Unveiling the Hidden Secrets: Why Hogwarts Legacy's Sequel Must Finally Embrace This Overlooked House
Hogwarts Legacy's Sequel: Granting Ravenclaw House the Recognition It Deserves Delve into the wizard-filled open world adventure of Hogwarts Legacy as the sequel rectifies a past mistake and shines a spotlight on the often overlooked Ravenclaw House
Ravenclaw, one of the four houses in Hogwarts Legacy, is currently given lesser attention than the other houses. In order to rectify this, it is essential that a sequel focuses on developing and expanding Ravenclaw-centric content.
The game noticeably lacks depth and quest lines for the Ravenclaw companion, Amit Thakkar, in comparison to companions from other houses. To improve upon this, a sequel to Hogwarts Legacy should delve deeper into Ravenclaw, both in terms of its main story and side characters.
Hogwarts Legacy united both open world adventure game enthusiasts and Harry Potter fans for an unforgettable journey into the mysteries and secrets of the renowned school. Despite its success, some players have validly criticized the game for missing out on certain content from the franchise's rich lore. Fans expressed disappointment over the absence of seasonal changes and Quidditch matches, among other features from the Harry Potter universe. However, arguably the most significant mistake that should be addressed in a potential sequel revolves around the depiction of the Hogwarts houses.
Ravenclaw House in Hogwarts Legacy Deserves More Screen Time
When it was announced that players could select their desired house in Hogwarts Legacy, many fans eagerly anticipated joining the house that resonated with them the most. However, it appears that one of the four houses, Ravenclaw, receives less representation compared to the others. The game needs to prioritize creating more content specifically tailored to Ravenclaw in any potential sequels to Hogwarts Legacy.
While Ravenclaw boasts one of the most impressive common rooms in the game, overall, there is a noticeable lack of content surrounding the house. There are a few intriguing elements related to Ravenclaw, such as the character Amit Thakkar, but his story doesn't receive the same depth as the companions from Gryffindor, Slytherin, or Hufflepuff. While there are significant companions in Hogwarts Legacy, unfortunately, Amit Thakkar's character doesn't possess the same significance as the other companions featured in the game.
Amit Thakkar, the Ravenclaw companion, falls short in terms of content compared to the other three companions. Some players are even hoping for a Hogwarts Legacy DLC specifically dedicated to Amit to give him more spotlight. However, a better solution would be a sequel that addresses the issue of underrepresentation of Ravenclaw. As Ravenclaws are known for their thirst for knowledge, the house should serve as an ideal foundation for creating captivating and well-designed quest lines. Unfortunately, in comparison to the other houses, Ravenclaw's potential remains unexplored.
Although Hogwarts Legacy offers enjoyable exploration, it misses several opportunities. A sequel has the potential to rectify these mistakes. It is possible that Ravenclaw originally had a more substantial role in the game but had to be cut due to time constraints. However, in a sequel, Hogwarts' most intelligent house should receive equal attention in terms of story and representation. Providing more content for Ravenclaw not only honors the fans who eagerly desire more insight into the house, but also enhances the sequel's overall scale. Despite its shortcomings, Hogwarts Legacy is one of the year's most successful games. Visualizing the redemption of a beloved house like Ravenclaw in a sequel would undoubtedly attract more players.
Hogwarts Legacy is out now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S, with a Switch version releasing on November 14.