Unveiling the Complete Map of Disney Illusion Island: A Comprehensive Guide to All Tokun Locations
Unveiling the Complete Map of Disney Illusion Island: A Comprehensive Guide to All Tokun Locations
All Tokuns Locations in the Terrarium Town
All Tokuns Locations in Head of the Highness
All Tokuns Locations in Downtown Gizmopolis
All Tokuns Locations in MOPS
All Tokuns Locations in Crescent Hamlet
All Tokuns Locations in the Sky Below
Disney Illusion Island is an immersive game that offers a multitude of collectibles. Within the vibrant realm of this Metroidvania video game, players can stumble upon concealed Mickeys, Glimts that unlock additional hearts, Mickey Memorabilia, and intriguing items called Tokuns.
These unique trading cards, crafted by Monoth, are scattered throughout the entire game map. In order to obtain each of these cards, players must first unlock all their abilities. With a grand total of 91 Tokuns awaiting discovery on the Illusion Island of Monoth, completionist gamers will undoubtedly strive to collect every single one.
There is a solitary Tokun located underwater in the Library. To reach it, players must possess the Deep Dive ability, which is unlocked in the later stages of the game on Illusion Island.
All Tokuns Locations in the Forgotten Farmlands
The second location that players need to visit in order to progress after receiving information from the Library is The Forgotten Farmlands. In this area, players will obtain the Wall Jump ability and have the opportunity to collect various items.There are two Tokuns on the Surface, the part of the Farmlands immediately outside the Library. One of these Tokuns need late-game abilities.
1. The first Tokun is in a little cave under the middle section of the Surface in this Switch puzzle platformer. Look for a branching road leading down near a bouncy pink leaf.
Upon entering the Surface, players will quickly encounter the Deep Roots. In order to access the Quarry, three keys must be obtained to unlock the door. Additionally, there are numerous Tokuns scattered throughout this area for players to discover.
1. This Tokun is located left of the entrance to the Deep Roots. It is hidden behind a fake wall.
3. Spot a concealed wall in the vicinity of two vibrant orange bouncing flowers positioned in the lower left section of Deep Roots. Explore within to stumble upon a clandestine Mickey, a dose of Glimts, and the ever-elusive Tokun nestled in the upper left-hand corner.
4. In the same hidden area as the third Tokun, go into the Moon Juice on the floor. Break the barrier into the next room, then climb up to get to the Tokun.
The Quarry is a significantly smaller area, housing only a single Tokun. To locate this Tokun within the Quarry, direct your attention to the central region. Keep an eye out for a Wall Jumping spot positioned to the right of the largest chamber.
Overgrown Farmlands
All the way to the left of the map lies a concealed spot concealed behind a deceptive wall. Search for a petite green frog-like creature adjacent to a lively puzzle in this lower corner to uncover it. Players must acquire the Float power prior to obtaining the Tokun from this room.
This Tokun is located directly north of the original Tokun. To locate it, players need to go left from the entrance and continue until they eventually discover it. However, reaching this Tokun is only possible after defeating the MOPS section, as it is concealed behind one of the slides.
4. Players have to pass by this Tokun to get through the level.
5. Immediately underneath the fourth Tokun is where this one is hidden; it is behind a fake wall.
Smuggler's Pass
1. Located about halfway down the map, this Tokun requires Ground Pound to pick up.
2. This Tokun is at the bottom of Smuggler's Pass. The Ground Pound is needed to get to it.
All Tokuns Locations in the Terrarium Town
Welcome to Terrarium Town, a charming city adorned with glistening golden statues of geese and elegant sofas. In addition to the dazzling jewels, players will also discover a plethora of Tokuns waiting to be discovered.
1. This Tokun is found along the only path through the Approach. Players will need to come back after getting Swing.
The colorful Market Town is home to three Tokuns. Both of these require the Swing power to pick up.
1. The first Tokun is located along the route to get inside the Market Town; look for it at the beginning of this section of the map then a little to the left.
3. In order to get this last Tokun, head all the way up and to the right of Market Town. It is immediately above the entrance to Old Town, behind a fake wall.
Future Town
After Market Town, players will need to head into Future Town to get the Swing ability. There are six total Tokuns in this massive location.
2. The next Tokun is found along the path through Future Town; while players can't miss seeing this one, they will have to come back for it later.
3. Tokun number three requires Deep Dive. It is immediately after the second Tokun. Look for a fake floor leading down next to a checkpoint mailbox.
5. There is another Tokun along the main drag; it is high above players and requires the Swing ability.
6. The sixth Tokun is notably elusive. Within the initial segment of Future Town, an illusionary wall can be encountered precisely where the arrow is positioned within the visual representation above. Venturing inside leads to the long-awaited discovery of the Tokun.
Old Town is filled with six whole Tokuns and other collectibles. Players will need to swim, swing, and more to get every single one.
1. This little house is a little to the left of the central pillar of air in Old Town, near the middle of the map.
3. Located on the far right side of Old Town, this Tokun is right underneath the hidden Memorabilia. There is a fake wall on the right next to a seesaw.
4. This Tokum is in the very center of town in the swimable Moon Juice. Players will need Deep Dive first.
6. This little Tokun room is accessible from either side. Look for it to the right of the path by the Deep Dive section.
All Tokuns Locations in Head of the Highness
1. This is in a cave to the right part of the map. Players can find this underneath and to the left of the heart pool in the Base.
2. This location is to the right of the Perches, where players can get the map piece. Mickey and friends will have to go up the right path to get it.
Base of the City
Exploring Gizmopolis: A Perilous Factory Adventure for Mickey and FriendsThe entrance of Gizmopolis is called Base of the City, and has three Tokuns inside of it.
2. This Tokun is along the path to get to the first Tokun above.
3. Descend while the primary route ascends, proceeding to the far left of the lower region of the map. This particular Tokun awaits at the conclusion of a capacious chamber brimming with menacing spikes and formidable creatures.
Next up is the Residential Area, situated just above the Base of the City. Here, players will find four new Tokuns.
1. This Tokun is located behind a fake wall where the Orange Crayon is.
3. Immediately above the heart pool, there is a chamber hidden behind a fake wall. Inside will be a bookcase and a Tokun.
4. This Tokun is in the section of the Residential area up the seesaw. Players need to Ground Pound the seesaw to get up, then climb and head to the right to find this.
City Center
1. This Tokun can actually be seen from the other side of the wall; it's pretty dangerous in there, so make sure Mickey and friends are filled up on health.
2. This second Tokun is very well hidden. Look for a fake wall along the right side of the main path.
There is only one Tokun in the Route to MOPS, and it is located inside the teleporter's room.
Service Tunnels
The Service Tunnels is a pretty large part of the Downtown area. There are a bunch of collectibles, and there are six total Tokuns that are pretty spread out along it.
2. This Tokun is very well hidden; there is a fake ceiling above the Hidden Mickey on the pipe.
3. When players head through the door and up to the left, there is a large room with this Tokun in it at the end of it.
5. Where the path branches off in four directions at the bottom of the Service Tunnels, head to the left and down to find this location.
Admin Buildings
1. Behind a fake wall to the left of the checkpoint mailbox in this area, there is a little jumping puzzle to a Tokun.
2. From the door leading to the Base of the City, head to the right, then up and to the left. This will be at the end of that corridor.
All Tokuns Locations in MOPS
1. This Tokun is located in the same room as the Memorabilia in this area, but rotated once.
2. This Tokun is located in one of the middle rooms of the upper Left Corridor.
4. This MOPS Tokuns requires Deep Dive.
All Tokuns Locations in Servo's Swing Spot
All Tokuns Locations in Crater's Bay
Crater's Bay offers a plethora of Tokuns for players of the highly acclaimed Disney Illusion Island. Situated to the right of the Library, this captivating sandy beach-like setting presents an expansive area where players must diligently search every grain of sand to acquire all the collectible items.
Access Way
Lookout has three new Tokuns to collect.
2. This Tokun is located in the same room as the Bookcase. Players will have to put the Tome in it before they can access this one.
3. Head to the top left of the Lookout section of the map to find this room.
Upper Bay
1. Found in the middle of the bottom part of the Upper Bay, this Tokun is guarded by two spitting slime creatures.
2. This one is along the main path through the Upper Bay.
4. This last Tokun is found in the lower right corner of this room where players found one of the hide-and-seek kids.
Lower Bay
1. Head past the entrance to Bay Center to the left, and keep going until there is a dead end. This Tokun will be there.
3. This last Tokun is located in Lower Bay's branching offshoot to the bottom and left of the map. Look for the fake wall in the lower right of this screen to get some Glimts.
Smuggler's Bay
There is a single Tokun here in Smuggler's Bay, and it is located just before the Float air that leads up into the Bay Beneath.
The Tokun is at the bottom of the Research Station on the other side of a breakable Ground Pound block. In order to get it, players will have to come back through the Egress.
All Tokuns Locations in Crescent Hamlet
The whole of Crescent Hamlet is a small portion of the right side of the map, but it contains six more Tokuns in it.
2. Along the beach, players can find another Tokun on the main route above the sea.
3. There is another Tokun to the right of the house with the yellow button in it.
5. To the left of the house with the yellow button in it, there is a slide rail with a Tokun above it.
6. Down in the bottom left of the Cliffside section of Crescent Hamlet, there is a Tokun past the map piece robot.
The very top of the Sky Below is Nearshore, and it only has one collectible in it: a Tokun hidden behind a fake wall.
Another four Tokuns can be found in the Shallows, the location just down from Nearshore and up from the Depths. This is yet another water level in this platform video game.
1. There is a Token at the very top of this out-of-the-way room in the upper right side of the Shallows.
3. The Tokun is guarded by two flowers that fire missiles. Be careful when grabbing it.
4. There is another Tokun on the left bottom part of the Shallows.
1. There is a Tokun inside the bookcase room, which is hidden behind a fake wall in the bottom left corner of the Depths.
2. This can be found along the left-side path through the Depths.
4. Look to the far right side of the Depths to find this Tokun.
1. This Tokun is found in the left-side path down to the Bottom, behind a fake wall.
2. From the first Tokun, head south and look for it along the path to the Bottom.
4. The elusive Tokun can be found on the right-side pathway leading to the Bottom. This completes the collection of all the Tokuns in this exciting video game for avid collectors.
Disney Illusion Island is now available for Nintendo Switch.