Unveiling the Enigma: Explosive Revelations in The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Episode 10

Unveiling the Enigma: Explosive Revelations in The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Episode 10

The explosive secrets of Cant's destruction are unveiled as everyone is captured in episode 10 of Four Knights of the Apocalypse Edlin's mysterious past is revealed, while the dragon's wrath devastates Cant Percival's faith in Donny and Donny's motivation to fight take center stage A thrilling episode that leaves viewers on the edge of their seats

The episode titled "Roar of Destruction" from The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse was released on December 17, 2023. The brewing chaos of the Cant Arc escalated further from the previous episode, resulting in more devastation.

As the others were incapacitated by alcohol or physical harm, Edlin attempted to persuade Donny to join him in causing more chaos. What followed was an explosion of destruction, devastating the town of Cant and putting important people and relationships at risk of being lost.

Secrets are revealed, and things explode as Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 10 continues the Cant Arc. The town may never be the same after this.

Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 10: Cant's destruction

Everyone captured

Unveiling the Enigma: Explosive Revelations in The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Episode 10

Everyone captured in Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 10 (Image via Our Website)

After Percival and Anne were knocked out, the immediate aftermath revealed Howzer's true loyalties and Edin's presence. Episode 9 saw the group arriving in Cant and losing most of their money. Donny and Edin were working as Howzer's apprentices, and towards the end of the episode, Edin confronted the group.

In episode 10 of Four Knights of the Apocalypse, Howzer admitted that he had been infiltrating Cant to defeat the criminals who were terrorizing travelers. However, he had reached his limit with alcohol and passed out. Nasiens was the only one left in the tavern, with the criminals planning to sell Percival's group into slavery after taking their belongings.

Edlin's secrets and backstory revealed

Refusing to tolerate such disrespect, Nasiens employed Misty Rain Belladonna, a toxic mist, to incapacitate all the bar patrons except Edlin. Regrettably, Nasiens fell unconscious after being deceived into believing that Percival was being held captive by Edlin. With the group captured and Sin nowhere to be found, Donny was left alone to face Edlin.

Unveiling the Enigma: Explosive Revelations in The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Episode 10

In the latest episode 10 of Four Knights of the Apocalypse, Edlin's secrets are finally revealed (Image via Our Website).

Edlin's true motivation is exposed along with several shocking secrets: not only is he the leader of the bandits who conquered Cant, but he also possesses a dragon under his command. Edlin himself confesses to Donny that he severed ties with Howzer and abandoned his role as a Holy Knight. After wandering for some time, he eventually ended up in Cant.

Rumors of an ancient dragon in the mountains reached him, and he decided to steal its egg. Holding the dragon hostage, he formed a band of thieves and quickly took control of Cant. Edlin possesses the power of imitation, allowing him to create realistic illusions of figures like Percival or the dragon's egg. Despite his reputation as a selfish rogue, there is more to him than meets the eye.

The bartender of Cant reveals that Edlin has been keeping both the bandits and the dragon in check. Thanks to him, the bandits have not harmed women or children, nor killed any of the Holy Knights they captured. It is also disclosed that he was aware the egg had hatched and had been working to keep the baby dragon alive, with the help of the bartender.

The dragon's rage wrecks Cant

Unveiling the Enigma: Explosive Revelations in The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Episode 10

The dragon's rage in Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 10 (Image via Our Website)

Edlin's leadership and his restraints on the bandits were never taken kindly. They knocked him out and made off with the fake egg, resulting in its destruction and exposing the ruse. Episode 10 of Four Knights of the Apocalypse is a stark reminder not to underestimate the wrath of a dragon.

The town of Cant was ravaged by the dragon, with the iconic tavern spire being one of the first casualties. As rocks and flames tore through the city, causing panic and chaos, Sin and Slyvan sprang into action to rescue Percival and his companions.

Percival's trust in Donny and Donny's reason to fight

Despite Percival's magical intervention, the dragon remained undeterred in its fury, posing a grave threat to Edlin and Donny. The climactic conclusion of Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 10 depicted the intense showdown between Percival, Donny, and Edlin as they confronted the relentless wrath of the dragon, while Nasiens and Anne desperately worked to heal the dragon's hatchling.

Unveiling the Enigma: Explosive Revelations in The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Episode 10

Donny's determination to fight in episode 10 of Four Knights of the Apocalypse (Image via Our Website)

Howzer remained skeptical of Donny's character, believing that he had fled from his responsibilities as a Holy Knight. However, Donny demonstrated his resolve in episode 7 and once again in Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 10, reaffirming his commitment to continue his journey as a Holy Knight.

Throughout the series, Donny undergoes significant character development. Despite his tendency to flee from danger, he consistently returns to offer assistance. This was evident in episode 2 when he partnered with Percival to rescue the village, in episode 7 when he safeguarded civilians from monsters in Sistana, and now in episode 10 as he works to save Edlin from certain death.

While it is suggested that Donny's mother passed away and he fears a similar fate, flashbacks reveal this as the reason for his departure from training. However, Donny now asserts with confidence that he has found purpose in life and in fighting: his friends. This newfound determination enables him to rescue Edlin and support Percival as they confront the dragon.

Final thoughts

Episode 10 of Four Knights of the Apocalypse is a thrilling turning point in the Cant Arc. While there are no evil Knights of Camelot to contend with this time, Percival's group crosses paths with the Knight Captain of Liones and embarks on a mission to rescue a town overrun by thieves and bandits, as well as a dragon. This proves to be a typical challenge for them, as they continue to come to the aid of every town they encounter.

Moreover, episode 10 reiterates the theme that people are capable of change and that appearances can be deceiving, particularly with Edlin. Despite initially seeming like a villain, his character proves to be more complex, similar to Donny and the other members of Percival's group.

Fans will need to tune in to the next episode of Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse to see how things turn out.

Editor's P/S

As a hard fan of The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse, I am thrilled with the explosive revelations in episode 10. The unveiling of Cant's destruction and Edlin's mysterious past left me captivated and eager for more. The episode's title, "Roar of Destruction," perfectly encapsulates the chaos and devastation that unfolds, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats.

The revelation of Edlin's true identity and motivations adds a layer of complexity to his character. His confession to Donny about severing ties with Howzer and abandoning his role as a Holy Knight sheds light on his descent into darkness. The fact that he possesses the power of imitation and has been using it to create illusions further adds to his enigmatic nature. Despite his selfish actions, the bartender's revelation that Edlin has been keeping the bandits and the dragon in check adds a surprising element of depth to his character.