Unveiling the Eerie Similarities of Diablo 4 and Path of Exile's Ultra Rare Unique Drops

Unveiling the Eerie Similarities of Diablo 4 and Path of Exile's Ultra Rare Unique Drops

Diablo 4's Harlequin Crest and The Grandfather are incredibly rare and coveted items that offer unique benefits and drawbacks, similar to Path of Exile's approach to unique drops These items provide a challenging and rewarding experience for players who manage to obtain them

Diablo 4 is taking a back-to-basics approach to its gameplay and classes, which harks back to the first game in the series. This approach played a significant role in determining the character archetype for the new ARPG, alongside Diablo 2. The previous installment, Diablo 3, didn't live up to Blizzard's expectations and faced initial stumbling blocks. Although the Reaper of Souls expansion improved the game, it came too late for some fans. Diablo 4 is rooted in the elements that make a good action RPG, and its approach to loot and item drops is similar to that of Path of Exile, which succeeded in the wake of Diablo 3's failure.

Like traditional RPGs, Path of Exile offers various rarity types for items, a feature that Diablo 4 also includes. Path of Exile's rarest drops are Uniques, while Diablo 4 has Legendary items (which possess a Legendary Aspect) and Unique items (gear with effects that cannot be obtained elsewhere). Diablo 4's endgame is likely to receive ongoing improvements and additions, but the game shares an enduring feature with Path of Exile: "chase Uniques" - items that are so rare and powerful they can define entire builds. However, their inclusion can be a double-edged sword.

Diablo 4's Harlequin Crest and The Grandfather are a Double-Edged Sword

Unveiling the Eerie Similarities of Diablo 4 and Path of Exile's Ultra Rare Unique Drops

In Path of Exile, players strive to obtain rare items such as the legendary Headhunter belt, which can make even the toughest challenges a breeze. Similarly, in Diablo 4, there are two incredibly powerful and rare items that players seek: the Harlequin Crest helmet and The Grandfather two-handed sword. Recently, Blizzard confirmed their existence after a lucky player found one. The Harlequin Crest is a game-changing item that boosts every ability in the skill tree by +4 levels, along with impressive stats and attributes that can make or break endgame builds. On the other hand, The Grandfather may not be suitable for all classes due to its two-handed sword requirement, but it offers incredible stats and perks, including a coveted 100% increase in critical strike damage. These items are highly sought after and can greatly enhance a player's Diablo 4 experience.

The live-service model and seasonal structure of Diablo 4 may present challenges for players lucky enough to acquire these rare and valuable Uniques. Past season items and characters do not carry over to new characters specifically made for season one, requiring players to start fresh to fully enjoy the update. Additionally, with only one confirmed player obtaining one of these Uniques in almost ten days since early access, it's likely that only a handful will drop in a season. While featuring these chase items is a smart move, it also poses issues for games like Path of Exile, which also has seasonal structures. Time will tell how successful this type of loot will be in Diablo 4.

Diablo 4 launches on June 6 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.