Unveiling the Enigma: Guillermo Del Toro's Pappy McPoyle Dissected

Unveiling the Enigma: Guillermo Del Toro's Pappy McPoyle Dissected

Unveiling the Disturbing World of Pappy McPoyle: Guillermo del Toro's portrayal of the inbred family's patriarch leaves audiences spellbound Get ready for the McPoyles' return, but what about del Toro?

Guillermo del Toro portrays the hilariously bizarre character of Pappy McPoyle on the comedy series It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Alongside the depraved adventures of the Paddy's Pub gang, consisting of Charlie, Mac, Frank, Dennis, and Dee, Pappy McPoyle adds another level of hilarity to the show. While the gang's flaws and self-obsessed actions make the lives of those around them worse, they pale in comparison to the McPoyle family, known for their gross-out antics and inbred background. As the show progresses, viewers are introduced to the extended McPoyle family, which includes the patriarch Pappy McPoyle, portrayed by none other than Oscar-winning filmmaker Guillermo del Toro.

Guillermo del Toro Plays Pappy McPoyle — The Patriarch Of An Inbred Family

Unveiling the Enigma: Guillermo Del Toro's Pappy McPoyle Dissected

Pappy McPoyle, Liam and Ryan's grandfather, makes his first appearance in season 8's episode of "The Maureen Ponderosa Wedding Massacre" in It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. In this episode, he shares a bizarre story with the gang about his babies being fully formed when they sprang from his loins, and how he ate one of them when it tried to eat him. Pappy later reappears in season 11's "McPoyle Vs. Ponderosa: The Trial Of The Century," where he is summoned to testify by Charlie. The trial revolves around a lawsuit filed by Liam McPoyle against Bill Ponderosa, who had spiked the wedding milk and caused Liam to lose his eye in season 8.

Charlie brings Pappy to the stand, where he continues to ramble incoherently. However, Charlie then removes Pappy's hat, revealing Royal McPoyle, Pappy's pet bird that resides on his head and is responsible for gouging out Liam's eye. The trial descends into chaos, and Pappy commands Royal to gouge out The Lawyer's eyes and deliver them to him. This marks the last appearance of Pappy McPoyle on It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.

While del Toro may not have been an obvious choice to make a guest appearance on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, it was surprisingly simple to arrange due to the friendship he formed with Charlie Day, one of the show's co-creators and the actor who portrays Charlie Kelly. The two first crossed paths during the production of Pacific Rim. In a behind-the-scenes video that delves into his cameo, del Toro discloses that when he was approached about appearing on the show, he requested "the most degrading cameo possible" from Charlie, who then came up with the character Pappy McPoyle.

Ever since his last appearance, fans have been eagerly anticipating the return of Guillermo del Toro as Pappy McPoyle in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. While the show is already in progress, it has been confirmed that Liam and Ryan McPoyle will be making a comeback for at least one episode. However, there is no news yet on whether Guillermo del Toro's character will be joining them. It is worth noting that del Toro, who was already a renowned filmmaker during his previous appearance on the show, has since gone on to win three Oscars for his films like The Shape of Water and Pinocchio. Interestingly, del Toro also made a cameo on Barry's final season, demonstrating his willingness to take on television acting roles. This suggests that he may be open to returning to It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia as well.