Unveiling the Correct Pronunciation of Illari in Overwatch 2, You Won't Believe It!

Unveiling the Correct Pronunciation of Illari in Overwatch 2, You Won't Believe It!

Blizzard unveils the correct pronunciation of Illari, Overwatch 2's latest support hero and sun's conduit, ensuring players pronounce the name accurately


Blizzard helps players understand how to pronounce the name of Overwatch 2's newest hero, Illari, due to the unique and exotic names of the game's heroes.

In Season 6 of Overwatch 2, players can expect exciting new additions. This includes the introduction of Illari, who brings her Solar Rifle and healing abilities to the game. Moreover, Blizzard has taken steps to address any confusion regarding the pronunciation of Illari's name. To clarify the correct pronunciation, they have reposted a video featuring Illari herself saying her own name.

The heroes of Overwatch 2 possess a multitude of exotic and unique names, which may prove challenging to pronounce. To aid players in understanding the correct pronunciation of the game's newest hero, Illari, Blizzard has stepped in. Names like Torbjorn and Baptiste can initially confuse new players when attempting to correctly pronounce these heroes' names. However, even seasoned players have struggled with Illari's name since her reveal leading up to Season 6, prompting Blizzard's assistance.

With the arrival of Season 6 in Overwatch 2, players have access to a wealth of fresh content. This includes the introduction of Illari as a support hero from Peru, alongside new PvP and PvE game modes. Illari's gameplay revolves around her Solar Rifle, which can unleash single-charged shots for damage or emit a healing beam, in addition to her healing pylons and her ultimate ability, Captive Sun. On the PvP front, there is the Flashpoint mode, where victory is achieved by capturing three out of five control points. Furthermore, there are three new PvE story missions called Invasion, where players face off against the formidable Null Sector.

Following Illari's disclosure before the start of Overwatch 2 Season 6, many players have reached out to Blizzard on social media to inquire about the correct pronunciation of her name. This confusion escalated as players noticed that her name was pronounced slightly differently by various heroes in the game compared to the pronunciation in the reveal video. To address this uncertainty, Blizzard resorted to Overwatch's Twitter account to repost a video of Illari pronouncing her own name from the reveal video, emphasizing that this was the correct pronunciation. According to the video, the character pronounced her name as "Ee-yar-ee."

It can be argued by players that Illari has the most distinct name among the diverse roster of heroes in Overwatch, each of whom manage to possess a unique identity both in terms of name and design. Blizzard has always been unafraid to bestow heroes with names that reflect their heritage, like Lucio or Torbjorn, although some names may initially pose difficulties for new players to pronounce. In addition to names, many characters also share thematic connections with others, showcasing their individual histories, such as the gang association between Ashe and Cassidy or Pharah's lineage as Ana's daughter.

Given the ongoing expansion of the roster, it would not be unexpected for players to encounter the same naming issue with Illari in future seasons of Overwatch 2. The frequency of this occurrence remains uncertain, but with the diverse array of heroes already present in the game, players may need to improve their phonetic and linguistic abilities.

Overwatch 2 is currently accessible on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.