Dive into Adventure: Mastering the Art of Catching 3-Star Sharks with Dave the Diver

Learn how to tranquilize and catch 3-star sharks in Dave the Diver with this comprehensive guide Dive into the depths and master the art of capturing these majestic creatures for the ultimate gaming experience
Players will encounter a multitude of sharks while exploring the ocean in Dave the Diver, necessitating the initial use of lethal force to deal with these perilous creatures. Nevertheless, it is feasible to tranquilize the sharks, although fans will need to exert effort in acquiring a weapon capable of consistently accomplishing this task. This guide aims to provide comprehensive information regarding these weapons, enabling players to successfully tranquilize and capture 3-star sharks in Dave the Diver.
Dave the Diver: How to Tranquilize Sharks
In Dave the Diver, players have access to two weapons for tranquilizing sharks, both of which can be obtained through the game's weapon upgrade system. As players progress through the first chapter, they will unlock the ability to upgrade their crafted weapons, with Duff being the one to make these improvements.
Once weapon upgrading is unlocked, players aiming to tranquilize sharks can choose between the Tranquilizer Rifle, an early upgrade to the Basic Underwater Rifle, or the Modified Hush Dart, which is the final upgrade for the Hush Dart. Out of these two options, the Tranquilizer Rifle is highly recommended for indie video game fans, as it can be obtained early in the game, unlike the Modified Hush Dart.
To effectively tranquilize a shark, players need to acquire a Tranquilizer Rifle and aim it at the target. However, it should be noted that the success rate of each shot is only 40%. Therefore, fans of casual RPGs should set realistic expectations and understand that not every shot will be successful in calming the shark. Thankfully, the Tranquilizer Rifle comes equipped with an eight-round magazine, providing ample ammunition to subdue the creature before running out.
Dave the Diver: How to Catch 3-Star Sharks
: RewritingIt should be noted that if a player opts to use the Modified Hush Dart, they will be required to fire two consecutive shots at a shark in order to tranquilize the creature. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that Sleepy Toy Hammers and Tranquilizing Harpoon Tips have the capability to put sharks to sleep, although fans have limited control over when they have access to these items.
Following the tranquilization of a shark, players can utilize a Salvage Drone to capture it. For those unfamiliar, this equipment is obtained through the Tuna Party event, which occurs sporadically throughout the story as players advance. The Salvage Drone has the ability to bring subdued large fish, including the captured shark, to the surface. These captives will be three-star creatures and yield the highest amount of meat. Dave the Diver is currently accessible for PC users.