Unveiling the Hidden Gems: The Most Exquisite Sections of the Great Wall of China

Unveiling the Hidden Gems: The Most Exquisite Sections of the Great Wall of China

Discover the enchanting beauty of the Great Wall of China Explore Yongtai Turtle City, Mutianyu/Jiankou, Bataizi, Laoniuwan, Fairy Tower, and Dushikou These awe-inspiring sections will leave travelers in awe

As a resident of Beijing for nearly 12 years, I have had ample opportunities to explore various parts of China.

I have explored over 100 cities, along with countless towns and villages across all 31 provinces of the mainland. Reflecting on my experiences, I've come to realize that it was my frequent visits to various sections of the Great Wall in Beijing that fueled my curiosity to discover the remaining parts of the country, including the stretches of the wall located beyond the capital's limits.

Construction on the Great Wall commenced over 2,500 years ago during China's Spring and Autumn Period, which spanned from around 770 BCE to 476 BCE. Additional segments were incorporated in later periods as different dynasties and factions competed for supremacy.

Ultimately, the construction of the Great Wall ceased in the 17th century.

What is the experience of walking the entire stretch of the Great Wall of China like?

Spanning over 21,000 kilometers, the Great Wall is not a continuous structure, but rather meanders through 15 provinces, 97 prefectures, and 404 counties.

Certain sections of the Great Wall have become very popular among tourists, but there are also many areas that have been neglected, fallen into disrepair, and are now forgotten.

Whether you're planning your first visit to the Great Wall or are a seasoned traveler who has been multiple times, the following destinations will undoubtedly enhance your trip to China. (Watch the video above to see breathtaking aerial footage of some of these incredible sites.)

Yongtai Turtle City

Unveiling the Hidden Gems: The Most Exquisite Sections of the Great Wall of China

Yongtai Turtle City is in north central Gansu province.

Alex Sherr

The Great Wall is more than just a physical barrier made of bricks and mortar. It includes various components such as towers situated on rugged mountain tops, fortified towns, and even wide rivers that are considered as sections of the wall.

One of these sections, known as the Turtle City, was constructed during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) as a defense line along the Yellow River. Completed in 1608, it served as a residence for approximately 2,000 infantrymen and 500 cavalry units at its peak usage.

Today, the fortress city is situated in the Sitan Township of Jingtai County in the north central region of Gansu province. Despite the scarcity of actual turtles, the town's distinctive form earned it the moniker of "Turtle City."

The south gate serves as the head, while the west and east gates function as the flippers. The town's oval wall represents the body, and the north gate serves as the tail. With its exceptional preservation and genuine authenticity, this walled city stands as one of the few remaining in China, making it a truly worthwhile experience.

It is highly recommended to stay in the center of Jingtai County. From your accommodation, you can reach the ancient city within a convenient 30-minute cab ride, allowing you to visit at the optimal time for capturing stunning photographs.

When visiting Jingtai, make sure to sample the delectable local specialties like the fiery five Buddha tofu and the flavorful Jingtai cold mixed noodles. These spicy vegetarian dishes are a must-try. For the adventurous food enthusiasts, a stroll through the vast night market in Jingtai County Peoples Square is highly recommended. With over 50 snack stalls, it offers an array of mouthwatering treats that will satisfy any food cravings.

Discover the lesser-known regional Chinese cuisines: 8 hidden gems to tantalize your taste buds.


Getting to Yongtai Turtle City from downtown Lanzhou is convenient as it is only a 2.5-hour drive (covering a distance of 195 kilometers). Lanzhou, being the capital of Gansu province, offers excellent transportation options, including a major international airport and high-speed train connections from various cities in China. If you prefer to fly, the journey from Lanzhou Zhongchuan Airport to Yongtai Turtle City takes just 1.5 hours (covering a distance of 125 kilometers).

Unveiling the Hidden Gems: The Most Exquisite Sections of the Great Wall of China

The Mutianyu and Jiankou sections of wall are about 25 kilometers in length.

Alex Sherr

Mutianyu and Jiankou are two parts of the same Stone Dragon - two contiguous sections of the Great Wall that together stretch for roughly 25 kilometers along Beijings mountaintops.

Millions of men dedicated centuries of their lives to build the Great Wall, as revealed in historical records. When you stand on top of either Mutianyu or Jiankou sections, you will truly grasp the magnitude of this fact. These two sections are widely considered as the most iconic remnants of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall that still exist today, and ascending either of them is sure to be a transformative encounter.

Consider exploring the lesser-known destinations in China, which offer a unique and authentic travel experience.

West of Mutianyu, Jiankou is commonly referred to as the "wild wall," uncommercialized and free of entry restrictions. However, starting from 2020, the local government has expressed disapproval of hiking at Jiankou due to safety concerns.

Despite being less than a 90-minute drive from downtown Beijing (without traffic), it is strongly advised to spend a night in the countryside if time permits.

If you visit Jiankou, you can reach it through Xizhazi village. If your schedule coincides, you may have the opportunity to stay for a few days at The Barracks, the wall-side courtyard home of William Lindesay, a globally acclaimed Great Wall historian, and his delightful family.

For excellent accommodations near Mutianyu, The Brickyard is a highly recommended and exceptionally comfortable option.

During the fall and spring seasons, the gray bricks of the walls beautifully contrast with the vibrant colors of nature. The breathtaking backdrops for photos are created by the dazzling autumn foliage and cherry blossoms in full bloom. Additionally, winter sports enthusiasts can indulge in skiing and skating near the Wall, conveniently located near Mutianyu.

Transportation Options to Mutianyu: China eased restrictions on temporary driving license applications in September 2019, making it possible for foreign tourists to rent cars. It is important to note that international driving licenses are not valid in China. Additionally, you have the option to hire a car with a driver for the day or take the convenient Mutianyu Special Tourism Bus from the Dongzhimen Wai Bus Station.

Getting to Jiankou is best done by renting a car or booking private transport. Due to Xizhazi being a small village, public buses are few and far between, resulting in a journey time of up to five hours. In contrast, traveling by car takes just 90 minutes.


Unveiling the Hidden Gems: The Most Exquisite Sections of the Great Wall of China

This Gothic church was built in 1876.

Alex Sherr

Bataizi village sits just inside the Motianling section of the Great Wall and is home to the ruins of a Gothic church built in 1876 under the direction of a German missionary.

The church has undergone frequent damage and repairs throughout its nearly 150-year history, leaving the bell tower as the sole remaining structure.

The contrasting sight of its ruins beside the solid Great Wall of rammed-earth elevates Bataizi as an exceptional destination for a morning or afternoon visit.

China's top outdoor attractions

Once you've completed your hike along the Great Wall and explored the church ruins, pay a visit to the newly built village church. Make sure to greet Father Pan, who can provide you with any information regarding the long-standing relationship between the village and Catholicism, provided you speak Chinese.

In addition to Bataizi, including Datong on your itinerary is highly recommended. Exploring the Yungang Grottoes, a UNESCO world heritage site, and marveling at the incredible Hengshan Hanging Temple will undoubtedly enhance your travel experience.

Opting to visit Bataizi during the late summer season guarantees a breathtaking sight. The striking contrast between the majestic Great Wall and the vibrant green hills will leave a lasting impression.

Bataizi village is located 80 kilometers to the west of Datong, a renowned city in the Shanxi province. It takes approximately 35 minutes to reach Zuoyun County, which is just 22 kilometers away from Bataizi.

Datong can be easily reached by either plane or high-speed train from various cities in China. A taxi ride from downtown Datong to Bataizi would typically cost around 300 yuan (approximately $43).

You have the option to travel to Zuoyun County by taking a bus and then taking a taxi. In Datong, those looking for luxury accommodations should consider staying at the five-star Yunzhong Traditional Courtyard Hotel. As for Zuoyun County, there is one hotel that is suitable for foreigners, which is the Zuoyun Jinshan International Hotel. You can easily find both of these hotels on popular online booking platforms.

Laoniuwan (aka the Old Ox Bend Great Wall)

Unveiling the Hidden Gems: The Most Exquisite Sections of the Great Wall of China

Laoniuwan, where the Great Wall and the Yellow River meet.

Alex Sherr

According to locals, Laoniuwan is the place where the Great Wall and the majestic Yellow River meet.

Built in 1467, the Laoniuwan Fortress stands tall, while the renowned Wanghe Tower (which translates to river-watching tower) of the Great Wall was constructed in 1544.

Located in Pianguan County, part of Xinzhou city in Shanxi province, Laoniuwan village offers a picturesque setting, separated from Inner Mongolia by a river. For a pleasant and hassle-free visit, it is recommended to plan your trip in late summer or early fall. This ensures that you can avoid navigating treacherous mountain roads during spring rainstorms and also escape the extreme cold temperatures, as the village lacks adequate infrastructure.

This is the most breathtaking spot where the Great Wall intersects with bodies of water. It is highly recommended to take a boat ride along the river to fully immerse yourself in the mesmerizing natural scenery of the Yellow River Gorge and be in awe of the unwavering determination displayed by the ancient architects.

China's surf scene is thriving with an increasing popularity.

To reach Laoniuwan, public transportation options are limited, making it challenging. The optimal solution is to hire or reserve a car that can transport you from Datong to Laoniuwan via Bataizi. This way, you will have the opportunity to visit two extraordinary Great Wall sites in one trip.

Pianguan, located just one hour away, lacks a train station and an airport, leaving the only viable mode of transportation as the bus. However, it is worth noting that Shuozhou, which is approximately 140 kilometers from Laoniuwan, is anticipated to open an airport later this year.

Fairy Tower

Unveiling the Hidden Gems: The Most Exquisite Sections of the Great Wall of China

Simatai's Fairy Tower is a sight to behold.

Alex Sherr

Construction on the Great Wall in Simatai began in 1373. It was expanded and reinforced periodically throughout the Ming Dynasty.

The Fairy Tower is renowned as a prominent structure on the Simatai wall. However, its accessibility challenges make it one of the least frequented attractions.

Alternatively, opt for an awe-inspiring experience by admiring the Fairy Tower from the nearby Wangjing Tower. This journey promises to satisfy even the boldest hikers, without requiring any safety equipment such as ropes or ladders.

Just like Mutianyu/Jiankou, this section of the wall is sure to offer breathtaking views throughout the year. I recommend waiting for a clear day (often after rainfall or snowfall) to fully enjoy the unobstructed panoramic view from Wangjing Tower in all directions.

The trek to the Fairy Tower will leave you amazed by the supposed determination of the Northern Barbarians to reach the capital. The mountains are almost impossible to navigate on foot, let alone on horseback, with steep cliffs on both sides.

Experience world-class hiking and dive into a fascinating history lesson. Enjoy top-notch accommodations at Hobo Farm, where a delightful restaurant serves mouthwatering Western and Chinese cuisine. For a more affordable option with 4.5-star lodgings, consider Yatous Homestay. Find both options easily on popular hotel booking sites.

To reach both the Fairy Tower and Wangjing Tower, you need to go through Tangjiazhai village in Miyun district, Beijing.

Tangjiazhai village is approximately 140 kilometers away from downtown Beijing, depending on the route you take. It is recommended to book a private car from the city for a more efficient and time-saving journey.

You can also take a high-speed train from Beijing Station to Miyun district and switch to a bus or taxi from there.


Unveiling the Hidden Gems: The Most Exquisite Sections of the Great Wall of China

Dushikou stand seven meters tall in some spots.

Alex Sherr

Constructed during the reign of Emperor Jiajing (1507-1567), this single-wall section stands seven meters tall in some spots - no small feat considering it was made by piling stones.

Located in Chicheng, Hebei province, the piled-stone wall at Dushikou stands proudly just across the road from the town. This particular section of the Great Wall is notable for its uniqueness, as most nearby segments closer to Beijing were built using kiln-fired bricks.

Dushikou is most enjoyable during the summer months, particularly in July and August, when the lush greenery of the rolling grasslands reaches its peak. The pleasant evenings provide ideal conditions for outdoor barbecues and bonfires.

In Dushikou town, you will find clean and comfortable farmhouse accommodations. Alternatively, there is a wide selection of hotels to choose from in Chicheng, which is only a 45-minute drive away.

In this region, lamb skewers and roast leg of lamb are popular dishes, particularly because of its proximity to Inner Mongolia. Those who enjoy noodles should definitely try the tasty local oat noodles.

Getting there: With the infrastructure developed for the 2022 Winter Olympics, the journey to Dushikou has been reduced by nearly two hours. If driving is not your preference, you can take a bus to Chicheng from the Liuliqiao Transport Hub in Beijing and then continue with a 45-minute taxi ride to Dushikou.

Note that public transportation will take one or two hours longer than private car.