Unveiling Startling Similarities: The Simpsons Cruise Episode Foretells Real-Life Ship Captain Incident

Unveiling Startling Similarities: The Simpsons Cruise Episode Foretells Real-Life Ship Captain Incident

The Simpsons' decade-old cruise episode astounds with its accurate depiction of a real-life incident, earning a remarkable accuracy score Discover the incredible accuracy of the show's future predictions in this engaging article


The Simpsons is known for its uncanny ability to predict future events, and one notable episode from 2012 showcases this skill. In this particular episode, the Simpson family embarks on a cruise adventure. However, mischievous Bart decides to play a prank on everyone by creating a false alarm about a virus outbreak on land, resulting in the ship being stranded at sea.

Cruise ship captain Wendy Williams analyzes the episode in a new video, where she explains the relationship between the events portrayed in the show and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cruise ships.

Renowned for its accurate future predictions, The Simpsons has successfully forecasted various outcomes such as Super Bowl winners, Disney's acquisition of Fox, FIFA's corruption scandal, and numerous others.

A 2012 episode of The Simpsons showcases a viral outbreak on a cruise ship, drawing similarities to a recent real-life incident. As the longest-running animated sitcom, originating in 1989 on Fox, The Simpsons has gained recognition for its ability to seemingly foresee future events. In a video for Insider, cruise ship captain Wendy Williams examines one of The Simpsons' predictions from episode 19 of season 23.

The mentioned episode, titled "A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again," follows the Simpsons family as they go on a cruise. Bart decides to prolong the trip by deceiving everyone on board into believing there is a viral outbreak on land. Eventually, after spending numerous days at sea, the condition of the ship becomes dire, leading the crew to serve roasted seagull as a food source. Please see Williams' analysis of the episode below:

"Considering that it was created in 2012... the pandemic caught everyone off guard, particularly cruise ships that were already in the midst of their trips and started experiencing cases of the virus on board. The Diamond Princess, unfortunately, faced a significant number of cases and was consequently placed under quarantine. It was a worst-case scenario."

“Would the ship look like that after 12 days? No. However, in The Simpsons’ universe, it is considered absolutely perfect. In reality, vessels can only stay at sea for as long as they have enough food and fuel. We never have and never would keep people onboard past that point. Cruise ships do carry a substantial amount of food, slightly exceeding the required voyage duration, but not by a large margin. Therefore, I would rate that as a nine [out of ten], as it is pretty accurate.”

The Simpsons' Future Predictions Explained

Unveiling Startling Similarities: The Simpsons Cruise Episode Foretells Real-Life Ship Captain Incident

While the episode mentioned above may not necessarily prophesy the future, it does examine the currently pertinent connection between a cruise ship and a virus. Nevertheless, there exist countless additional instances where The Simpsons remarkably foretold the future with greater precision and specificity.

The show has achieved moderate success by accurately predicting Super Bowl winners. In season 3, Lisa correctly predicted the Washington Redskins' victory in Super Bowl XXVI. This trend continued in subsequent years, with the show successfully predicting the San Francisco 49ers' win in Super Bowl XXIX.

The show has also made other notable predictions that ultimately came true. These include Disney's acquisition of Fox (season 10, episode 5), FIFA's corruption scandal (season 25, episode 16), Lady Gaga's performance at the Super Bowl (season 23, episode 22), the NSA's spying scandal (The Simpsons Movie), and the censorship of Michelangelo's David (season 2, episode 9). With the first episode of The Simpsons season 35 scheduled to air in the coming weeks, there may be even more accurate predictions in store.

Source: Insider/ YouTube