Unveiling the Enigma: The True Identity of Rick Prime in Rick and Morty
Unravel the enigma of Rick Prime, the ultimate nemesis of Rick C-137, and discover the reasons behind their bitter rivalry Journey into the depths to locate the elusive Rick Prime and uncover the untold secrets that bind these two formidable characters in the iconic show, Rick and Morty
Rick C-137's archnemesis, Rick Prime, played a significant role in shaping his life and causing him immense pain and loss.
Rick Prime is depicted as a self-centered and cruel individual whose sole concern is his own well-being. He views Rick C-137 merely as a tool to achieve his own goals.
Driven by an unwavering determination to locate and confront Rick Prime, Rick C-137 has not only pioneered portal technology and established the Citadel of Ricks but has also crafted a new existence alongside a different family in an alternate timeline.
Every hero has a nemesis who either gives them purpose or constantly tries to bring them down. Batman has the Joker, Spider-Man has the Green Goblin (or possibly Venom), Professor X has Magneto, and the list goes on. Similarly, Rick Sanchez (Rick C-137) from Rick and Morty has a nemesis who simply controls his life.
Rick C-137 is haunted by a dark past that forever altered the trajectory of his life. If it weren't for his nemesis (not Mr. Nimbus, by the way), whom he didn't encounter until he was older and a father, Rick C-137 might have been a retired scientist peacefully living on Earth C-137. However, one fateful day threw his existence into chaos.
Who Is Rick Prime?
The reason behind Rick C-137's identity lies with Rick Prime, who swiftly turned his life upside down and became his ultimate nemesis in a matter of seconds. Until seasons 5 and 6 of Rick and Morty, limited information was available about him and his deeds. However, his actions have now been verified, making it evident that he has always played a significant role in Rick C-137's life.In the "Prime Universe" (or the Cronenberged Dimension), Rick Prime is the true grandfather of the titular Morty Smith. Unlike the other Ricks, he had a daughter named Beth who survived and eventually married Jerry, resulting in the birth of their two children. Unfortunately, Rick Prime never had the chance to witness Beth's journey to adulthood.
After discovering and inventing portal technology, he abandoned his Prime Universe family to seek out other Ricks from different dimensions. His intention was to unite them and become the most powerful being in the universe, embarking on solo adventures across various dimensions.
Among the Ricks, Rick Prime stands out for his unparalleled selfishness. He disregards everything and everyone, including his countless versions, and particularly Rick C-137. In his twisted way, he believed he could help Rick C-137 realize his potential as a scientist and interstellar traveler. However, instead of fostering an ally, he unintentionally created a formidable and relentless enemy. Someone who will stop at nothing to pursue him, even if it means sacrificing everything that matters to them.
Why Does Rick C-137 Hate Rick Prime?
A young Rick C-137 was struggling to finalize the equation needed for successful portal technology. Frustrated, he decided to shift his focus to other tasks. However, one day, Rick Prime appeared in Rick C-137's garage and offered him the equation he had been seeking. Having moved past the idea of interdimensional travel, Rick C-137 declined the offer.
Rick Prime, unable to comprehend that not all Ricks share the same desires, mocked his interstellar counterpart. Rick C-137 realized that all he wanted was to be with his family - his wife Diane and daughter Beth. This sentiment was lost on Rick Prime, who left in dismissal. However, he soon returned and callously ended the lives of Diane and Beth by planting a deadly explosive.
Rick C-137 became consumed by madness as he relentlessly pursued the murderer of his family. His sole focus became the development of portal technology, as it was the only means by which he could locate Rick Prime. Eventually, his efforts paid off, and he successfully created a portal gun, enabling him to embark on his quest to confront his archenemy. Despite years of tireless searching, he was unable to locate Rick Prime. However, during his pursuit, Rick C-137 inadvertently created the Citadel of Ricks. Additionally, he made the decision to settle on Rick Prime's Earth, where he could finally be with his adult daughter and her family, whom he had never met in his own timeline. Unbeknownst to his newfound family, Rick C-137 continued his relentless search for Rick Prime, making it the central purpose of his existence.
Where Is Rick Prime?
Currently, the whereabouts of Rick Prime remain unknown to Rick C-137 (as well as to the viewers of Rick and Morty). However, in the sixth season, Rick C-137 has made some headway in narrowing down his possible location. Through his efforts, he managed to discover a hidden sanctuary belonging to Rick Prime situated in outer space. Upon his arrival, a series of cunning traps hindered his progress significantly.
In this secretive hideout, Rick Prime's actions left Rick C-137 questioning his own presence. Rick Prime presented himself in a peculiar manner, standing unclothed inside a glass enclosure, which perplexed Rick C-137, making him uncertain if the figure in the case was truly himself or merely a replica. Eventually, Morty managed to convince Rick C-137 to depart the hideout to safeguard himself. However, it was later revealed that the authentic Rick Prime was indeed the inhabitant of the glass enclosure.
Subsequently, Rick Prime reappeared on Earth in the altered Cronenberged Dimension. He eliminated the original Jerry, who was Morty's biological father, after Jerry's unsuccessful attempt to assassinate him. Although Rick Prime did not leave the Cronenberged earth following the demise of his son-in-law, it is challenging to determine if he chose to remain there. After all, why would he? The entire population has undergone the Cronenberg transformation. Nevertheless, it is possible that it serves as an ideal hiding place due to its blatant nature, as returning home after such a prolonged absence would be too predictable. Perhaps the forthcoming seventh season will witness the long-awaited confrontation between the two Ricks. Ultimately, only time (and space) will disclose the truth.