Unveiling Ruby's Insights: Ai's True Emotions and her Battle with Kana in Oshi no Ko Chapter 134

Unveiling Ruby's Insights: Ai's True Emotions and her Battle with Kana in Oshi no Ko Chapter 134

In Oshi no Ko chapter 134, Ruby's enduring bond with Kana is tested as she grapples with conflicting emotions Despite Kana's desire for distance, Ruby remains determined to maintain their connection

After the release of Oshi no Ko chapter 134, fans witnessed the profound impact of Kana's words on Ruby. Despite Kana expressing her desire for Ruby to vanish, Ruby still longed to maintain a connection with her. Regrettably, Kana's insensitivity only exacerbated Ruby's distress.

In the preceding chapter, Ruby struggled to emulate Ai's behavior following Nino's critique. Recognizing this, Kana concluded that Ruby needed to experience a similar situation to her mother's. As a result, Kana opened up to Ruby, unveiling her hidden emotions and confessing her wish for Ruby to disappear.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Oshi no Ko manga.

Oshi no Ko chapter 134: Frill and Minami make their return

Unveiling Ruby's Insights: Ai's True Emotions and her Battle with Kana in Oshi no Ko Chapter 134

Ruby Hoshino as seen in Oshi no Ko chapter 134 (Image via Shueisha)

In chapter 134 of Oshi no Ko, titled Depths, the story took a small leap forward in time from the previous chapter. Ruby attempted to greet Kana, but was met with complete indifference. Mem-Cho, unaware of their interaction, was shocked by what she witnessed, leading her to conclude that Ruby and Kana had clashed in her absence.

In Oshi no Ko chapter 134, the story shifts to Ruby at her school. She's seen talking to her friends, including Frill Shiranui and Minami Kotobuki. During their conversation, Frill admits that she often finds herself developing romantic feelings for her co-stars when she plays the role of a lover. She explains that these emotions are crucial for filming, as actors who rely solely on the director and producers for their roles often fade from the industry.

Unveiling Ruby's Insights: Ai's True Emotions and her Battle with Kana in Oshi no Ko Chapter 134

Frill and Minami as shown in Oshi no Ko (Image via Doga Kobo)

This discovery caused Ruby to speculate that Kana was also engaging in similar behavior, immersing herself in the role of Nino. Yet, as Ruby reflected on Kana's words, she struggled to believe that Kana's actions were simply an act.

Unveiling Ruby's Insights: Ai's True Emotions and her Battle with Kana in Oshi no Ko Chapter 134

Chapter 134 of Oshi no Ko then shifted focus to Kana and Mem-Cho. Mem-Cho probed Kana about her conversation with Ruby, but Kana Arima stood firm, insisting that she had spoken honestly. This led Kana to realize that she had started to behave like the real Nino.

Unveiling Ruby's Insights: Ai's True Emotions and her Battle with Kana in Oshi no Ko Chapter 134

Kana Arima as depicted in Oshi no Ko chapter 134 (Image via Shueisha)

The manga chapter shifted to the dressing room at the shooting location where a staff member and Taishi Gotanda watched Ruby from a distance, both concerned and unsure how to handle her.

Meanwhile, Ruby was questioning when Kana had started to dislike her. She reflected on the times when they had gotten along, but after learning Kana's true feelings, Ruby began to believe she was intolerable.

Final thoughts on Oshi no Ko chapter 134

Contemplating this, she started to ponder how her mother Ai Hoshino coped with such intense animosity. While Ruby gazed at her tear-streaked reflection in the mirror, she couldn't help but question whether her mother had also been a vulnerable and delicate young girl.

In Oshi no Ko chapter 134, Ruby Hoshino appears to have gained insight into her mother's experience as an idol. Despite the perception that Ai was a content and joyful girl, she concealed her true emotions. As Ruby experiences similar feelings, she comes to the understanding that her mother must have also struggled to hide her emotions, leading to occasional tears in private.

Editor's P/S

As a hard fan of Oshi no Ko, I am deeply moved by the emotional depth and complexity explored in chapter 134. The portrayal of Ruby's struggle to maintain her connection with Kana, despite Kana's desire for distance, resonates deeply with me. It highlights the complexities of human relationships and the challenges of navigating conflicting emotions. The revelation of Kana's hidden emotions and her wish for Ruby to disappear adds a layer of poignancy to their dynamic, making their interactions all the more compelling.

Furthermore, the exploration of Ai's true emotions and her ability to conceal them from the public eye adds a fascinating dimension to the narrative. It humanizes Ai and allows readers to empathize with her struggles as an idol. The parallel between Ruby and Ai's experiences highlights the cyclical nature of emotions and the challenges faced by those in the entertainment industry. Overall, chapter 134 of Oshi no Ko delivers a powerful and thought-provoking exploration of emotions, relationships, and the complexities of the human experience, leaving me eagerly anticipating the next chapter.