Unveiling Spider-Man 2: The Jaw-Dropping Must-Have DLC That Will Leave You Begging for More!

Unveiling Spider-Man 2: The Jaw-Dropping Must-Have DLC That Will Leave You Begging for More!

Discover the crucial connection between Marvel's Spider-Man and its sequel! Uncover the captivating storyline and essential character developments in the first game's DLC that will enhance your gaming experience in Spider-Man 2 Don't miss out on the immersive world-building and thrilling adventures awaiting you!


Playing the first game's DLC before starting Spider-Man 2 is highly recommended to fully understand the character relationships and dynamics in the sequel.

The DLC enhances key story elements for characters such as Wraith and Black Cat, heightening the impact of their storylines in Spider-Man 2 for players who have delved into the DLC content.

Although the game offers some explanatory conversations, its main purpose is to refresh players' memory rather than provide an exhaustive analysis of the entire series. This underscores the significance of prior knowledge for maximum enjoyment.

Insomniac's Spider-Man universe is already expansive, with multiple iconic villains, two Spider-Men, numerous side characters, and a rich backstory spanning over a decade. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 builds upon this universe, introducing Kraven the Hunter and Venom as key villains and driving the core narrative. While the game can be enjoyed without prior knowledge, fans who are familiar with the series will be rewarded, as certain plot threads in the sequel reference events from the first Spider-Man DLC.

Why Fans Should Play the First Game's DLC Before Jumping into Spider-Man 2

Unveiling Spider-Man 2: The Jaw-Dropping Must-Have DLC That Will Leave You Begging for More!

Marvel's Spider-Man 2, as a direct sequel, assumes that fans have already played the first two games. While the game provides some explanations of past events, these are meant to refresh fans' memories rather than give a complete series overview. The story of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 heavily relies on established character relationships from the previous games, and to fully understand them, fans should have experienced them from the beginning.

In particular, Marvel's Spider-Man 2's important relationships are rooted in the City That Never Sleeps DLC from the first Spider-Man game. To fully appreciate these relationships in the sequel, it is recommended that fans play through this DLC beforehand. An example of this can be seen in The Flame side missions, where players join forces with Wraith to defeat a cult with an obsession for fire.

Fans of Marvel's Spider-Man may recall Yuri Watanabe as the police captain who occasionally collaborated with Spider-Man in the first game. Therefore, it might come as a surprise to learn that she is revealed as a masked vigilante in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. However, this development was actually foreshadowed in the DLC of the original game. In the DLC, Yuri realizes the shortcomings of the justice system and decides to take matters into her own hands, ultimately becoming Wraith in the sequel.

Another significant character arc from Marvel's Spider-Man 2, the Black Cat's story, was also established in the DLC of the first game. Although her hideouts were seen in side missions of the base game, Black Cat herself only made an appearance in the City That Never Sleeps DLC. This expansion fleshed out her relationship with Peter Parker. In the upcoming game, players will receive additional exposition through dialogue, but having knowledge of her character and bond with other characters beforehand enhances the intensity of her desperate escape from Kraven. For those who have played the DLC, they already have an established connection with the character.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is available now on PS5.