Gundam's Mercury Witch: Unveiling the Cycle of Hurt

Gundam's Mercury Witch: Unveiling the Cycle of Hurt

Gundam: The Witch from Mercury - A tale of revenge and violence that leaves a trail of innocent victims Follow the intertwined paths of Guel Jeturk, Shaddiq Zenelli, and Norea Du Noc as they navigate through a world of power, betrayal, and tragedy

Gundam: The Witch from Mercury stands out for its meticulous character development. Each action taken by the characters is deliberate, with clear motivations driving their behavior. This attention to detail leads to a series of interconnected events that have far-reaching consequences for the characters involved.

In episode 20, the ripple effects of previous events are on full display. Decades-old tragedies continue to impact the lives of those involved, leading to a cycle of violence that harms innocent people. The show's unflinching examination of the consequences of past actions is a testament to its commitment to realism and storytelling depth.

Guel Jeturk

Gundam's Mercury Witch: Unveiling the Cycle of Hurt

Guel Jeturk may have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but his luck took a turn for the worse when Suletta Mercury entered his life. Despite being the heir to one of the most powerful and influential companies in the universe, Guel suffered a string of crushing defeats at the hands of Suletta. He faced ridicule from his peers, lost his position as heir, was disowned by his father, and ultimately forced to leave school in shame. Guel was then forced to do manual labor and witness his company's mobile suit being used by terrorists. As if things couldn't get worse, he accidentally killed his own father and was detained by a group of Earthian rebels and mercenaries. Amidst all these trials, Guel also had to bury a young girl who died in his arms, all while struggling to climb back up the ranks of his company.

Guel has certainly endured significant hardships, but perhaps the most traumatic experience was the accidental killing of his father. Discovering that his classmate, Shaddiq Zanelli, was behind the orchestrated event only intensifies Guel's emotional turmoil. Driven by anger, Guel confronts Shaddiq and unleashes a violent attack. Guel's pain caused by Shaddiq's actions runs deep, and he is now seeking to inflict a similar level of pain in return.

Shaddiq Zenelli

Gundam's Mercury Witch: Unveiling the Cycle of Hurt

While Shaddiq may be seen as the orchestrator of the attacks on Plant Quetta and the terrorist attack inside the Asticassia School of Technology, there is more to his story than just being a ruthless and calculating man. It seems that he has been deeply wounded in his past, which has contributed to his willingness to harm innocent people and even detain his own step-father. Although his actions are unforgivable, it is clear that Shaddiq's past experiences have shaped him into the villain he is today.

Shaddiq, unlike his high-ranking peers, is an Earthian who experienced the loss of his loved ones during the Spacian attack that was supported by the Benerit Group. Determined to make a change, he secured a spot in the Grassley scholarship program and worked his way up the ranks, eventually becoming the adopted son of the current Grassley Defense System leader and earning the trust of the upper echelon of the Benerit Group. After years of meticulous planning, Shaddiq is now prepared to execute his ultimate plan - destroying the Benerit Group from within. While he knows it will result in a bloody conflict claiming innocent lives, he is willing to bear that burden to end the cycle of violence and alleviate the pain of his people, even if it means playing the role of a villain.

Norea Du Noc

Gundam's Mercury Witch: Unveiling the Cycle of Hurt

Norea's background is similar to Shaddiq's, having grown up in a war-torn Earth where she witnessed the destruction caused by missiles and laser beams on a daily basis. However, unlike Shaddiq, who chose a clandestine approach to tackle the root cause of Earth's misery, Norea opts for a more direct approach. She joins the Earthian mercenary group, the Dawn of Fold, and willingly takes on the role of a Gundam pilot, fully aware of the risks involved.

Despite the bloodshed and violence that come with her new role, Norea finds solace in her comrades in arms who become her new family. Her bond with fellow Gundam pilot, Sophie Pulone, is especially strong. However, when the higher-ups assign them a mission to infiltrate the Asticassia School of Technology, Sophie tragically loses her life in the ensuing battle, becoming the first victim of a Gundam in this modern era.

Norea's attempts to remain composed were futile, as deep down she was consumed by the pain caused by the destruction of her hometown. Although she tried to focus on her duties, news of Miorine and Aerial only served to reopen the wounds she had tried to suppress. Overcome by fury, she took control of the Gundam and unleashed her rage, destroying everything and everyone in her path at the Asticassia School of Technology. To her, the Spacian was the root of all her suffering, and she could no longer contain the overwhelming emotions she had tried so hard to suppress.

Unfortunately, Norea's actions resulted in the loss of countless innocent lives, including those of students and faculty members. Once again, the cycle of pain continued, and it was clear that the future held even more tragedy and destruction.