The Simpsons: Bart's Most Hilarious and Epic Prank Calls to Moe's Tavern, Revealed!

Bart's hilarious prank calls to Moe's Tavern have become iconic in The Simpsons Discover the top 15 funniest and most memorable prank call names, including classics like IMA Wiener and Hugh Jass Prepare to laugh your way through this list!
The Bart Simpson prank calls at Moe's Tavern are a longstanding and beloved gag on The Simpsons. Despite being repeated over the show's many seasons, they continue to captivate and entertain viewers. It's hard to believe that Moe is unaware of Bart's pranks, but they always end with Moe angrily threatening him. Bart finds great amusement in these exchanges and carries on with his day.
With over 30 seasons and no end in sight, The Simpsons is a significant part of American culture. Even after all this time, the Bart Simpson prank call names he uses to torment Moe's Tavern remain some of the show's funniest moments. Though often juvenile wordplay, they never fail to bring laughter to the audience, much like they have for decades. While there are countless prank calls to choose from, not limited to Moe's Tavern alone, a few jokes have stood out and have become some of Bart Simpson's most iconic catchphrases.
I.M.A. Wiener — Season 22, Episode 17, "Love Is A Many Strangled Thing"
While not belonging to the extensive collection of Bart Simpson prank calls, The Simpsons opted to showcase the passage of time by means of a prank text message initiated by Bart. In this particular episode, Moe is seen tending to the bar and utilizing his outdated flip phone when he receives a message from an individual with the username "I.M.A. Wiener." Moe proceeds to read the text aloud, amusing the bar patrons who subsequently erupt into laughter at his expense. It takes a moment for Moe to comprehend the prank, and in an attempt to retaliate, he struggles to text a threatening message back, only to inadvertently make a donation to Haiti due to his poor finger dexterity.
Homer Sexual — Season 2, Episode 14, "Principal Charming"
Although Homer Simpson manages to attract numerous women in the series, it would be an exaggeration to categorize any of them as "Homer sexual." Nonetheless, Moe is deceived by Bart Simpson's prank where he cleverly plays on his father's name.
In the episode "Principal Charming" of season 2, Bart dials Moe's Tavern from Principal Skinner's office, but instead of requesting Homer Simpson, he mischievously asks for "Homer Sexual." Moe, true to form, falls for the double entendre and everyone at Moe's Tavern enjoys a hearty laugh. What adds to the humor is Moe's assumption that more than one Homer could be present in his establishment simultaneously.
Ollie Tabooger — Season 13, Episode 3, "Homer The Moe"
In "Homer The Moe," the thirteenth episode of season 13, Homer Simpson, a devoted beer enthusiast, temporarily takes charge of Moe's Tavern while its owner, Moe, goes back to his alma mater to reignite his passion for bartending. This scenario leads to Homer becoming the unsuspecting victim of one of Bart Simpson's notorious prank phone calls. Bart's intended joke involves the name Ollie Tabooger, but Homer's limited intelligence causes him to struggle in comprehending the prank. As a result, he bombards Bart with countless questions, forcing his son to abandon the prank and abruptly hang up the phone.
Lee Key Bum — Family Guy, Season 13, Episode 1, "The Simpsons Guy"
While the crossover between Family Guy and The Simpsons did not live up to its potential, there were still some highlights to be found. One of these includes the addition of another Bart Simpson prank call to the list. Additionally, Stewie becomes attached to Bart and begins to idolize him. During an impressive display of his coolness, Bart successfully executes another prank call to Moe's Tavern.
In the season 13 premiere of Family Guy titled "The Simpsons Guy," Bart chooses the prank call name "Lee Key Bum," which greatly amuses Stewie. Stewie then attempts a more "Family Guy" style joke that falls flat, but Moe's request for customers to check the stools for a "leaky bum" still delivers a great line.
Oliver Klozoff — Season 1, Episode 13, "Some Enchanted Evening"
This is one of the standout prank calls made by Bart Simpson during season 1's episode "Some Enchanted Evening." With his audience consisting of Lisa and Maggie, Bart decides to provide "a little pre-dinner entertainment" by making a phone call. Employing his usual tactic, Bart asks for Oliver when Moe answers the phone. Instead of providing a legitimate name, Bart cleverly responds with "Oliver Klozoff." Oblivious to the prank, Moe shouts from behind the bar, expressing his desire for "all of her clothes off."
Seymour Butz — Season 2, Episode 11, "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish"
One of the most memorable Bart Simpson prank phone calls occurs early on in The Simpsons. It happens in season 2's episode "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish," when Bart calls Moe's Tavern to ask for Seymour Butz's location. However, Moe quickly realizes it's a prank when he repeatedly shouts, "See more butts" across the bar. Moe unleashes his anger upon Bart, with all the bar patrons laughing at him. He sternly warns the prankster, "When I catch you, I'll extract your eyeballs with a corkscrew!"
Bea O'Problem — Season 3, Episode 11, "Burns Verkaufen Der Kraftwerk"
In the third season episode of "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk," Bart executes one of his classic Simpson prank calls that truly takes Moe by surprise. Bart cleverly pranks Moe by pretending to be looking for "Mrs. O'Problem, first name Bea," which results in Moe embarrassingly asking his customers, "Do I have a B.O. problem here?" Enraged and humiliated, Moe threatens Bart, saying, "I'm going to paint my house with your brains!" As the call ends, Marge instructs Bart to head to Moe's to find his father, leaving Bart to ponder the impending consequences he may face due to his own mischievous actions.
Al Coholic — Season 1, Episode 13, "Some Enchanted Evening"
The episode "Some Enchanted Evening" features two iconic Bart Simpson prank calls, making it a memorable installment. Originally planned as the show's first episode, it ultimately served as the season 1 finale. In this particular episode, Bart showcases his knack for comedic mischief by making a clever prank call involving the name Oliver Klozoff. However, Bart's most classic prank comes in the form of a bartender joke. He cleverly asks if there is a customer named Al Coholic present, leaving Moe, the bartender, momentarily puzzled. Oblivious to the situation, Homer jovially hopes for Bart to find the mischievous individual someday as he sits contently on his bar stool.
Tess T. Culls — Season 29, Episode 9, "Gone Boy"
Hugh Jass — Season 3, Episode 10, "Flaming Moe's"
In season 29's episode "Gone Boy," Bart finds himself trapped in an underground bunker. Eventually, he stumbles upon a phone and seizes the opportunity to unleash his classic Bart Simpson prank calls. Rather than seeking assistance, Bart decides to pull a prank on Moe's Tavern. Engaging in his trademark juvenile humor, Bart inquires about a fictitious individual named Tess T. Culls and playfully utters the word "testicles" several times within the bar. Unfazed, Moe humorously responds, "Oh, come on. I know you're lurking around here somewhere." Bart thoroughly enjoys his mischievous episode, but his amusement is cut short as the ancient phone unexpectedly bursts into flames, leaving him unable to contact anyone for help.
The episode "Flaming Moe's" from season 3 of The Simpsons is widely considered as the ultimate Moe-centric episode and features one of Bart Simpson's most memorable prank calls. In this episode, Moe cunningly borrows Homer's recipe for an exceptionally potent and immensely popular cocktail. The roaring success of the Flaming Moe propels Moe's Tavern to become the most happening spot in all of Springfield, leading Bart to hilariously prank call his beloved bartender.
I'm A Stupid Moron With An Ugly Face And A Big Butt And My Butt Smells And I Like To Kiss My Own Butt — Season 3, Episode 7, "Treehouse Of Horror II"
Things don't go as planned, unfortunately. When Bart asks for Hugh Jass, it turns out that there is actually a customer at the bar with that exact name. "Listen, I need to be honest with you, sir. This prank call has taken an unexpected turn, and I would like to retract from it immediately," Bart confesses before abruptly ending the call.
In "Treehouse of Horror II," regarded as one of The Simpsons' finest "Treehouse of Horror" episodes, Bart unleashes his psionic abilities to manipulate the entire population of Springfield. With such power at his disposal, Bart no longer relies on his usual comical pseudonyms when pulling off one of his most audacious prank calls to Moe's Tavern.
Instead of his usual punny prank call name, Bart tricks Moe into hilariously calling out for someone named "I'm A Stupid Moron With An Ugly Face And A Big Butt And My Butt Smells And I Like To Kiss My Own Butt." If Moe fails to repeat the line, Bart threatens to transform him into a grotesque creature. While not a conventional joke name, its sheer absurdity makes it even more amusing.
Mike Rotch — Season 2, Episode 22, "Blood Feud"
10-year-old Bart finds great amusement in crafting jokes that revolve around body parts or bodily functions. One of the prime examples of Bart's prankster prowess can be seen in season 2's episode "Blood Feud." With a classic and somewhat risqué trick, Bart manages to catch Moe off guard by pretending to ask for someone named Mike, last name Rotch, leading Moe right into his cleverly set "my crotch" trap. With Lisa by his side, both siblings revel in laughter as Moe unleashes threats of unspeakable revenge if he ever uncovers Bart's true identity.
Jacques Strap — Season 1, Episode 6, "Moaning Lisa"
Bart's second-ever prank call alias
Amanda Huginkiss — Season 4, Episode 8, "New Kid On The Block"
is considered one of Bart Simpson's finest prank calls. In the episode "Moaning Lisa," young Bart's prank legacy is cemented when he dials the bar and asks to speak with Jacques Strap. Initially, Moe, the bartender, fails to catch on and announces to the patrons that he is "looking for a jock strap." Only when reality dawns on Moe does he unleash a fury of empty, aggressive words towards the prank caller. Bart, not missing a beat, challenges Moe, asking, "Where's your sense of humor, man?" before abruptly ending the call. Ultimately, "Jacques Strap" sets the stage for all the ingenious prank calls Bart Simpson will deliver in the future.
In "New Kid On The Block" from the highly acclaimed fourth season of The Simpsons, Bart ingeniously employs a prank call to humiliate Jimbo Jones in front of his girlfriend, Ruth Powers, who also happens to be Bart's crush and babysitter. To execute his plan, Bart dials up Moe's Tavern and, with mischievous intent, asks for a nonexistent customer by the name of "Amanda Huginkiss."
I.P. Freely — Season 1, Episode 3, "Homer's Odyssey"
Moe exclaims in frustration after repeatedly calling out the name, expressing his disappointment, "Why is it so difficult for me to find a deserving partner for affectionate embraces and kisses?" Barney swiftly responds, suggesting, "Perhaps your expectations are unrealistically high." Moe, true to form, issues a menacing threat towards Bart, confirming his realization that he has been deceived, "You cunning little scoundrel. Once I unveil your identity, I will forcefully feed you a sausage and subject you to the discomfort of famished dogs in pursuit."The Bart Simpson prank calls have become a beloved ongoing joke, originating in the third episode of The Simpsons. In this episode, Bart dials Moe's Tavern and asks for I.P. Freely, cleverly utilizing the homophone ("I pee freely"). Bart's plan works perfectly, and an irritated Moe vows to seek revenge in the future. Homer, ever supportive, remarks, "You'll get that punk someday." Moe, frustrated by Bart's constantly changing aliases, grumbles, "He's tough to catch. He keeps changing his name." This memorable scene gave birth to one of the show's most iconic one-liners, instantly solidifying its status as a classic.