Unveiling Rick Prime: The Origins, Wicked Schemes, and Rick's Quest for Vengeance
Unravel the enigma surrounding Rick Prime, the formidable villain of Rick & Morty Discover his origins, evil schemes, and the long-standing quest for revenge by Rick Sanchez Delve into his appearances and ponder whether Rick will succeed in his vendetta before the series concludes
Article Overview
Rick Prime is from the Cronenberged Dimension and was replaced by the mainstream Rick in dimension C-137.
Rick Prime, responsible for the brutal murder of Diane and Beth, has ignited Rick C-137's consuming desire for vengeance. Throughout countless years, Rick C-137 has relentlessly pursued retribution, eliminating various alternate versions of Rick, only to be continuously denied a direct confrontation with his primary target.
Rick Prime, the main villain in Rick and Morty, is the focus of the show's ongoing storyline. Despite appearing in multiple seasons, the hunt for Rick Prime by the main protagonist, mainstream Rick, has yet to be concluded. However, with the arrival of Rick and Morty season 7, fans are hopeful that this storyline will be further developed. While the show's primary focus may not be its canonical storytelling, the significance of Rick Prime cannot be understated. This newest season is expected to deliver on the promises made, providing viewers with more of the zany sci-fi adventures of Rick and Morty, all while delving deeper into the hunt for Rick Prime. The anticipation is heightened by the fact that the recasting of the characters adds an interesting element, making the new episodes even more thrilling as the long-awaited confrontation between Rick and Rick Prime becomes a possibility.
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Rick Prime Is From The Prime Universe/Cronenberged Dimension
Despite multiple changes in the explanation of Rick Prime's origins over the seasons, it is now known that Rick Prime hails from the Cronenberged Dimension, also called the Prime Universe. Unlike many of Rick and Morty's other universes, the Prime Universe does not have a specific dimension classification number, despite being extensively explored. The mainstream Morty, who is actually Rick and Morty's original Morty, also originated from the Prime Universe. Initially, it was believed that the mainstream Rick likewise hailed from this universe. However, season 6 unveiled that this assumption was incorrect.
For the initial several seasons of Rick and Morty, the dimension that had been affected by Cronenberg-like mutations was commonly known as dimension C-137. Nevertheless, in season 6, it is disclosed that Rick and Morty's actual dimension C-137 is not the one that experienced the Cronenberg-like mutations. The Rick who is commonly recognized as the protagonist hails from dimension C-137, whereas the true Rick from the Cronenberged Dimension is referred to as Rick Prime. The mainstream Rick traveled to the dimension that later became the Cronenberged Dimension and took the place of Rick Prime, claiming to be the genuine grandfather of Morty and designating this dimension as C-137. This revelation occurs when Rick unintentionally sends all users of portals back to their original universes. Consequently, Rick returns to C-137, while Morty and Rick Prime find themselves in the Cronenberged Dimension.
Rick Prime Killed C-137's Diane & Beth Sanchez
Rick Prime, despite the countless versions of Rick in the Rick and Morty universe, emerges as the central antagonist of the series. His villainy stems from his heinous act of taking the lives of Rick C-137's wife, Diane, and their daughter, Beth. It was revealed that Rick Prime approached Rick C-137 in his garage, extending an offer of the portal gun as a gift. However, our Rick, content with his family, turned down the offer. Mere moments later, a portal materialized in his garage, and a devastating bomb dropped through it, claiming the lives of Diane and Beth, while also injuring our Rick. This tragic event served as the catalyst for Rick's unwavering quest for revenge against his deranged, multiversal counterpart, Rick Prime.
Rick Sanchez Has Sought Revenge On Rick Prime For Decades, Killing Other Ricks Along The Way
Ever since the murders of Diane and Beth Sanchez committed by Rick Prime, Rick has been consumed with a relentless pursuit of vengeance against his counterpart. His journey to avenge his family has resulted in the demise of numerous alternate versions of Rick, as depicted in various montages. Notably, Rick strategically attacked a gathering of Ricks in The Citadel by aerially deploying explosive devices. Despite eliminating countless versions of himself, Rick Prime has managed to evade capture and remains at large as of season 7. It is conceivable that season 7 will see the long-awaited confrontation between Rick and Rick Prime, ultimately concluding their enduring conflict.
Rick Prime's Appearances In Rick & Morty Episodes Explained
Throughout the series Rick and Morty, various appearances of Rick Prime have been depicted, each with its own explanation. Initially mentioned in season 1's "Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind," Rick Prime did not make his actual appearance until season 3's "The Rickshank Redemption." Referred to as Weird Rick by fans at that time, his brief presence in a fabricated flashback left viewers intrigued. Subsequently, Rick Prime made further appearances in flashbacks and was mentioned in season 5, intensifying the enigma surrounding this peculiar version of Rick. Although Rick Prime operated discreetly in the early seasons of Rick and Morty, it wasn't until season 6 that he made a full-fledged appearance.
Rick Prime made his first non-flashback appearance in season 6, episode 1 of Rick and Morty titled "Solaricks." In this episode, Rick and Morty confront Rick Prime in an attempt to finally put an end to their ongoing battle. However, they fail to locate him after escaping a trap he had set up in space, which ultimately leads him back to the Cronenberged dimension. The season 6 finale once again puts the spotlight on Rick Prime, revealing that Rick has secretly been keeping track of the villain throughout the entire season. While Rick Prime has yet to make a proper appearance in season 7, it is highly likely that he will by the end of the season.
Will Rick Actually Get His Revenge On Rick Prime Before Rick & Morty Ends?
One of the primary questions surrounding the narrative of Rick and Morty revolves around whether or not Rick will ultimately succeed in exacting his revenge on Rick Prime before the conclusion of the series. Accomplishing this feat will prove to be an immensely challenging task, as the series has consistently emphasized Rick Prime's exceptional intellect and ability to elude capture. Since Rick and Rick Prime possess nearly identical intellectual capacities, they are evenly matched, preventing either one from gaining a decisive advantage. Nonetheless, Rick's unwavering determination to eliminate Rick Prime appears to have reached new heights, implying that this long-awaited outcome may eventually come to fruition.
If Rick ever seeks revenge on Rick Prime, it is likely to occur towards the end of the series. The Rick Prime storyline has been the central narrative of Rick and Morty since its inception, implying that there would be little left to explore if Rick were to unleash his vengeance on the antagonist. Concluding Rick Prime's villainous journey in the final episode would be an excellent way to wrap up the series. However, given the current pace of Rick and Morty, that resolution is probably far in the future.
Editor's P/S
As a Gen Z netizen, I have mixed feelings about Rick Prime, the main villain in Rick and Morty. On one hand, I find his character to be intriguing and complex. His backstory, motivations, and schemes are all well-developed, making him a compelling antagonist. I also appreciate the way he challenges Rick C-137, the protagonist of the show. Their rivalry is one of the most compelling aspects of the series, and I am eager to see how it plays out in future seasons.
On the other hand, I find Rick Prime to be somewhat one-dimensional. He is portrayed as a purely evil character, with no redeeming qualities. This makes him a bit too predictable and uninteresting at times. I would like to see more depth and nuance added to his character in future seasons. Overall, I think Rick Prime is a solid villain, but he has the potential to be even better. I am excited to see how his character develops in future seasons of Rick and Morty.