Unveiling Marvel's Jaw-Dropping Spoiler from Loki's Latest Cliffhanger

Unveiling Marvel's Jaw-Dropping Spoiler from Loki's Latest Cliffhanger

Marvel's latest trailer for Loki spoils another cliffhanger, revealing the whereabouts of Renslayer and the purpose behind her time-traveling adventures with Miss Minutes Discover why Marvel continues to ruin their own suspenseful moments

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Loki Season 2, Episode 2, "Breaking Brad."


In Loki Season 2, Episode 2, Loki and Mobius embark on a detective mission to find Sylvie, and in the process, they uncover the sinister schemes of Dox.

Previous trailers for Loki have given us a glimpse of the whereabouts of TVA Judge Ravonna Renslayer, suggesting the potential collaboration between Renslayer, Victor Timely, and Miss Minutes in a previous timeline.

Marvel has a longstanding tendency to ruin cliffhangers. The MCU often generates buzz by revealing significant plot twists in trailers, leading to them being spoiled beforehand - just like the recent cliffhanger in Loki. In Season 2, Episode 2 of Loki, both Loki and Mobius conduct thorough detective work in their search for Sylvie, resorting to unconventional tactics (including an impressive display of Loki's illusion powers). Eventually, they uncover the sinister plans of Dox. Although they finally reunite with Sylvie at a 1980s McDonald's, where she relishes her newfound freedom, the mystery of another important character's whereabouts remains unsolved.

The episode showcased Casey, who is usually unlucky, taking on a more active role and exhibiting his extensive knowledge of the TVA, which is almost on par with Ouroboros. O.B., on the other hand, encountered a significant obstacle in safeguarding the TVA from a potential catastrophic explosion of the Temporal Loom. It was revealed that the Temporal Aura of He Who Remains is essential for closing the protective blast doors. In the absence of this option, Miss Minutes, who is currently missing, becomes the only other individual capable of overriding the protocol. All these developments led to a thrilling cliffhanger, although the outcome had already been revealed in the trailers.

Where Is Renslayer? Loki's Trailers Already Spoiled The Mystery

Unveiling Marvel's Jaw-Dropping Spoiler from Loki's Latest Cliffhanger

In one of the final scenes, viewers are shown a monitor displaying the apparent location of TVA Judge Ravonna Renslayer. Previously, Renslayer had disappeared through a Time Door in Season 1, leaving the TVA clueless about her whereabouts. However, this mystery was revealed in the trailers for the new season, specifically at the World's Fair. At the fair, Renslayer is seen dressed in period attire, similar to Victor Timely, and carrying a weapon that seems out of place for the time period, resembling a pruning baton. This suggests that the TVA may find a solution to their Temporal Loom issues at the World's Fair, if Kang and Miss Minutes are willing to cooperate. Clues in the trailer hint at the reasons behind Renslayer and Miss Minutes' presence in that particular timeline.

Why Renslayer & Miss Minutes Go To The Past

Unveiling Marvel's Jaw-Dropping Spoiler from Loki's Latest Cliffhanger

Renslayer's current presence with Kang causes concern, as she was last heard speaking with him as a close partner in a recording from some time ago. Although the trailers show Renslayer gearing up, it remains unclear who her target is. However, considering the comic book origins, there is a significant possibility that she has once again joined forces with Timely. As for Miss Minutes, her alliance with He Who Remains is easier to explain since he is her creator.

Furthermore, the trailers indicate that Victor Timely possesses an invention that closely resembles the Temporal Loom. Additionally, there is a theory suggesting that Victor Timely is an ally of the TVA. Considering this, it is possible that Renslayer and Miss Minutes may not have sinister intentions for their time travel. Instead, it is plausible that everyone involved in Season 2 is working towards a common goal.

Why Marvel Keeps Ruining Cliffhangers

Unveiling Marvel's Jaw-Dropping Spoiler from Loki's Latest Cliffhanger

Marvel has repeatedly spoiled cliffhangers before they are even revealed, making it a recurring occurrence. This pattern is evident in recent instances, such as the revelation that G'iah would survive her shooting in Secret Invasion, as she appeared in later scenes shown in the trailers. Similarly, Fury's supposed demise at the hands of Gravik was rendered ineffective by his conspicuous presence in The Marvels trailer. Prior to this, Marvel also gave away a significant reveal when Patrick Stewart's distinctive voice was heard in the Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer, diminishing the impact of Professor X's appearance as a member of the Illuminati. Even though Spider-Man: Far From Home attempted to obscure the truth, it was relatively easy to deduce Stark's death from its trailer before Avengers: Endgame was released.

Big payoffs being ruined by trailer content can be incredibly frustrating. Marvel understands the need to promote their releases in advance and create excitement with enticing teasers. However, they have also demonstrated their ability to deceive the audience, as seen with the Hulk's appearance in the Avengers: Infinity War trailer but absence in the actual film. As there are still numerous scenes yet to be revealed in Loki, one can only hope that not all mysteries will be spoiled by additional trailer footage.