My Hero Academia centers around Izuku Midoriya, who inherits the Quirk of One For All from his beloved superhero, All Might. One For All is a unique quirk that can be passed down to a new user, accumulating the abilities and strength of its previous holders. Midoriya is the ninth recipient of One For All, succeeding All Might, the renowned former top hero and symbol of peace.
One of All Might's most distinctive characteristics is his ability to transform from a frail and slender form to a muscular and heroic figure.
Fans are wondering if My Hero Academia will ever show Midoriya with his own muscular form, or if he can transform like All Might. The answer is more complex, as several factors come into play in determining if such a transformation is necessary.
My Hero Academia: All Might's buff form is actually his true form
Midoriya, on the other hand, struggled with the Quirk due to his low compatibility with it. This is why he does not transform like All Might.
His fighting technique, developed from his unparalleled speed and strength, unleashed punches and smashes with the power to change the weather. This was a result of his intense training and injuries, rather than a natural result of his abilities. All Might confided in Midoriya that, like him, he was once a frail child who trained himself to withstand the immense power of One For All.
All Might reveals his injury to Deku (Image via Studio Bones)
All Might is unable to transform into his muscular form due to severe injuries in his stomach and respiratory system, which he sustained in a fierce battle with the villain All For One.
He only has a limited window of time to change into his muscular form and utilize his full strength before returning to his original weak state. In contrast, Midoriya's body is not well-suited for One For All due to being quirkless since birth.
His body was not ready for the sudden surge of power, leading to frequent injuries and broken bones whenever he tried to use his Quirk. Controlling the output of One For All and gradually increasing his limit was crucial for his safety and well-being.
Furthermore, in his quest to outmatch his adversaries, he had to adapt his combat style to match his unique ability and rely on his cleverness and resourcefulness. He adopted the technique known as Full Cowl, which enhances his skills by spreading a small amount of One For All throughout his body, as depicted in My Hero Academia.
One For All is a quirk that not only grants superhuman strength but also inherits the quirks of its previous users. All Might, unable to access these additional abilities, was unaware of this aspect of One For All.
Midoriya possesses not only the power of One For All, but also the ability to unlock six more Quirks. When combined with One For All, these Quirks will become more potent and adaptable throughout My Hero Academia.
With these capabilities, it is possible that Midoriya may not need All Might's transformation, or that his transformation will be unique to him. Midoriya's transformation is influenced by his physical and mental growth, as well as his mastery of One For All and its additional Quirks.
Nevertheless, My Hero Academia may depict scenarios where Midoriya must utilize One For All to its maximum potential without sustaining any injuries, despite the fact that this is unlikely to occur in the near future.
He will need to undergo rigorous and intense training, much like All Might did in his youth. If successful, his enhanced strength and endurance could result in a physique reminiscent of All Might's. Ultimately, Midoriya's transformation will be shaped by his personal growth, journey, and the obstacles he encounters.
He will always be the ninth and greatest user of One For All in My Hero Academia, regardless of whether he transforms like All Might in his own special way or not at all.
Editor's P/S
My Hero Academia is one of the most popular anime and manga series in the world, and one of the things that fans love most about it is the character development. Izuku Midoriya, the protagonist, is a particularly well-developed character, and his transformation over the course of the series is one of the most satisfying things to watch.
At the beginning of the series, Midoriya is a quirkless nobody who dreams of becoming a hero. However, after meeting All Might, the world's greatest hero, Midoriya is given the chance to inherit his quirk, One For All. This quirk gives Midoriya the power to become incredibly strong and fast, but it also comes with a great deal of responsibility.
As Midoriya learns to control his new power, he also begins to develop his own unique fighting style. He learns to use his speed and strength to his advantage, and he also develops a number of new techniques, such as the Delaware Smash and the One For All: Full Cowl.
Midoriya's transformation is not just physical, but also mental and emotional. He starts out as a shy and timid boy, but as he grows stronger, he also becomes more confident and assertive. He learns to stand up for himself and for what he believes in, and he becomes a true leader.
Midoriya's transformation is a reminder that anyone can be a hero, no matter what their circumstances. He is a role model for anyone who has ever felt like they don't belong or that they're not good enough. He shows us that with hard work and determination, we can achieve anything we set our minds to.