Unveiling the Enchanting Secrets of Hogwarts Legacy: Unlocking the Manor Cape Treasure Vaults

Uncover hidden treasures in Hogwarts Legacy's Manor Cape with our guide! Unlock all six Treasure Vaults to obtain powerful new gear Learn essential spells like Wingardium Leviosa, Levioso, Depulso, Accio, and Fire Spells to access these valuable rewards
When exploring the map of Hogwarts Legacy, players will encounter Treasure Vaults that provide rewards in the form of Gear. It is advised to ensure there are available slots in the inventory before undertaking this adventure. Fortunately, players who have completed the Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy will have 40 slots in their inventory, eliminating any concerns. The Manor Cape region presents a heightened challenge and is recommended for players who have reached level 25 or above, as it features intricate puzzles and formidable enemies.
Updated on August 28th, 2023: Manor Cape in Hogwarts Legacy offers numerous treasure vaults waiting to be discovered by players. These vaults are securely locked, and some even present intricate puzzles to unravel. To aid players in their quest to unlock and explore the Manor Cape vaults scattered throughout the area, a comprehensive guide has been devised. This guide includes a helpful video that showcases the solution for each vault and reveals the exciting contents within.
Manor Cape Treasure Vaults And How To Open Them In Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy is home to six magnificent Treasure Vaults. As players navigate through mind-bending puzzles, they will come across mystical cubes adorned with enchanting symbols, each representing a specific spell to be wielded.
Treasure Vault #1
To locate the initial Manor Cape Treasure Vault, make your way towards the southeast of Bainburgh Floo Flame. Position yourself on the hill situated above and spot the enchanted cube. Employ the Wingardium Leviosa spell to guide the cube onto its designated platform. Trigger the opening of the Treasure Vault door by utilizing Levioso on the cube.
Treasure Vault #2
Upon entering, activate the upgraded cube by casting a fire spell, such as Incendio, and utilize Wingardium Leviosa to hoist it up to the ceiling's platform situated adjacent to the secured door. Concealed beyond this very door, one shall find a chest that conceals a valuable Gear in Hogwarts Legacy.
Head southwest from Cragcroft Shore Hamlet to discover the second Treasure Vault in Manor Cape. In order to access its contents, you must first locate a magical cube positioned eastward, close to a Cottongrass Dugbog. Utilize Wingardium Leviosa to levitate the cube and return it to its rightful place on the platform. Then, employ the spell Levioso to unlock the vault.
Inside the vault, players will find a normal cube. Using Wingardium Leviosa on the cube will cause the ground level to rise, allowing players to climb and claim the treasure.
Treasure Vault #3
The third Treasure Vault can be found east of the West Manor Cape Floo Flame, adjacent to a Merlin Trial in Hogwarts Legacy. To gain access to the vault, players must confront the Poacher Trackers who guard it.
Afterward, opening the door requires activating two mechanisms by casting Depulso four times on each.
The cave's interior houses a mysterious puzzle, requiring the implementation of Wingardium Leviosa to elevate the cube and position it accurately with the arrow symbol facing downward. After successfully unraveling the puzzle, the door to the treasure will unlock, permitting players to seize their deserving reward.
Treasure Vault #4
The fourth Treasure Vault in Hogwarts Legacy can be found adjacent to a landing platform north of the West Manor Cape waypoint. When you arrive, utilize Accio to pull the lever located by the entrance of the vault, granting you access to the cavern. Once inside, players will be required to overcome an Inferius before advancing further.
Within the confines of the cave, there lie 12 levers intricately intertwined with the existence of three firmly sealed doors. Concealed amidst this enigmatic setup is a coveted Gear chest, but only one door can grant access to its treasures. To unravel this mystery, players must exercise their skill in selecting six levers at random, the combination required to unlock the concealed prize. A touch of magic is indispensable as the players employ the spell Revelio to unveil the true nature of the levers, and with swift precision, employ the spell Accio to summon them forth.
Treasure Vault #5
To find the fifth Treasure Vault, teleport to the West Manor Cape Floo Flame and proceed southwards. You can easily spot the vault positioned directly beneath a small bridge, eliminating the necessity of solving a puzzle.
Once inside, players should utilize a fire spell from their arsenal in Hogwarts Legacy to incinerate the entangled spider's webs while simultaneously overpowering the arachnid sentinels protecting the chest. Subsequently, the webs enveloping the chest must be engulfed in flames to retrieve a valuable Gear.
Treasure Vault #6
The sixth Treasure Vault is located on the shore, west of Henrietta's Hideaway. Unfortunately, the entrance to the vault is currently obstructed. To access the vault, players should proceed west to the adjacent bridge and dive into the vortex, which will then grant them entry to the vault.
Once inside, cast Depulso multiple times on the mechanism to move the rocks, which will create a climbing platform to reach the chest containing a Gear in Hogwarts Legacy.
All Necessary Spells To Unlock Manor Cape Treasure Vaults In Hogwarts Legacy
There are not as many Treasure Vaults in Manor Cape as in the other Regions in Hogwarts Legacy.
Wingardium Leviosa
To master Wingardium Leviosa in Hogwarts Legacy, players must successfully fulfill the tasks of Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1 Quest. Step one entails visiting Dogweed & Deathcap, a shop located in Hogsmeade, to acquire specific plants. Among the purchases, be sure to obtain the Venomous Tentacula and a Mandrake, as they will prove crucial later on.
Once engaged in a confrontation with Poachers or Goblins, employ the Venomous Tentacula and Mandrake to accomplish the assigned objectives. After completing the tasks, return to the Herbology Professor to receive instruction on the Levitation Spell.
There are no additional tasks required for players who want to learn Levioso. This is because Professor Hecat teaches the Spell during one of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classes. Therefore, students merely need to focus and pay attention.
In order to acquire the knowledge of Depulso, players are required to undertake various tasks, mirroring the concept of Wingardium Leviosa. However, unlike Professor Garlick, it is Professor Sharp who oversees the Assignment. To successfully complete these tasks, Students must either procure or concoct a Focus, Maxima, and Edurus Potion.
The objective is to utilize the Focus Potion exclusively, followed by consuming Maxima and Edurus simultaneously, in order to successfully accomplish the tasks in Hogwarts Legacy. Afterwards, return to the Potion Master and master the Depulso spell to fulfill Professor Sharp’s Assignment 1 Quest.
In addition to its effectiveness in combat, Accio also proves valuable in puzzle-solving situations. Students have the ability to manipulate objects by using Accio to draw them closer or propel them farther away. Learning the Spell is an integral part of the Main Quest, leaving little mystery for those seeking to master Accio.
Fire Spells
Fire Spells have multiple applications, including solving Brazier Puzzles during the Merlin Trial, unlocking a Field Guide Page, and combating hordes of enemies. Additionally, these Spells are utilized to ignite enchanted cubes or eliminate webs obstructing access to the Manor Cape Treasure Vaults in Hogwarts Legacy.
To acquire the Incendio Spell, you must successfully accomplish Professor Hecat's Assignment 1 Quest.
Confringo: Complete In the Shadow of the Undercroft Quest.
Bombarda: Complete Professor Howin's Assignment Quest.
Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PS5, Xbox Series S/X, and PC. PS4, Xbox One, and Switch versions are currently in development.