Unveiling the Hidden Altars of Lilith in Hawezar: A Complete Guide to Diablo 4

Discover the final map area of Diablo 4, Hawezar, and complete your collection of Altars of Lilith Explore the 34 different locations to uncover the Altars' powerful abilities and take on the ultimate challenge in this epic game
The world of Diablo 4 comprises of five major map locations - Fractured Peaks, Scosglen, Dry Steppes, Kehjistan, and Hawezar. These areas are packed with an abundance of collectibles, materials, vendors, strongholds, dungeons, and other exciting elements.
Players will find themselves drawn to the Altars of Lilith, which are scattered across all five sections of the Sanctuary map. These statues provide players with a boost to their core stats and other perks. While some Altars are easily accessible, others are hidden away, requiring players to seek them out or receive hints to locate them.
What Altars of Lilith Do in Diablo 4
Altars offer players the opportunity to receive a range of benefits, including a permanent stat boost, increased capacity for Murmuring Obols, additional life, or paragon points. These valuable enhancements not only benefit the player's current character, but also extend to every character on the same server. Consequently, collecting as many Altars as possible is a wise move for players seeking to expedite the leveling process for subsequent characters. One such benefit is a bonus of +8 to Max HP.
+2 Strength
+2 Dexterity
+2 Willpower
+2 Intelligence
+5 to the total number of obols a character can hold
+1 Paragon Point
All Altar of Lilith Locations in Diablo 4's Hawezar
Within Hawezar, there are 34 Altars of Lilith, each providing a unique boost and surrounded by distinctive scenery. To aid in navigation, below are maps and general locations of these Altars along with information on their respective benefits.
Altar of Lilith 1: The Fallow Tillage
This Altar for the demon Lilith from Diablo 4 is located almost in a direct line from the southwest exit of Zarbinzet.
Reward: +2 Strength
Altar of Lilith 2: Savage Precipice
Head to the west from Zarbinzet; look for a little rocky alcove surrounded by some bushes for this location.
Reward: +2 Willpower
Altar of Lilith 3: Nymyr Highlands
Look to the north of Zarbinzet; this Altar will be located in some trees next to a sacrificial altar nearby.
Reward: +2 Dexterity
Altar of Lilith 4: Vyeresz - Temple Ruins
This Altar in Vyeresz Stronghold is not accessible until players of Diablo 4 open the Serpent's Eye Door while conquering this stronghold.
Reward: +2 Dexterity
Altar of Lilith 5: Monument to the Failed Crusade
At the northernmost portion of the Crusader's Monument Stronghold in Hawezar, players can find this Altar whether they have completed the stronghold or not.
Reward: +2 Willpower
Altar of Lilith 6: Faith's Edge
If players head east out of Zarbinzet, the Altar of Lilith is hiding in this little waterfall.
Reward: +2 Intelligence
Altar of Lilith 7: Dismal Foothills
Head northeast from Wejinhani and track the river canyon until you reach a jump point. Make the leap to discover Diablo 4's Altar of Lilith and earn a valuable reward of +5 to your Obol storage capacity.
Altar of Lilith 8: Bloodpox Basin
Going southeast out of the town of Wejinhani, players will find themselves in the swamps. The Altar is located in this section of the map.
Reward: +5 to the maximum number of Obols players can hold
Altar of Lilith 9: Crimson Spoil
Look to the southwest of the Eriman's Pyre Stronghold in the swamps for this Altar's location.
Reward: +2 Strength
Altar of Lilith 10: Intruder's Claim
This Altar is located to the northeast of the Heathen's Keep Dungeon's entrance, hidden among some trees.
Reward: +2 Intelligence
Altar of Lilith 11: Eriman's Pyre
Players must dismantle a cart in the northwest of Eriman's Pyre Stronghold to access a hidden passageway leading to the Altar. It should be noted that players need to have conquered the Stronghold to reach this point, but completion is not necessary to obtain the Altar. Upon reaching the Altar, players will receive a +2 Intelligence reward.
Altar of Lilith 12: Ruins of Rakhat Keep
Rewritten content: To reach this Altar, head towards the northernmost region of the Ruins of Rakhat Keep and scale up the wall. Once you're at the top, jump over the gap to reach your destination. As a reward for your efforts, players will receive a +5 increase to their maximum Obol capacity.
Altar of Lilith 13: The Devouring Moor
Head southwest out of Ruins of Rakhat Keep; there is an Altar there very well hidden in some bushes.
Reward: +2 Strength
Altar of Lilith 14: Diseased Embankment
Look just southwest of Maugan's Works Dungeon entrance. This Altar is hidden behind a tree.
Reward: +2 Willpower
Altar of Lilith 15: Plains of Attrition
South and a little east of the Blind Burrows Dungeon entrance is where this Altar is located.
Reward: +5 to the maximum number of Obols players can hold
Altar of Lilith 16: Plains of Attrition
Heading south from the entrance of the Ruins of Eridu Dungeon and following the western coastline will lead players straight to the Altar, where they can obtain a reward of increasing their maximum Obols capacity by +5.
Altar of Lilith 17: Reach of Adulation
Just southwest of the Vyeresz Stronghold is where this Altar location is.
Reward: +5 to the maximum number of Obols players can hold
Altar of Lilith 18: The Molting Shore
If players head to the south from the entrance to Ruins of Eridu Dungeon and follow the coast east, they will find this location for an Altar.
Reward: +2 Strength
Altar of Lilith 19: Ottvik's Travail
A bit to the northwest of the entrance of the Ghoa Ruins Dungeon in Hawezar, there is yet another Altar.
Reward: +2 Intelligence
Altar of Lilith 20: Ottvik's Travail
Southeast of the Vyeresz Stronghold, players will find another Altar by some big trees.
Reward: +2 Dexterity
Altar of Lilith 21: The Dark Dross
Located in a lush clearing near a towering tree, the Altar sits to the east of the entrance to the Witchwater Dungeon. Players who pay a visit to this sacred site will be rewarded with an increase of +5 to their maximum Obols capacity, allowing them to carry more valuable currency on their adventures.
Altar of Lilith 22: Yngovani
There is a destroyed house just east of the Serpent's Lair dungeon entrance, and inside, players will find an Altar waiting.
Reward: +2 Strength
Altar of Lilith 23: Corpsewail Deluge
Directly north of the Serpent's Lair Dungeon entrance along the border of the zone, players can find this Altar near a cone-shaped hut.
Reward: +2 Willpower
Altar of Lilith 24: Corpsewail Deluge
This Altar is directly northwest of the Serpent's Lair Dungeon entrance in a little clearing.
Reward: +2 Dexterity
Altar of Lilith 25: The Swamp of Vanished Souls
After reaching the Tree of Whispers Waypoint in Hawezar, proceed towards the southwest to reach the altar. It's worth noting that you'll only be able to access this altar after completing the corresponding story quest that grants access to this particular area of the swamp. As a reward for successfully reaching the altar, players will receive an increase of 5 to the maximum number of Obols they can hold.
Altar of Lilith 26: Immurement of Thorns
After completing the necessary story quest that unlocks access to this section of the swamp, you can find this altar situated to the east of the Fetid Mausoleum Dungeon entrance. As a reward for your efforts, interacting with the altar will grant you a +2 Intelligence boost.
Altar of Lilith 27: Tszava's Slough
Southwest of the Fetid Mausoleum dungeon entrance, players will be able to get this Altar only after unlocking this part of the swamp with a story quest in Diablo 4.
Reward: +2 Strength
Altar of Lilith 28: Misshapen Labyrinth
This altar is located towards the north-west of the Haunted Refuge Dungeon entrance and can only be reached once the corresponding quest is completed, which opens up access to this particular part of the swamp. Upon completion, the reward for this task is an increase of +2 Dexterity.
Altar of Lilith 29: Mangrove Snarl
Southeast of the Faceless Shrine Dungeon entrance is where this Lilith Altar can be found.
Reward: +5 to the maximum number of Obols players can hold
Altar of Lilith 30: The Rustwatch
Northwest of the Faceless Shrine Dungeon entrance, there is another Altar to find.
Reward: +2 Intelligence
Altar of Lilith 31: Blackguard Bog
This Altar is directly northwest of the Backwater Waypoint; players will have to travel quite a ways to get there, but this is the closest fast-travel spot in the area.
Reward: +2 Willpower
Altar of Lilith 32: Bosun's Woe
In the northeast of the Belfry Zakara Dungeon entrance, there is a wrecked ship with an Altar next to it.
Reward: +2 Willpower
Altar of Lilith 33: Revenants Roam
Another Altar rests to the northeast of the Haunted Refuge Dungeon entrance in a stand of mangroves.
Reward: +5 to the maximum number of Obols players can hold
Altar of Lilith 34: Bosun's Woe
Head to the east of the Ancient Reservoir dungeon entrance and look for this Altar along the coast there.
Reward: +2 Dexterity
Diablo 4 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.