Unveiling the Hidden Depths: Your Ultimate Guide to Locating Atlantic Bonito

Looking to collect all the Marinca cards in Dave the Diver? Discover the precise location of Atlantic Bonitos in this ultimate guide
Dave the Diver: Atlantic Bonito Location
Atlantic Bonito: A Guide to Finding this Elusive Silver Fish in Dave the DiverTo find an Atlantic Bonito, players should head to the Shipwreck located on the left side of the map, approximately 100m deep. Familiar to many fans from quests like Duff's Pink Delivery, it is important to note its significance.
When players arrive at the Shipwreck, they should first look out for small red fish called Striped Red Mullets in the immediate area. This is advised because the easily visible color of these fish indicates the presence of Atlantic Bonitos. It is worth mentioning that the appearance of Dave the Diver's Tiger Sharks near the Shipwreck further confirms the presence of Atlantic Bonitos, so players need to be cautious while searching.
Should a player spot any Striped Red Mullets near the Shipwreck, they can begin their search for Atlantic Bonitos. These sleek silver fish usually travel in small groups of two or three. However, it's important for fans to keep in mind that the Mullets and Bonitos may not appear at the Shipwreck on every diving expedition. It may take a few in-game days of dedicated searching to come across them. Nevertheless, players who demonstrate patience and persistence will eventually come across an Atlantic Bonito. It's advisable for them to have a Tranq or Net Gun ready if they wish to capture a 3-Star version.
Another important point to note is the resemblance between the Atlantic Bonito and the Atlantic Mackerel in Dave the Diver, both being small fish found in the depth range of 50-130m. The similarity between these two fish is so striking that it is easy to mistake a Bonito for the more commonly seen Mackerel. To prevent such confusion, it is recommended for players to catch any skinny silver fish near the Shipwreck, as long as they have already verified the presence of Striped Red Mullets. Please note that Dave the Diver is currently accessible on PC.