes.

Not only that, Suletta made the decision to bring Aerial's remains, which hold the consciousness of Ericht, outside Quiet Zero. The motive behind Suletta's action is her refusal to let Ericht exist in a world that was created through genocide, which aligns with Prospera's intentions. Despite that, Suletta still desires to live alongside her sister and mother. To achieve this, Suletta must push herself to delve deeper into the data storm and increase her permission score. Much to her surprise, she successfully revives her sister, along with Aerial.

Dissolving The Benerit Group

Note: The output has the same meaning as the given fragment but is rewritten with improved phrasing and structure.

Unveiling the Intergalactic Enigma: Gundam's Mysterious Witch of Mercury

After fully immersing herself in the data storm, Suletta gains complete control over the other Gundam units stationed near the Quiet Zero, which include Elan's Gundam Pharact, Lauda's Gundam Schwarzette, her very own Gundam Calibarn, and Ericht's Gundam Aerial. With Eri's invaluable assistance, Suletta successfully integrates herself with these Gundams, enhancing their distinctive data storm and extending its influence throughout the entire universe.


By doing so, Suletta not only seized control of the neighboring aircraft and mobile suits but also successfully took over and deactivated the control system of the Interplanetary Super Laser cannon, which aimed to eliminate them.

Aware that Suletta had gained access to virtually all communication channels in the universe, including those on Earth, Miorine made a sudden and significant announcement. Unanticipatedly, Miorine declared that, as the elected president of the Benerit Group, she had decided to dissolve this well-established conglomerate and sell off the majority of its assets.

Ericht, The A.I. Chatbot

In an unprecedented move, the Benerit Group not only vowed to take full responsibility for the havoc caused by their activities on Earth but also pledged to redistribute the proceeds from selling their assets back to the people of the planet. This sudden and unexpected decision sent shockwaves across Earth, reverberating among the government, the Space Assembly league, and particularly within the Benerit Group itself. Miorine's audacious act caught everyone off guard, making its impact all the more profound.

Unveiling the Intergalactic Enigma: Gundam's Mysterious Witch of Mercury

By combining the power of four Gundam and harnessing those immense capabilities throughout the entire universe, the GUND format within these Gundams, as well as in the Quiet Zero, is being pushed beyond its intended limits. Consequently, under this overwhelming strain, every fragment of GUND format technology in the vicinity disintegrates into oblivion. In just a matter of minutes, these cutting-edge mobile suits, along with the Quiet Zero itself, transform into minuscule particles scattered in space.

Aerial and Calibarn are both suffering from the same destructive consequences. In her final moments of clarity, Suletta utilizes all the remaining power in Gundam Calibarn to rescue Ericht's consciousness from Aerial's disintegration. Though seemingly unintentional, Suletta successfully accomplishes this task. She effectively transfers Ericht into the only available piece of technology nearby, which happens to be the keychain shared with Miorine.

Later on in the episode, it is revealed that Ericht continues to exist within the small device and can expand her consciousness through a specific type of gadget. With this gadget, Ericht can easily communicate with Miorine and even provides her with advice on various matters. Consequently, Ericht transitions from controlling the most advanced mobile suit in the universe to resembling an AI chat bot.

Ericht's role has unexpectedly taken on similarity to the characters Jarvis or Friday from the Iron Man movies. The circumstances surrounding this transformation remain unknown, and undoubtedly, everyone is astonished that such a phenomenon is even possible. However, amidst this mystery, there is one undeniable fact - Ericht continues to be present, bringing happiness to all. Thus, even in its final chapter, Gundam: The Witch from Mercury continues to astound its audience. This series truly embodies the concept of "never revealing your next move."